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Untappd is a social silo for posting consumptions of beer (which they call "Check-ins" to beers) and optionally any or all of where (venue, thus making it an actual checkin), 1-5 star rating, photo, or review commentary. Users can "toast" (a drink-specific form of like) each other's "check-ins". Users earn badges for the quantity and variety of beer they drink. One can also create wishlists for beers they'd like to consume.
- Post with beer, venue, rating: https://untappd.com/user/codebear/checkin/168610469
- Profile and activity feed: https://untappd.com/user/jeena
Post with beer, venue, rating and "toast": https://untappd.com/user/aaronpk/checkin/51714736
the same post in a list view:
Posting to Untappd, via their app, is easy but getting your content out is a little trickier. They do offer standard "share" options but nothing automatic.
Untappd does provide users with an RSS feed for their posts. It can be found by logging in, visiting your account settings, and scrolling down to 'View your RSS feed'.
Python with API or screen scraping
Terence Eden has published some rough and ready scripts to post to Mastodon specifically.
WpeMatico plugin
User:Davidjohnmead.com uses the WpeMatico plugin for WordPress to watch his Untappd RSS feeds. When a new entry appears it creates a post on his blog.
As you can enter custom HTML when the WpeMatico plugin creates the post David Mead inserts the link back to the original post with rel="me".
- Post on David Mead's blog - http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/2015/12/30/david-m-is-drinking-a-lone-wolf-by-the-bottlehouse-brewing-company/
- Original entry on Untappd - https://untappd.com/user/davidmead/checkin/261726481
Khürt Williams uses Zapier to push Untappd check-ins back to his site. An original entry is created on Untappd. When a new entry appears a Zapier generated post is created on WordPress. The Zap is broken into two stages. The first stage uploads to WordPress the attachment image from the Untappd. The second stage attaches the uploaded image as a featured image, and pulls in various fields from Untappd. Using various Untappd fields, the excerpts section of the post is prepopulated with text, e.g. "I am drinking a Jersey Juice by Flying Fish Brewing Company at Rocky Hill Inn". The post exceprt is used to set the tweet text. The post is set to publish immediately.
Chris Burnell, too, uses Zapier to syndicate posts from Untappd back to his site. When Zapier polls Untappd for fresh entries (Trigger: New Check-In) and finds a new check-in, it grabs the associated data and POSTs (Webhook: POST) it to Chris’s Micropub endpoint. This data includes: the Beer’s name, Brewery, Rating, Badges, and Location amongst other generic bits like the date.
- Post on Khürt's blog - https://islandinthenet.com/gazing-at-the-blasphemous-moon-while-perched-atop-a-very-very-very-very-very-very-forsaken-crest-of-the-northern-mountain/
- Original entry on Untappd - https://untappd.com/user/khurtwilliams/checkin/536990378
- Post on Chris’s site - https://chrisburnell.com/beer/717719538/
- Original entry on Untappd - https://untappd.com/user/chrisburnell/checkin/717719538
- Since 2020-02-25
Chris Aldrich has used IFTTT to PESOS his checkins from Untappd to his personal website. He does this by plugging in his Untappd RSS Feed and outputting that data to a webhook on IFTTT to publish to the Micropub endpoint on his website to create a drink post. He describes the process here with additional details about the syndication using IFTTT webhooks to Micropub here.
- Original on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/chrisaldrich/checkin/871184458
- PESOS copy on personal site: https://boffosocko.com/2020/02/25/55768077/
See Also
- silos
- metrics
- checkin
- photo
- rating
- review
- wish
- drink
- Public data disclosures: 2020-05-20 Researchers Use a Beer App To Track the Military and CIA
- ^^^ source 2020-05-18 Military And Intelligence Personnel Can Be Tracked With The Untappd Beer App
- https://islandinthenet.com/publish-untappd-check-ins-to-micro-blog/ article for publishing Untappd checkins to micro.blog's Micropub endpoint using Zapier