Papers by mostafa abboudi
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Materials Science and Engineering: B

Mg2+ doped hexagonal ZnO nanoparticles with different Mg2+contents (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%,4%, 5%, 10%, 1... more Mg2+ doped hexagonal ZnO nanoparticles with different Mg2+contents (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%,4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) were prepared from oxalate precursors synthesized by direct reaction in the solid state between oxalic acid dihydrate (H2C2O4.2H2O), nitrate salts of zinc (Zn(NO3)2.6H2O) and magnesium (Mg(NO3)2.6H2O) at 150 °C. The resulting precursors were subsequently calcined at 500 °C to produce the corresponding oxides. In addition, the oxalates of the single metals were also prepared by heating at 180 °C to dehydrate the complexes, before using TGA thermal gravimetric analysis to determine the temperature range of the decomposition. The obtained oxides were characterized using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller technique (BET), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and tested as photocatalysts in the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under UV irradiation. The results show a segregation of phases starting at an Mg2+ content of 10%. The crystallites' sizes, calcul...
Process for preparing oxalates and their use as precursors in the synthesis of oxides. The proces... more Process for preparing oxalates and their use as precursors in the synthesis of oxides. The process for preparing oxalates via mechano chemical to near room temperature, is the direct reaction between oxalic acid and metal nitrates in the solid state. The mixture of the acid with nitrates is ground in a mortar and lightly heated. There is then a reduction reaction of nitrate anions oxalates who oxidize. Oxalic acid plays the role of reducing and complexing agent, thereby forming the metal oxalates. In the second part of the process, the metal oxalates thus formed will be used to prepare the corresponding oxides by heat treatment at suitable temperatures.
Procedimiento de preparacion de oxalatos y su utilizacion como precursores en la sintesis de oxid... more Procedimiento de preparacion de oxalatos y su utilizacion como precursores en la sintesis de oxidos. El procedimiento de preparacion de oxalatos por via mecano quimica a temperaturas proximas a la ambiente, consiste en la reaccion directa entre el acido oxalico y los nitratos metalicos en el estado solido. La mezcla del acido con los nitratos es molida en un mortero y ligeramente calentada. Se produce entonces una reaccion de reduccion de los aniones nitratos por los oxalatos quienes se oxidan. El acido oxalico juega el papel de reductor y de agente complexante, formandose asi los oxalatos metalicos. En la segunda parte del procedimiento, los oxalatos metalicos formados de esta manera seran utilizados para preparar los oxidos correspondientes, mediante tratamiento termico a temperaturas adecuadas.
Une nouvelle methode de synthese a ete mise au point pour preparer les oxalates de metaux. Les re... more Une nouvelle methode de synthese a ete mise au point pour preparer les oxalates de metaux. Les reactifs de depart, l'acide oxalique et le sel nitrate du metal, reagissent entre eux a l'etat solide et a temperature relativement basse pour conduire instantanement a la formation de l'oxalate correspondant. Pour illustrer cette nouvelle procedure, deux exemples sont presentes : l'oxalate de cuivre CuC 2 O 4 et l'oxalate de lanthane La 2 (C 2 O 4 ) 3 ,10H 2 O. Ces produits ont ete caracterises par analyse thermique et par diffraction de rayons X.
Nanopowders of copper molybdate, α-CuMoO4, were prepared through calcination of an oxalate comple... more Nanopowders of copper molybdate, α-CuMoO4, were prepared through calcination of an oxalate complex in static air at 550 °C. The oxalate complex was investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermal gravimetric analysis. The as-prepared copper molybdate was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller technique. Its catalytic effectiveness was verified by the oxidation reaction of methylene blue (MB) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and by the reduction reaction of para-, meta-, and ortho-nitrophenol. The prepared copper molybdate exhibited exceptionally high catalytic performance of the oxidation of methylene blue dye and of the reduction reaction of the three isomers of nitrophenol to the three corresponding aminophenol isomers. The evolution of the catalytic activity was controlled by utilizing UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy.
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography
La presente invention concerne un procede pour produire des poudres d'oxyde metallique qui co... more La presente invention concerne un procede pour produire des poudres d'oxyde metallique qui consiste a melanger a l'etat solide au moins un nitrate metallique et au moins un acide organique de reduction, puis a chauffer le melange afin de former une poudre d'oxyde metallique. Un produit intermediaire precurseur d'oxyde metallique peut etre produit et etre chauffe afin de former la poudre d'oxyde metallique.

Removing methylene blue (MB) dye from aqueous solutions was examined by the use of nickel molybda... more Removing methylene blue (MB) dye from aqueous solutions was examined by the use of nickel molybdate (α-NiMoO4) as an adsorbent produced by an uncomplicated, rapid, and cost-effective method. Different results were produced by varying different parameters such as the pH, the adsorbent dose, the temperature, the contact time, and the initial dye concentration. Adsorbent dose and pH had a major removal effect on MB. Interestingly, a lower amount of adsorbent dose caused greater MB removal. The amount of removal gained was efficient and reached a 99% level with an initial methylene blue solution concentration of ≤160 ppm at pH 11. The kinetic studies indicated that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model relates very well with that of the obtained experimental results. The thermodynamic studies showed that removing the MB dye was favorable, spontaneous, and endothermic. Impressively, the highest quantity of removal amount of MB dye was 16,863 mg/g, as shown by the Langmuir model. The ther...

In this study, NiO NPs and doped NiO NPs were prepared in a two-step process and they were analyz... more In this study, NiO NPs and doped NiO NPs were prepared in a two-step process and they were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen adsorption desorption. X-ray diffraction outcome clarified that all the patterns present the similar peaks that are attributed to the cubic variety of the NiO and all doping metals could be inserted into the NiO structure. TEM result showed that the NiO NPs are assembled side by side and aligned along the same direction to form small array shaped nano-agglomerates of 500 nm in length and 50–70 nm in diameter. Adsorption-desorption isotherms for N2 showed that NiO NPs represents type IV isotherms containing a hysteresis loop at relative pressure between 0.5 and 1.0. Hysteresis loop’s shape was of H2 type which is characteristic of inckbottle shaped pores. It was also in the shape of solids composed by small spherical particles. The dielectric properties and electrical conductivity for the...

The present study investigated iron molybdate (Fe2(MoO4)3), synthesized via a simple method, as a... more The present study investigated iron molybdate (Fe2(MoO4)3), synthesized via a simple method, as a nanosorbent for methylene blue (MB) dye removal from aqueous solutions. Investigations of the effects of several parameters like contact time, adsorbent dose, initial dye concentration, temperature and pH were carried out. The results showed that MB removal was affected, significantly, by adsorbent dose and pH. Interestingly, lower values of adsorbent dose resulted in the removal of higher amounts of MB. At the optimum pH, the removal efficiency of 99% was gained with an initial MB concentration of ≤60 ppm. The kinetic study specified an excellent correlation of the experimental results with the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. Thermodynamic studies proved a spontaneous, favorable and endothermic removal. The maximum amount of removal capacity of MB dye was 6173 mg/g, which was determined from the Langmuir model. The removal efficiency was shown to be retained after three cycles of r...
Journal of Taibah University for Science
Messali (2018) Enhanced catalytic reduction of paranitrophenol using α-MoO 3 molybdenum oxide nan... more Messali (2018) Enhanced catalytic reduction of paranitrophenol using α-MoO 3 molybdenum oxide nanorods and stacked nanoplates as catalysts prepared from different precursors,

The effect of the counteranion of hexadecyltrimethylammonium salts on the physico-chemical proper... more The effect of the counteranion of hexadecyltrimethylammonium salts on the physico-chemical properties of organoclays was investigated, using a selected natural clay mineral with a cation exchange capacity of 95 meq/100 g. The uptake amount of C16 cations was dependent on the hexadecyltrimethylammonium (C16) salt solution used, the organoclay prepared from C16Br salt solution exhibited a value of 1. 05 mmole/g higher than those prepared from C16Cl and C16OH salt solutions. The basal spacing of these organoclays was in the range of 1.81 nm to 2.10 nm, indicating a similar orientation of the intercalated surfactants, and could indicated that the excess amount of surfactants, above the cation exchange capacity of 0.95 meq/g could be adsorbed on the external surface of the clay mineral sheets. These organoclays were found to be stable in neutral, acidic, and basic media. The thermal stability of these organoclays was carried out using thermogravimetric analysis and in-situ X-ray diffract...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Applied Sciences
Waste brick materials were applied as removal materials of basic blue 41 (BB-41) from artificiall... more Waste brick materials were applied as removal materials of basic blue 41 (BB-41) from artificially contaminated water. They were characterized by different techniques prior their use. A series of removal tests were carried out at different conditions, such as a dosage effect, pH value, initial concentrations, and chemical treatment. The removal results indicated that the two untreated waste bricks had limited removal capacities of basic blue 41, ranging from 19 to 30 mg/g. However, these values were improved upon treatment with NaOH solution or by increasing the removal temperature. Waste brick collected from the Medina area (Med-WB) exhibited higher removal capacity compared to the one collected from the Jeddah area (Jed-WB), with a maximum removal capacity of 60 mg/g at 60 °C. The pH of the BB-41 solution also played an important factor, as it improved the removal amounts from 25 mg/g to 45 mg/g at initial concentration of 200 mg/L. The regenerative process was studied using oxida...

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 5, 2018
The aim of this work was to investigate the use of modified nigella sativa seeds (MNS) for removi... more The aim of this work was to investigate the use of modified nigella sativa seeds (MNS) for removing of methylene blue (MB) dye from aqueous solution. The nigella sativa (NS) seeds have been pre-treated at different temperatures and periods of time. The maximum adsorption of MB was achieved using NS sample washed with distilled water pre-heated at 65 °C for one hour, then ground to 250 µm particle size (MNS-4). Different parameters were modified to optimize the removal process of MB using MNS-4, such as contact times, temperatures, initial dye concentrations, adsorbent doses, and pH of the solution. MNS-4 exhibited a removal efficiency of 99% for initial dye concentrations greater than 800 ppm at pH value of 11. The kinetic study indicated that the removal process follows the pseudo second order model. The removal was spontaneous, endothermic and favorable, and this was indicated by the thermodynamic study. Maximum removal capacity was 194 mg/g as deduced from Langmuir model. The rem...

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 8, 2018
Nano Molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO₃) was synthesized in an easy and efficient approach. The removal ... more Nano Molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO₃) was synthesized in an easy and efficient approach. The removal of methylene blue (MB) in aqueous solutions was studied using this material. The effects of various experimental parameters, for example contact time, pH, temperature and initial MB concentration on removal capacity were explored. The removal of MB was significantly affected by pH and temperature and higher values resulted in increase of removal capacity of MB. The removal efficiency of Methylene blue was 100% at pH = 11 for initial dye concentrations lower than 150 ppm, with a maximum removal capacity of 152 mg/g of MB as gathered from Langmuir model. By comparing the kinetic models (pseudo first-order, pseudo second-order and intraparticle diffusion model) at various conditions, it has been found that the pseudo second-order kinetic model correlates with the experimental data well. The thermodynamic study indicated that the removal was endothermic, spontaneous and favorable. The therma...

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 15, 2018
The organo-clays (OCs) were prepared by a cation exchange reaction between surfactant (cetyltrime... more The organo-clays (OCs) were prepared by a cation exchange reaction between surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium, C16TMA) from different counterions (Bromide, Chloride, and Hydroxide). The effect of the counterions was investigated on the physico-chemical properties of the prepared organo-clays. The highest uptake of organic cations (1.60 mmol/g) was achieved using cetyl trimethylammonium bromide solution and the lowest value (0.93 mmol/g) was obtained after modification with cetyl trimethylammonium hydroxide solution starting from the same initial ratio of mmol/g of clay greater than 2.40. The arrangement of C16TMA cations within the interlayer space was assumed to be perpendicular with a tilt angle of 32° to the plane of clay sheets instead of being parallel to the clay surface using C16TMAOH solution at the same ratio. Different techniques were used to characterize these materials. The thermal stability of these organ-clays was investigated using an in-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) t...

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 6, 2018
Na-magadiite exchanged with cetyl-trimethylammonium cations provided organophilic silicate materi... more Na-magadiite exchanged with cetyl-trimethylammonium cations provided organophilic silicate materials that allowed for the effective removal of the acidic dye "eosin". The organic cations were intercalated into the interlayer spacing of the layered silicate via an exchange reaction between the organic cations from their bromide salt and the solid Na-magadiite at room temperature. Different techniques were used to characterize the effect of the initial concentration of the surfactant on the structure of the organo-magadiites. The C, H, and N analysis indicated that a maximum of organic cations of 0.97 mmol/g was achieved and was accompanied by an expansion of the basal spacing of 3.08 nm, with a tilted angle of 59° to the silicate layers. The conformation of the organic surfactants was probed using solid-state C, finding mainly the conformation similar to that of the starting cetyl trimethylammonium bromide salt (C16TMABr). Thermal gravimetric analysis was carried out to stu...
Papers by mostafa abboudi