Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan APE yang dapat menilai sikap ilmi... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan APE yang dapat menilai sikap ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada laporan praktikum pencemaran lingkungan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Swasta Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian sikap ilmiah, self assessment, soal penguasaan konsep, lembar angket, format wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Kegiatan penelitian dibagi menjadi tahap pengembangan APE dan tahap pelaksanaan APE. Tahap pengembangan APE meliputi perangkat APE, Instrumen APE, dan web APE. Tahap pelaksanaan APE meliputi tahap uji coba dan penggunaan APE dalam menilai sikap ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada laporan praktikum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa APE memuat fitur-fitur yang dapat mengembangkan sikap ilmiah siswa, APE dapat mengungkap indikator-indikator sikap ilmiah siswa berdasarkan skor rata-rata rubrik penilaian sikap ilmiah dan self assessment, APE dapat mengungkap pengua...
This descriptive study aimed to obtain oral communication skills prospective biology teachers thr... more This descriptive study aimed to obtain oral communication skills prospective biology teachers through peer and self assessment in class discussions. Subjects were 26 students of Biology Education Department 6th semester 2015/2016 academic year who contracted the courses of anatomy and physiology of the human body. The instrument used consisted of sheets of peer and self-assessment, as well as the student questionnaire. The result of research showed that the average of peer assessment for oral communication of students is different with the mean of self assessment. The spoken oral communication ability indicators that was revealed include: (1) choosing the most appropriate way to present the explanation of 66% (Good); (2) using tables, drawings, models to present an explanation of 62% (Good); (3) responds to a question from another student in the form of a convincing argument of 64% (Good); (4) interpret the obtained solution by 51% (Enough); (5) responds to a question from another ...
This study aims to obtain a description of the mastery of the concept of biology teacher candidat... more This study aims to obtain a description of the mastery of the concept of biology teacher candidates through the study of learning difficulties in the concept of development stage of animal embryo. The subjects of the study were 43 students of semester 6 of academic year 2013 which contracted embryology subjects. The instruments used consist of diagnostic questions (essays and multiple choice questions) and interview format. Data analysis was done quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the mastery of the concept of students on aspects of C1 (remember) is 53% (enough); C2 (understanding) of 77% (good); C3 (applying) of 98% (excellent); And C4 (analyze) of 58% (enough). In addition, some students who experienced difficulty showed a positive response to their learning difficulties.
This study aims to analyze the ability of Tree Thinking in students. This type of research is qua... more This study aims to analyze the ability of Tree Thinking in students. This type of research is quantitative descriptive, the instrument used in the form of test items on Tree Thinking items on Spermatophyta material. This item is a multiple choice with 5 options. The results of this study are information in the form of item validity, distinguishing features, and level of difficulty of the questions. The results of the analysis show the quality of the items, valid at 95% while those that are not valid at 5%. Based on the ability to distinguish the questions, 10% is considered satisfactory, 50% is categorized as good and 40% is categorized as very good. Difficulties about the data obtained are 85% in the medium category, and 15% are in the difficult category. Data analysis shows that the item has a high validity while the distinguishing power is classified as good and the level of difficulty of the item is classified as moderate. Abstrak. Analisis kemampuan Tree Thinking pada siswa dil...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan APE yang dapat menilai sikap ilmi... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan APE yang dapat menilai sikap ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada laporan praktikum pencemaran lingkungan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Swasta Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian sikap ilmiah, self assessment, soal penguasaan konsep, lembar angket, format wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Kegiatan penelitian dibagi menjadi tahap pengembangan APE dan tahap pelaksanaan APE. Tahap pengembangan APE meliputi perangkat APE, Instrumen APE, dan web APE. Tahap pelaksanaan APE meliputi tahap uji coba dan penggunaan APE dalam menilai sikap ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada laporan praktikum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa APE memuat fitur-fitur yang dapat mengembangkan sikap ilmiah siswa, APE dapat mengungkap indikator-indikator sikap ilmiah siswa berdasarkan skor rata-rata rubrik penilaian sikap ilmiah dan self assessment, APE dapat mengungkap pengua...
This descriptive study aimed to obtain oral communication skills prospective biology teachers thr... more This descriptive study aimed to obtain oral communication skills prospective biology teachers through peer and self assessment in class discussions. Subjects were 26 students of Biology Education Department 6th semester 2015/2016 academic year who contracted the courses of anatomy and physiology of the human body. The instrument used consisted of sheets of peer and self-assessment, as well as the student questionnaire. The result of research showed that the average of peer assessment for oral communication of students is different with the mean of self assessment. The spoken oral communication ability indicators that was revealed include: (1) choosing the most appropriate way to present the explanation of 66% (Good); (2) using tables, drawings, models to present an explanation of 62% (Good); (3) responds to a question from another student in the form of a convincing argument of 64% (Good); (4) interpret the obtained solution by 51% (Enough); (5) responds to a question from another ...
This study aims to obtain a description of the mastery of the concept of biology teacher candidat... more This study aims to obtain a description of the mastery of the concept of biology teacher candidates through the study of learning difficulties in the concept of development stage of animal embryo. The subjects of the study were 43 students of semester 6 of academic year 2013 which contracted embryology subjects. The instruments used consist of diagnostic questions (essays and multiple choice questions) and interview format. Data analysis was done quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the mastery of the concept of students on aspects of C1 (remember) is 53% (enough); C2 (understanding) of 77% (good); C3 (applying) of 98% (excellent); And C4 (analyze) of 58% (enough). In addition, some students who experienced difficulty showed a positive response to their learning difficulties.
This study aims to analyze the ability of Tree Thinking in students. This type of research is qua... more This study aims to analyze the ability of Tree Thinking in students. This type of research is quantitative descriptive, the instrument used in the form of test items on Tree Thinking items on Spermatophyta material. This item is a multiple choice with 5 options. The results of this study are information in the form of item validity, distinguishing features, and level of difficulty of the questions. The results of the analysis show the quality of the items, valid at 95% while those that are not valid at 5%. Based on the ability to distinguish the questions, 10% is considered satisfactory, 50% is categorized as good and 40% is categorized as very good. Difficulties about the data obtained are 85% in the medium category, and 15% are in the difficult category. Data analysis shows that the item has a high validity while the distinguishing power is classified as good and the level of difficulty of the item is classified as moderate. Abstrak. Analisis kemampuan Tree Thinking pada siswa dil...
Papers by juhan juhanda