Papers by Viviana Perilli

Background/Aim: Two studies assessed the effectiveness of video prompting as a strategy to suppor... more Background/Aim: Two studies assessed the effectiveness of video prompting as a strategy to support persons with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease in performing daily activities. Methods: In study I, video prompting was compared to an existing strategy relying on verbal instructions. In study II, video prompting was compared to another existing strategy relying on static pictorial cues. Video prompting and the other strategies were counterbalanced across tasks and participants and compared within alternating treatments designs. Results: Video prompting was effective in all participants. Similarly effective were the other 2 strategies, and only occasional differences between the strategies were reported. Two social validation assessments showed that university psychology students and graduates rated the patients ’ performance with video prompting more favorably than their performance with the other strategies. Conclusion: Video prompting may be considered a valuable alternative to...

Background/Aim: Two studies assessed the effectiveness of video prompting as a strategy to suppor... more Background/Aim: Two studies assessed the effectiveness of video prompting as a strategy to support persons with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease in performing daily activities. Methods: In study I, video prompting was compared to an existing strategy relying on verbal instructions. In study II, video prompting was compared to another existing strategy relying on static pictorial cues. Video prompting and the other strategies were counterbalanced across tasks and participants and compared within alternating treatments designs. Results: Video prompting was effective in all participants. Similarly effective were the other 2 strategies, and only occasional differences between the strategies were reported. Two social validation assessments showed that university psychology students and graduates rated the patients ’ performance with video prompting more favorably than their performance with the other strategies. Conclusion: Video prompting may be considered a valuable alternative to...

Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, Jan 11, 2018
This study evaluated a tablet-based program to help eight participants with moderate intellectual... more This study evaluated a tablet-based program to help eight participants with moderate intellectual disability, sensory and/or motor impairments, and lack of expressive or expressive and receptive verbal skills to select and access leisure activities and video calls independently. The program relied on the use of a tablet (i.e., Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 LTE) with 8-inch screen, Android 6.0 Operating System, front camera, proximity sensor and multimedia player. The tablet was fitted with a SIM card and two specific applications, that is, WhatsApp Messenger for making video calls and MacroDroid for automating the tablet's functioning in accordance with the program conditions. The tablet presented pictures concerning leisure activities and preferred partners for video calls. The participant could select any activity or partner by touching (or nearing his or her hand to) the tablet's proximity sensor. During the baseline (i.e., without the program), the participants failed to access ...

International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 2017
Objective: This study assessed a new Speech Generating Device (SGD) for supporting request respon... more Objective: This study assessed a new Speech Generating Device (SGD) for supporting request responses in five participants with intellectual and multiple disabilities. Methods: The technology involved a smartphone, a series of mini objects or of cardboard chips with pictures, and special software. When the participants placed one of the mini objects or chips with pictures (that they carried at their waist) against the smartphone (that they had at their chest), the smartphone emitted a verbal request concerning the activity indicated by the mini object or chip. The study was carried out according to a non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants using sessions of 20 min. Results: During the baseline, the participants’ mean frequencies of requests were zero or close to zero. Following the 11–15 intervention sessions, all participants were successful in making requests (i.e. their mean request frequencies were between about five and 12 per session). Three participants showed clear preferences (i.e. more requests) for some of the activities. The other two participants were rather varied in their requests within and across sessions. Conclusions: The new SGD seems very useful for people with multiple disabilities who are blind or have poor control of their fine motor responses.

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2017
We further extended the use of a microswitch-based program for assessing contingency awareness an... more We further extended the use of a microswitch-based program for assessing contingency awareness and promoting locomotion fluency of five adolescents with Rett syndrome. A second goal was to evaluate the effectiveness and the suitability of the rehabilitative intervention on participants' indices of happiness as outcome measure of their quality of life and on the reduction of their stereotypic behaviors. Finally, a social validation procedure involving 40 parents of children with severe developmental disabilities and 40 caregivers was carried out. The study was conducted according to an ABABCBCB experimental sequence for each participant, with A representing baselines, B indicating the contingent intervention closely linked to the adaptive responding, and C reporting a non-contingent control phase with positive stimulation occurring throughout the session, irrespective of the adaptive behavior. Results showed an improved performance for all the participants during contingent intervention phases. The control phases revealed that all participants acquired the contingency awareness. The indices of happiness increased as sign of an enhanced quality of life. Both groups of raters favorably scored the use of such technology. Clinical, practical, and psychological implications of the findings were discussed.

We compared two behavioral strategies (i.e., self-monitoring [SM] and differential reinforcement ... more We compared two behavioral strategies (i.e., self-monitoring [SM] and differential reinforcement of an alternative behavior [DRA]) to promote on-task behavior by three children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities during classroom activities. The first objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and the suitability of each strategy individually within a school setting, and make their systematic comparison. A second aim of the study was to assess the effects of the intervention on participants’ mood as an outcome measure concerning the quality of life. The third objective was to assess the preference checks for each participant. Finally, a social validation procedure, involving 24 teachers as raters, was conducted for corroborating the clinical validity and providing the study with a formal endorsement by sensitive and expert professionals. The study was carried out according to an alternating treatment embedded in a non-concurrent multiple baseline 1 Depar...
Eerste deel van een tweedelige artikelenreeks over lerend vermogen bij dementerenden. De levenskw... more Eerste deel van een tweedelige artikelenreeks over lerend vermogen bij dementerenden. De levenskwaliteit van mensen met dementie blijkt verhoogd te kunnen worden door het geheugen en lerend vermogen aan te spreken. Het gaat daarbij met name om het onbewuste geheugen (waaronder het associatiegeheugen) en het emotiegeheugen. Leren kan nog via associatieleren, operant leren en een variant van die laatste, het zogeheten foutloos leren. Lees meer over handvatten in de praktijk in deel twee: Foutloos leren bij dementie, Mari Groenendaal.

We assessed a computer-based rehabilitative program (i.e., tablet device with touch screen and ad... more We assessed a computer-based rehabilitative program (i.e., tablet device with touch screen and adapted software) to improve academic performance and to increase the on-task behavior of three children with autism spectrum disorders and mild intellectual disabilities in a school setting. Furthermore, the study pursued the following objectives: (a) monitor its effects on the generalization process, occurring two months after the end of the intervention, within home context, (b) reduce repetitive (stereotypic) behaviors exhibited by the participants (i.e., hand clapping, washing and voice noises), and (c) carry out a social validation assessment involving 48 support teachers (i.e., professionals who follow children with developmental disabilities with a special and individualized training program within a school context) as external raters. The study was conducted according to a changing criterion design for each participant. Results showed an improvement in performance (i.e., 1 Departm...
Efforts to promote communication in persons with multiple disabilities have largely focused on en... more Efforts to promote communication in persons with multiple disabilities have largely focused on enabling them to make requests to their immediate caregivers and to exchange text messages or phone calls with distant partners. These two single-case studies extended the research in the latter area. Specifically, Study I targeted text messaging for a woman with visual and motor impairment and mild intellectual disability, teaching her to write her messages via microswitch, virtual keyboard, and word predictor. Study II targeted the use of phone calls for a postcoma adult male with motor impairment and mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, using a technology system that provided him with wide assistance through the process. The results of both studies were

Clinical Research in Psychology, 2018
Background: Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness characterized by a disruption of cognitive, co... more Background: Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness characterized by a disruption of cognitive, communicative, emotional, social, and occupational functioning. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the effectiveness of occupational therapy and social skills training (SST) on the constructive engagement of patients with schizophrenia and to evaluate the suitability of SST on adaptive responding of persons with schizophrenia. Methods: A selective literature review was carried out by retaining some meaningful empirical studies on the use of occupational therapy and social training skills of patients with schizophrenia. Results: Data showed that both strategies were largely helpful, although few failures occurred. The participants relevantly increased their constructive engagement during intervention phases. Conclusion: Occupational therapy and SST were useful for enhancing constructive engagement of patients with schizophrenia.

Education and Technology Support for Children and Young Adults With ASD and Learning Disabilities, 2021
This chapter provides the reader with a concise overview of the newest empirical evidences availa... more This chapter provides the reader with a concise overview of the newest empirical evidences available on the use of assistive technology and cognitive behavioral interventions to promote adaptive skills and decrease challenging behaviors of children and adolescents with Rett syndrome and severe to profound developmental disabilities. Four main categories of studies were identified, namely (1) communication skills, (2) adaptive skills, (3) challenging behavior, and (4) on-task behavior. Twenty-six contributions were reviewed, and 936 participants were involved. Results were largely positive, although rare failures occurred. Educational, clinical, rehabilitative, and psychological implications of the findings were critically discussed. Some useful suggestions for future research and practice were emphasized.
Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management, 2021
This chapter provides the reader with a selective overview of the empirical contributions availab... more This chapter provides the reader with a selective overview of the empirical contributions available in literature on the use of assistive technology-based interventions for promoting communication skills of children with cerebral palsy. Four categories were selected regarding (1) microswitches and computers, (2) aided-alternative and augmentative communication devices, (3) eye tracking, and (4) robots. Overall, 18 studies were retained, and 47 participants were included. Results were largely positive although a few failures occurred. Clinical, psychological, and rehabilitative implications for research and practice were critically discussed.

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, 2018
This chapter provides a literature overview (i.e., range period 2000-2015) concerning the use ass... more This chapter provides a literature overview (i.e., range period 2000-2015) concerning the use assistive technology (AT) for children with severe to profound developmental disabilities. Specifically, the chapter presents a general picture concerning the use of electronic tools such as microswitches enabling individuals with multiple disabilities to access independently to preferred stimuli. The chapter focused on the opportunities of choice, literacy process, communication of their own needs, promoting adaptive responses and reducing challenge behaviors, fostering ambulation and/or locomotion fluency, cognitivebehavioral interventions for people estimated within the normal range of intellectual functioning who present pervasive motor impairments. Moreover, the effects of such programs on indices of happiness as outcome measure of participants involved are outlined as well as social validation assessments. Results and implications of the findings are discussed.

Journal of Neurological Research and Therapy, 2018
Background: Person with Alzheimer Disease may present cognitive, social, communication, physical,... more Background: Person with Alzheimer Disease may present cognitive, social, communication, physical, and orientation impairments. Furthermore, individuals with Alzheimer Disease may exhibit challenging behavior, isolation, and passivity. Objectives: To emphasize the role of Assistive Technology-based interventions and Cognitive-Behavioral Programs to improve the independence, and the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer Disease. To assess the effects on teaching adaptive responding, and decreasing challenging behaviors. Method: A selective literature review was carried out considering Alzheimer, Assistive Technology, Cognitive-Behavioral Programs, Adaptive Responding, Challenging Behaviors, and Quality of life as keywords. Twenty-six studies were reviewed. Results: Empirical data demonstrated the effectiveness, and the suitability of the selected interventions, although few failures occurred. The participants involved significantly increased their adaptive responding during the i...

British Journal of Visual Impairment, 2017
This study evaluated a smartphone-based program to promote independent leisure and communication ... more This study evaluated a smartphone-based program to promote independent leisure and communication engagement in five participants with visual impairment and mild intellectual disability. A smartphone with Android 5.1 Operating System and S-Voice application, Internet connection, contacts unit, and media player was used. The smartphone was fitted with MP3 files of leisure events and the names and telephone numbers of selected communication partners. The participants were taught to use the smartphone (open the files and reach the partners) through specific verbal utterances. The results showed that all participants learned to use the smartphone. Their independent engagement times (leisure plus communication combined) increased from baseline values of zero to means of between about 75% and 85% of the session lengths. These results indicate that a smartphone-based program may support independent leisure and communication engagement in people with visual impairment and intellectual disabi...
Internet Technology Letters, 2018
The study assessed a technology package, based on commercial devices and designed to promote inde... more The study assessed a technology package, based on commercial devices and designed to promote independent activity engagement, with 6 participants with intellectual disability and blindness. The technology included: (1) a smartphone Samsung Galaxy A3 fitted with Android 6.0 operating system, Bluetooth 4.0, light sensor, and Macrodroid application, (2) portable light sources, and (3) portable Bluetooth speakers. Data showed that the participants' mean percentages of independent activity responses were (virtually) 0 during baseline and increased to above 90 during the intervention when the technology was available.

Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2019
Background: The use of assistive technology, specifically microswitches, with children with RTT h... more Background: The use of assistive technology, specifically microswitches, with children with RTT has been shown to effectively moderate the impact of their disability on their quality of life − by facilitating access to meaningful leisure and other activities. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a microswitch intervention on increased choice making, engagement in a targeted sorting activity, and indices of happiness, and decreased stereotypic behaviors for six girls with Rett syndrome. Targeted dependent variables were also assessed at six months post-intervention. Following the intervention study, 90 external raters completed a social validation procedure. Method: An ABABAB experimental sequence was implemented for each participant with a cross-over effect. A social validation assessment involving 90 external raters was carried out. Results: Data emphasized an improved performance for each participants involved (i.e., adaptive responses). Five participants showed a capacity of independent choice. One participant seemed to be closely linked to the position of the container. Social raters favorably endorsed the use of the program since they positively evaluated the use of the technology on all the dimensions investigated. Conclusion: A microswitch intervention may improve choice making and activity engagement for children with Rett syndrome. Further research is needed on the development of more sophisticated forms of individualized technological options to improve opportunities for enhanced engagement and choice-making for individuals with RTT.

Technology and Disability, 2018
BACKGROUND: Technology-aided programs have typically been used to support either leisure or funct... more BACKGROUND: Technology-aided programs have typically been used to support either leisure or functional activity engagement. Yet, supporting both types of engagement would be highly relevant within applied contexts. OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at assessing two versions of a technology-aided program designed to support combinations of leisure and functional activity engagement with seven participants with intellectual disability and sensory or sensory-motor impairment. METHODS: The first version was assessed with four participants and included a computer system presenting leisure categories (e.g., music and family slides), a microswitch whereby the participants could choose among those categories and related stimuli, and a tablet device with pictorial activity instructions. The second version was assessed with three participants, who possessed only basic choice and activity skills, and presented the leisure stimuli individually and did not include the tablet. RESULTS: Participants learned to use the respective program versions and their independent leisure and activity engagement times increased from zero during baseline to means of 9-13 min and 8-15 min per session, respectively, with the program. Mean session lengths varied between 24 and 31 min. CONCLUSIONS: The program versions seem suited to support combinations of leisure and functional activity engagement in persons with multiple disabilities.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2018
We provide the reader with a mini review on the use of assistive technology-based interventions f... more We provide the reader with a mini review on the use of assistive technology-based interventions for recovering and fostering the functional engagement of children with traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury, assistive technology, functional engagement, quality of life, recovery, and children were merged in Scopus database as keywords. The newest empirical evidences available were detailed and the clinical, educational, psychological, and rehabilitative implications of the findings were critically discussed. Some limitations and future research perspectives were additionally emphasized.

Frontiers in public health, 2018
People with intellectual disability and sensory or sensory-motor impairments may display serious ... more People with intellectual disability and sensory or sensory-motor impairments may display serious problems in managing functional daily activities as well as leisure activities and communication with distant partners. The study assessed an upgraded smartphone-based program to foster independent leisure and communication activity of eight participants with mild to moderate intellectual disability, sensory or sensory-motor impairments, and limited speech skills. The upgraded program was based on the use of (a) a Samsung Galaxy A3 smartphone with Android 6.0 Operating System, near-field communication, music and video player functions, and Macrodroid application, and (b) special radio frequency-code labels. Participants requested leisure and communication activities by placing mini objects or pictures representing those activities and containing frequency-code labels on the smartphone. The smartphone, via the Macrodroid application, read the labels (i.e., discriminated the participants&#...
Papers by Viviana Perilli