Papers by Sutiadi Rahmansyah

Jurnal Sosioteknologi, Nov 28, 2022
This paper contributes a technocultural perspective in understanding a social construction of the... more This paper contributes a technocultural perspective in understanding a social construction of the Jembatan Hati 3 bridge as a technology, to uncover the technological and social dimensions of the bridge. An ethnographic research method is employed in understanding a bridge as a technological and social product. The design, construction, and maintenance of bridge in Kampong Cipadung, Desa Daroyon, Kecamatan Cileles, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten, Indonesia. This method is based on a participatory model, in which a team of engineers and researchers (the outsiders) and the local people (the insiders) collaborate in defining the design, function and maintenance of the bridge, based on a geographical, environmental, and social conditions. The result of the research shows that the bridge construction is a symbiosis of technical logic of functionality, simplicity, efficiency, durability, and social logics of connectedness, improvement, cohesiveness, and commonness.

Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti, Feb 21, 2024
Since the post-pandemic, marketplace has become the easiest and cheapest marketing strategy for M... more Since the post-pandemic, marketplace has become the easiest and cheapest marketing strategy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) apart from setting up a physical shop. Marketplace is an online platform that facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers. To be able to compete in this marketplace, entrepreneurs, especially MSMEs, need to understand digital literacy. The aim of this community service is to be able to educate MSME entrepreneurs, especially for those operating in the culinary sector in Regency. This needs to be done so that they can understand more about digital literacy and are able to have good interpersonal skills. The methods used in this community service are FGD methods, lectures and discussions with related parties and training participants. The data used in this training is in the form of conversation patterns between sellers and buyers which are commonly found in the Tokopedia marketplace. The results of the data in the conversation show that sellers and buyers cooperate with each other when communicating. If the principle of cooperation runs smoothly then the transaction will be carried out, but if it is not then the transaction generally stops. Through the data, we teach how good communication should be carried out when sellers chat on Tokopedia platform to increase their sales. The significant impact after this training is that culinary MSME entrepreneurs will gain new knowledge to increase their sales by being able to create an online shop on Tokopedia. Furthermore, it is hoped that culinary MSMEs in Luwu Regency will be more widely known for their hospitality because they are supported by good understanding of digital literacy and interpersonal skills.
Mitra Akademia, Dec 16, 2023

Jurnal Sosioteknologi, Feb 12, 2020
yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan terdiri 20 gambar yang di... more yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan terdiri 20 gambar yang diunggah oleh Ridwan Kamil berkaitan dengan program Jawa Barat Digital dari Januari hingga Mei 2019. Dari 20 data tersebut, dua buah gambar dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah dan relevansi data tentang persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat Jawa Barat. Komentar masyarakat dalam kedua unggahan ini berjumlah 1.666 (seribu enam ratus enam puluh enam). Komentar tersebut kemudian dianalisis dan digunakan sebagai data utama dalam mengungkap persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat pada program yang diselenggarakan oleh Ridwan Kamil sebagai Gubernur Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak masyarakat berpersepsi positif terhadap program Jabar Digital dan masyarakat mau berpartispasi dan berperan serta dalam program tersebut.
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital H... more All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital Humanities during 3-5 November 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Peer Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference's review process. All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital Humanities during 3-5 November 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Peer Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference's review process.

International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies
Background: The relocation of Indonesia's capital to Nusantara was announced in 2019, with a ... more Background: The relocation of Indonesia's capital to Nusantara was announced in 2019, with a vision to create a sustainable, economically significant, and culturally diverse world-class city. This qualitative research explores the development of Nusantara by formulating a model of local wisdom, focusing on technological sovereignty and cultural representation.Method: Data collection techniques were employed to develop this model. It emphasizes the realization of technological sovereignty aligned with national interests and the representation of Indonesia's cultural diversity. The study also assesses the absence of social friction among people from various cultural backgrounds, highlighting unity and cooperation as guiding principles.Results: The study found that technological sovereignty, when aligned with local cultural values, contributes to Nusantara's potential as a global problem-solving model. Furthermore, the cultural showcase, embodying the diversity of the Indon...

International Journal of Scholarly Research in Engineering and Technology
This research employing qualitative method and data collection techniques of observation, in-dept... more This research employing qualitative method and data collection techniques of observation, in-depth interview, and literature study, selected five Gen-Z informants with purposive sample criteria to meet research objectives. Moreover, the interview results are linked to socio-technology and multimedia learning literature. The result of this research showed that Digital Kultur app still needs to be improved in terms of visuals, features, and usage, and the learning elements to be an innovative and interactive educational application. This can be done by adding a feature that recognizes sounds, tone patterns, and motions to be interpreted as certain cultural products that subsequently will be connected directly to certain information. In addition, to making it more interactive, the various sounds, tone patterns, and motions can be matched with favorite figures of each Gen-Z, such as animation characters or "K-Pop idols" thus becoming certain elaborate tone patterns and traditi...

Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH 2022), 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused humans to be faced with various conditions that they never imagi... more The Covid-19 pandemic has caused humans to be faced with various conditions that they never imagined, there were many changes in various fields of life, one of which was teaching and learning activities. The pattern of teaching and learning activities undergoes a shift from face-to-face to networked where new media and technology are used in teaching. When the application of technology that is applied suddenly certainly has a real impact, especially on mental health. Almost all teaching and learning activities, including students, have experienced the impact of this pattern change. This study will discuss the influence of Digital Humanities on online learning on the mental health of ITB students. The application of the use of digital technology that is supposed to be used by humans and advances humans, has an impact on mental health, one of which is due to unpreparedness and inability to adapt. Based on the results of questionnaires and interviews ITB students experienced depression and stress before entering ITB as many as 34% who answered no as much as 66%. After entering ITB, the level of stress and depression was 70% and those who were not depressed/stressed were 30%. For learning, ITB students prefer face-to-face learning as much as 82% and online learning as much as 18%. The heaviest obstacle in online learning is signal, quota, distraction, etc. problems as much as 66%, boredom as much as 34%. The advantages of online learning are 60% more effective and efficient, 30% relaxed and 10% practical. ITB provides facilities for mental health consultations during the pandemic, as many as 50% answered already, not yet 22% and those who answered did not know as many as 28%. Regarding digital technology for online learning in the context of digital humanities, 96% of those who answered were not and 4% of those who answered.

Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH 2022), 2022
This study discusses one of the mostly used ways of searching information on the Internet, hashta... more This study discusses one of the mostly used ways of searching information on the Internet, hashtag (#) on the social media, Instagram. This semiotic phenomenon is measured and analyzed quantitatively to answer the research question about the correlation between use of hashtags and consumers' purchasing decision. Data in this study were collected by distributing questionnaires to 60 women who are Instagram social media users that have used hashtags to look for reviews of cosmetic products. The result shows a positive influence from online review through the hashtag #MakeUpReview on Instagram affects the consumers' decision to purchase cosmetic products in Indonesia. It also shows that the greater the benefits, convenience, and control indicated by the online review of the cosmetic products through the hashtag #MakeUpReview, the more likely consumers will buy the cosmetic products.

Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH 2022), 2022
In such a massive "politicization" of social and cultural life, it appears that the role of Techn... more In such a massive "politicization" of social and cultural life, it appears that the role of Technological Higher Education Institution (Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Teknologi/LPTT) in national development is diminishing and less significant with the decline of the role of technology at the national level. The future challenge of LPTT is to increase the role of technology. This LPTT revitalization is highly possible due to the central role of technology in social and cultural life, so that LPTT is not focused only on technology but should also become the Cultural Development Center. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study in Technological Higher Education Institution (LPTT). This method was used considering the demand for technology to immediately link with the society and culture that ultimately leads to quality human civilization. It is time for LPTT to apply transdisciplinary thinking. As a result, the development of the Sociotechnology discipline is proposed. The discipline is implemented in a higher education process and a new nomenclature is proposed for the study program, which is called Technoculture. The discipline and study program work by constructing the Design Thinking Work Method based on the Modeling and Computation Method. Design Thinking that is applied to Humanity, Technology, and Social Science based on the Modeling and Computation Method is part of Digital Humanities. This new approach, including the Learning Method, develops the human resource output from this discipline, and the study program produces human resources with the frame of thought on Applied Science Branch-Sub
Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH 2022)
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital H... more All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital Humanities during 3-5 November 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Peer Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference's review process. All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital Humanities during 3-5 November 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Peer Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference's review process.
Solid State Technology, Nov 1, 2020

Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH 2022), 2022
Tanggamus are prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes. This happens due to the geographica... more Tanggamus are prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes. This happens due to the geographical location of the island of Sumatra, which is at the confluence of two earth plates, namely the Indo-Australian plate which continues to actively subduct under the Eurasian plate. This paper aims to research Piil Pesenggiri as a real form application of ethnolinguistics through citizen commentaries in social media (Instagram) during the earthquake in 2021. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from Instagram citizen comments @Bmkglampung and @lampuung. The result found that there are three Piil Pesenggiri sayings that have been applied and appeared in social media especially in citizen commentaries. Those are Pessinggiri, Nengah Nyappur and Sakai Sambayan. In conclusion, Piil Pesenggiri is not only seen as local thoughts or concepts, but when disaster happened in Tanggamus it became a valuable system used and internalized by the community to manage the disaster.

TheGIST, 2021
Pengguna media sosial di Indonesia terus berkembang dari tahun ke tahun. Artikel ini mencoba meng... more Pengguna media sosial di Indonesia terus berkembang dari tahun ke tahun. Artikel ini mencoba mengkaji penggunaan bahasa berkaitan dengan semantic extensions dalam komentar netizen pada akun instagram dua orang artis Indonesia yaitu, Anya Geraldine (@anyageraldine) and Nikita Mirzani (@nikitamirzanimawardi_172). Metode yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semantic extensions (perluasan makna) terjadi dalam komentar netizen pada akun sosial media Instagram artis Indonesia. Perluasan makna ini kemungkinan besar terjadi sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi dan jaman yang semakin pesat. Netizen sebagai pengguna bahasa juga ikut terpengaruh dengan keadaan yang terjadi di sekelilingnya. Selain itu, perluasan makna juga menunjukan bahwa bahasa memang bersifat statis dan tidak bersifat dinamis. Terdapat beberapa keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh bahasa yakni, bahasa dapat hidup dan berkembang terus apabila bahasa tersebut terus digunakan oleh pen...

Jurnal Pengabdian Tri Bhakti
Kemampuan berbahasa asing tidak hanya menjadi syarat untuk pegawai perusahaan multi- nasional tap... more Kemampuan berbahasa asing tidak hanya menjadi syarat untuk pegawai perusahaan multi- nasional tapi juga pengemudi transportasi online. Contohnya, Gojek yang sekarang ini tengah menggalakkan mahir berbahasa Inggris ke mitra pengemudi. Tim pengabdi Universitas Langlangbuana merancang sebuah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan bahasa Inggris bagi para pengemudi online.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan ini bertujuan agar meningkatkan penghasilan dan pelayanan prima para pengemudi online melalui pengusaan bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan pelatihan yang dirancang oleh tim pengabdi Universitas Langlangbuana disambut baik dan entusias oleh koordinator pengemudi online dan juga oleh perwakilan pengemudi. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan juga setelah melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk para pengemudi online, dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa: telah para pengemudi online telah memahami materi yang telah diberikan dan merasa bahwa pelatihan ini bermanfaat...

Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 2020
Humans as social beings cannot be free from conflict. Speech is one of the causes of conflict. Th... more Humans as social beings cannot be free from conflict. Speech is one of the causes of conflict. This study discusses the function of Positive Face Threatening Acts on-record baldly without redressive action in household and cyber conflicts. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that there were two main functions of the use of Positive Face Threatening Acts baldly on-record without redressive action in household conflicts taken from dialogues in a popular psychology book and cyber conflicts between netizens on Facebook comments; if it is used as an utterance, it functions to trigger conflict (PK), and if it is used as a response, it serves to maintain FTA/ Face/conflict (MK). Whatever the problem or conflict background that occurred both in the household and in the cyber, conflicts could arise as a result of utterance, and with utterances, these conflicts could be resolved or maintained. It depends on the participants involved in the conflict. In other words, utterances could be used either to threaten or defend one's self-esteem/face.

Humanus, 2019
Along with the rapid growth of Information and Communication Technology, legal, social, and cultu... more Along with the rapid growth of Information and Communication Technology, legal, social, and cultural issues concerning the use of Internet and social media are becoming new problem lately. This research discusses conflicts that occur in the Indonesian cyber world related to the language used on internet-based communications. Prior to Indonesia's 2019 presidential election, the Indonesian social media and other internet-based communications, i.e. Facebook, has become a scene of conflict between supporters of presidential candidates or political party supporters who post updates and comments that are often notoriously provocative and potentially provoke not only verbal disagreements but also harassments and bullies related to ethnicity, groups, and religions. This purpose of this research is look deeply at the aforementioned problems. This study is mixed qualitative and quantitative research that uses digital ethnography method for data collection and pragmatics approach. The esul...
Journal of Biological Systems, 2021
Buku Percakapan Sehari-Hari dengan Tiga Bahasa Bahasa ini berisi percakapan-percakapan praktis da... more Buku Percakapan Sehari-Hari dengan Tiga Bahasa Bahasa ini berisi percakapan-percakapan praktis dalam Bahasa Lampung, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari. Topik-topik yang terdapat dalam buku ini disesuaikan dengan situasi sehari-hari, misalnya : mengucapkan/memberi salam, ucapan selamat, bilangan, menelpon dan mengirim surat, dan lain sebagainya. Buku ini didedikasikan untuk melestarikan Adat Istiadat dan Bahasa Lampung serta memberikan bekal kepada siapapun yang ingin mempelajari ungkapan-ungkapan sederhana dan praktis dalam tiga bahasa. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kunjungan wisatawan, maka keberadaan tiga bahasa tersebut menjadi sebuah keniscayaan.
Papers by Sutiadi Rahmansyah