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Curriculum Vitae

Trade between Sumer/Akkad and the Indus Valley in the mid 3rd millennium to mid 2nd millennium., The Minoan Linear A script, and The Indus Valley Script
Kate Price 1903 S. Pine St. #2 Pittsburg, KS 66762 620-238-2693 Education Philology Archaeology Ancient History University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Dept. 2002 Customized 3-part M.A. Philology Archaeology Ancient History University of Cambridge Cambridge, England 1996 – 2000 Special Student Status: undergrad Prep for 2nd M.A. M.F.A. Creative Writing Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, NY 1992 B.A. Cinema Production University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 1981 A.A. Cinema & Television Solano Community College Suisun, CA 1978 Publication, Awards, Ongoing Work Beyond the Dry Stone Wall, 2012, a new novel, in final draft, 2012 A Harappan Signary Cross-Reference. 2011. Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, Issue 28. Danvers, Mass. The Last Denarius. 2011 Translator from the French. Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, Issue 28. Danvers, Mass. On the Use of Established Terminology. 2011. Guest Editorial. Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, Issue 28. Danvers, Mass. Conversations with Lucifer, a new 3-act play, in the process of submission, 2010 The Three Maries, a novel, Roberts Publishing Company, San Marcos, California, 2000 The Art of Loneliness, a novel, Roberts Publishing Company, San Marcos, California, 2000 Nominated for the Pushcart Prize for Fiction by Hyphen Magazine, Chicago, 1993 for four short stories from my collection, Resume Twenty-one short stories published in academic journals in the U.S. and U.K., 1984-1992 The Beekeepers, 3-act play, Staged Reading, Dramatic Risks Theatre Company, New York City, 1989 The Beekeepers, A scene from the 3-act play, Production, a First Voices Presentation, Hollywood, 1989 Price/Resume 1 The Interruption, 2-act play, First Place, Four Southern States Competition for Playwrights, Street Players' Theatre, Norman, OK, 1984 The Pipe Dream, Short Film, Special Judges Award, San Francisco State University International Poetry/Film Festival Competition, 1975 Pane, Short Film, First Place, Experimental Category, Solano Community College Second Annual Video/Film Festival, 1975 Work Experience Photographs for Thinkers Pittsburg, KS Owner, Photographer, Layout. November 2011 - present I create thought-provoking posters from my most compelling photographs combined with well-considered text, which are from a variety of sources including quotes from famous people, simple titles and my own text. I decide on templates, layouts, fonts and upload photographs on an online printing site. On my website, I write the text, create the pages, upload products from my printing portfolio, attach html links, add features such as shopping cart, buy buttons, clickable commentaries that tell about the context of the taking of the photographs and why the texts were chosen or created. I pitch the posters locally for sale, describing my work and the context of the posters. I work on further marketing of my small company via online opportunities and participation in a local arts cooperative. I’ve attached to this site another site, my blog at, where I write about my archaeological and linguistic experiences and work. Owner, Writer, Editor. March 2009 - present This is a personal blog that I’ve created via Blogspot. In it I talk about my background, interests, experiences and work. To create it, I choose the layout and upload photographs with and without html links. I add clickable text for external html sites such as a site that provides further information on a subject I may be discussing in a posting. I write and edit all of the postings, provide buzz words and consider common search strings when choosing titles for postings so that during Google scans my site may be placed higher on hit results for similar strings. I create the style of the blog by choice of font, embedded images in the postings and other details. I add images with links to my other website, and have agreements with AdSense and Google Affiliate Network for ads to be placed on my site for payment to me per certain numbers of hits. With Google Affiliate Network, I apply to affiliated companies who chose whether or not to place ads on my site. If accepted, I then choose from a variety of their ads then copy their html/java script into gadgets on my site and edit the positioning of ads and images regularly to increase and maintain interest. The Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers The Epigraphic Society Danvers, MA Editor, Writer, Peer Reviewer. June 2010-April 2011 Editing, writing, peer reviewing and translating as needed for this well-established annual academic journal. Guest Editor on the current Issue #28. Doug’s Forum Benicia, California Lecture: The Origin of Writing Systems. October 2008 Presented a talk on the first writing systems, Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiforms, Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Indus Valley Script, Linear A & B, before a membership audience of a monthly forum on various academic and esoteric subjects. Used iMac Keynote for slide and music support. Price/Resume 2 The Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, Israel Harvard Semitic Museum Harvard University Excavation Staff Volunteer. June-July 2008 Season Funded by a Biblical Archaeological Society Scholarship, I worked as part of the Harvard professional archaeological staff. Assigned to Grid #38:75, Philistine Iron Age Period, ten hours a day, six days a week, I learned the uses of the tools of the trade: the trowel, patishe, goofa, pickaxe, broom and dustpan. I discovered I was particularly good at the detection and excavation of the outlines and tops of unbaked, mud brick walls. I learned how to record, wash, label and separate diagnostic from undiagnostic pottery, bone and other meaningful materials, how to excavate and handle charcoal to present for C14 dating, how to sift soil for bits of the material record, how to walk with a heavy goofa in the hellishly hot sun through a site riddled with pits, wells, parts of walls, other excavators, up sandbag stairs that kept changing place to dump soil without falling, causing wall edges to cave in, avoiding irritating anyone or losing mental grip and how to keep from being dehydrated and to pace oneself. I learned some practical Hebrew to be able to communicate a bit with the Ethiopian workers, aided in taking survey elevations, photographs of a good pottery find and how to read imported from locally made Mycenaean and Cypriot pottery. I also learned how to wash my sweat and soil infused clothes each day in the hotel room sink and how to create a makeshift clothes line with a bungie cord looped from lamp to wedged backpack. Tremendously enjoyed the difficult but extraordinarily rewarding shared work with 59 other volunteers and supervisors. Voltaire Café Benicia, California Lecture: Problems in Decipherment. May 2008 Lectured on the decipherments of Old Persian cuneiform, the Egyptian hieroglyphics, Linear B and the attempted decipherments on the Indus Valley Script of South Asia. Emphasized the pitfalls, common errors, assumptions that led in the wrong direction and other assorted problems in the intellectual puzzles of decipherment. The Voltaire is a café that specializes in heady debates and intellectual talks. This presentation was arranged as a fund-raiser to aid my travel to Israel as part of the Harvard University Leon Levy Expedition to Israel. Missing Pieces, a musical in 3 acts Written by Catherine Mcsharry, Benicia, California. 2008 I was paid by the playwright to make suggestions for changes to the play and add dialogue to the character Zoe Roberts. Staged reading, Playhouse West, Walnut Creek, CA April 30, 2008 Staged reading, Peace Lutheran church, Danville, August 24, 2008 Anasazi State Park Museum Boulder, Utah Archaeology Intern. October-November 2007 I was hired as an intern to work on a museum project to re-examine the material record of the Coombs Site, one of the four major 12-13th century Anasazi Native American sites. My role was in two stages: 1. working with Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service archaeologists interfacing site surveys in order to insure that all of the data had been collected by our office, 2. analyzing the site forms to insure that each type of material record from each site was separately catalogued, 3. mapping the integrated data in superimposed layers by feature and type of material remain on topographical plans of each site using ArcView GIS 3.3 mapping software. Object photography was part of this position, both within the museum of modern Native American ceramics as well as petroglyph/pictograph photography in the field, including data and photographic cataloguing. This position also entailed answering questions posed by individuals and groups of visitors regarding the site and the collection both as short presentations in the auditorium, for tours who came into the lab where we worked and questions from individuals on the museum floor. I was awarded a Utah Humanities Council Quick Grant from the Utah Humanities Council for Curators from the Anasazi State Park and Museum and the Fremont Indian State Park and Museum to create an initial sign list to be made of the ancient Fremont inscriptions. Price/Resume 3 Elk Falls Pottery Elk Falls, Kansas Pottery Finisher. Summer 2005 Sanded sharp bits from newly fired stoneware, marked cups made for annual festival with series code numbers, aided in packing stoneware for transport to festival, learned rudimentary information on throwing, firing and glazing. Independence Community College Independence, Kansas Adjunct Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology. Academic year 2004-5 Researched community college level texts for class assignment, a variety of textual sources for lectures and to create supplement reading material for students. Explained issues, methodologies, stages in history, language features, physical and cultural development of Mankind, hypothesis and theory, argument structure vs. informational structure in thesis presentation, the make-up of the archaeological record, what archaeologists look for, how they organize and implement excavations, theories for the interpretation of the material record, problems due to NAGPRA, impending dam projects, fundamental religious belief systems and wars. Tested for learning acquisition and evaluation of potential, progress and proficiency. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Asian Collections, Philadelphia, PA Museum Intern in Asian Collections. May - August, 2002 This internship was specifically in order to aid in the facilitation of a move of the Museum's Asian Collection from various out-of-date storage facilities to a new state-of-the-art artifact storage wing in the museum. Tasks included the physical movement of a large variety of art, sculpture, textile, inscribed materials, ceramics, grave goods, etc., ancient textile preparation for storage, computer processing of information, participation in decisions to determine the consolidation of several collections into one resorted, logical order. Training was received on site in handling and moving precious artifacts including new techniques for rolling and folding ancient textiles. Curtis Marine Yuba Arsenal, Benicia, California, Oral History Researcher. June - August, 2001 Researched site history in order to locate workers employed during the 1940’s and 1950’s in the Yuba Arsenal (during its period as a steel manufacturer) for a lawsuit challenging a takeover company’s Phase One of an EPA soil sampling study. Located eight workers from the steel mill at that period, held and wrote interviews with them on details regarding the types of materials they had handled and the types of products which they had discarded into the soil at the site. Phase One is a stage required by law, an oral history of a particular site by eye-witnesses. Classics Faculty Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, Ancient Language Researcher. October 1996- August 1999 Worked with Professor J.T. Killen, the world authority, for four years on the decipherment of the Bronze Age script, Linear A, from the island of Crete. Researched all attempts at the Linear A decipherment and on the related deciphered script, Linear B, using archive materials including renderings and photographs as well as published written material. Determined which established methodologies would be useful and created a new methodology for internal morphological reconstruction. Wrote eight hundred pages of experiments on the Linear A script with highly interesting results. For a complete background, researched the history of all ancient scripts’ successful and working decipherment attempts, including (but not limited to) the Middle Eastern cuneiforms, the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Harrapan script of India. Studied phonology, phonetics, morphology and syntax in linguistics, ancient history, Classical Greek and Sanskrit as well as the history of code breaking in order to have mastery over a variety of tools useful in decipherment processes. Price/Resume 4 Benicia Bookshop, Benicia, California Creative Writing Workshop Instructor. Fall 1993 Taught eight weeks of seminars on the craft of fiction through the local bookshop. Focused each workshop on a separate type of craft, for example, dialogue, character development, plot, inner monologue, etc. Worked with each student on a single story that each week was rewritten according to what they had learned in each workshop. The goal and the results were excellent short stories at a publishable level. Spoke on the process of submission to agents and magazines and encouraged the students to submit. R.A.P.P. Arts Center New York, New York Dramatic Risks Theatre Company Playwright-in-Residence. 1988-89 Invited to the post of playwright-in-residence by the submission of two original plays. Was given living accommodations and a small stipend in order to participate in workshops with directors and actors within the group. Worked on staged readings of two of my plays as the writer, answering questions and coaching the actors to the meanings of the lines. Participated in playwriting workshops during the summer of 1988. The Dept of Anthropology Ethnographic Film Magazine University of Southern California Los Angeles, California. 1979-81 Assistant Editor. Rewrote each article that was received from our foreign correspondents in order that the journal have a common tone throughout. Edited the monthly column written by the Editor-In-Chief. Wrote original articles. Price/Resume 5