Papers by Favizia Freitas de Oliveira

Neotropical Entomology, Feb 14, 2022
Biodiversity conservation is a challenge for today. Studies regarding different ecosystems have b... more Biodiversity conservation is a challenge for today. Studies regarding different ecosystems have become extremely important for understanding communities and promoting strategies for conservation, especially those involving forest restoration as strategy to reverse biodiversity loss. We compared bee diversity indices between three remnants of Atlantic rainforest in southern Brazil and four adjacent areas that were reforested after shale mining, and which are now under different restoration levels. Seven sites were monitored for over 5 years (2011-2016), by sampling bees directly on flowers or in flight using an entomological net, with 400 collected individuals/site/year. Bee species composition differed between post-mining ages and between sites. In all, we sampled 14.185 specimens and 236 bee species. The introduced Africanized Apis mellifera Linnaeus was the most frequent and abundant species, followed by Trigona spinipes and Psaenythia bergii Holmberg. Among habitats, the reforested area in initial phase showed lower richness and diversity in relation all others sample sites. Conversely, all indices were higher in forest remnants, middle phase II, and advanced phase reforested areas, reinforcing the importance of reforestation for conservation, notably endangered species, such as Oxytrigona sp., Schwarziana quadripunctata (Lepeletier), and the solitary species of the genus Hylaeus, all found in the restored areas. These results represent an important contribution for understanding the recovery of the bee fauna in restored mining habitats. The dataset reveals an interesting response in areas that were mined for shale extraction and are now undergoing different levels of restoration, suggesting that older reforested habitats have a higher probability of having a fully recovered bee community.
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023

Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023
Já houve registro no Rio de Janeiro, mas este é atualmente considerado histórico. A espécie é res... more Já houve registro no Rio de Janeiro, mas este é atualmente considerado histórico. A espécie é restrita da Mata Atlântica e é dependente de fragmentos grandes, com mais de 3.000 ha. Sua extensa área de distribuição é bem amostrada e são bem conhecidos os locais remanescentes onde a espécie ocorre. Esses fragmentos somam 2.548 km², área considerada equivalente à sua área de ocupação (AOO). Considerando suas restrições de habitat e capacidade de dispersão, suspeita-se que sua população esteja severamente fragmentada e com declínio confirmado em parte de sua distribuição. A região de ocorrência da espécie sofre intensa redução e fragmentação dos ambientes naturais promovidas, principalmente, pela expansão urbana e pelas atividades agropecuária e silvicultura. Essas atividades são comumente associadas ao uso intenso de agrotóxicos, pesticidas e uso descontrolado do fogo que também promovem declínio continuado da qualidade do habitat remanescente. Assim, por aproximar-se de Vulnerável (VU) pelo critério B2ab(ii,iii), Euglossa marianae foi categorizada como Quase Ameaçada (NT).
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023
Euglossa botocuda é endêmica do Brasil, registrada no norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia, ass... more Euglossa botocuda é endêmica do Brasil, registrada no norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia, associada ao ambiente florestal da Mata Atlântica. Sua extensão de ocorrência (EOO) foi calculada em aproximadamente 23.000 km². Estima-se declínio populacional pontualmente em parte de sua distribuição e que o restante esteja severamente fragmentada. A área de distribuição da espécie é fortemente afetada pela alteração da paisagem natural promovida, sobretudo, pela expansão urbana e das fronteiras agrícola e pecuária. Portanto, por aproximar-se de Vulnerável (VU) pelo critério B1ab(iii), Euglossa botocuda foi categorizada como Quase Ameaçada (NT).
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Jan 20, 2023
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023

Revista chilena de entomología, Apr 30, 2023
Popularly known as "witch ants" or "velvet ants", mutillids are solitary ectoparasitoids wasps of... more Popularly known as "witch ants" or "velvet ants", mutillids are solitary ectoparasitoids wasps of immature insects. Atillum André, 1903, is a genus endemic to South America composed of 49 valid species. This study was motivated by the inconsistency of the available information, where, depending on the consulted bibliography, the number of Atillum species in Brazil varies. This contribution aims to reduce the knowledge gap on this genus, verifying the real number of species that comprise it and which actually inhabit Brazil. The specialized bibliography for Mutillidae and Atillum was consulted, in addition to carrying out an exhaustive consultation of the specialized bibliography. Additionally, to validate some of the records found, Atillum specimens deposited in the main collections that house this group were examined. As a result, records were found for ten Atillum species in Brazil, nine of which were confirmed as present in the country, and unpublished records of presence of Atillum and Atillum bucephalum (Perty, 1833) in four Brazilian states and eight municipalities located in the Northeastern region of the country.
Este trabalho objetivou inventariar a fauna de abelhas sem ferrao de dois meliponarios localizado... more Este trabalho objetivou inventariar a fauna de abelhas sem ferrao de dois meliponarios localizados nos municipios de Pacoti e Guaramiranga, no estado do Ceara, visando fornecer uma lista de especies de abelhas, que podera auxiliar em programas de conservacao da Biodiversidade neste perimetro

EntomoBrasilis, Apr 28, 2017
Orchid bees (Euglossini) are medium to large-sized species with fully or partially metallic body ... more Orchid bees (Euglossini) are medium to large-sized species with fully or partially metallic body that are relatively common in the Neotropical Region. Nevertheless, the nesting biology of many species remains unknown. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to provide new information on the nesting biology of five species of Euglossini found in urban and forested sites of Brazilian Amazon. The nests of Eufriesea pulchra (Smith) and Euglossa chalybeata Friese were recorded for the first time, found in an active nest of the ant Azteca sp. and in a fallen rotting tree, respectively. The nest of Euglossa townsendi (Linnaeus) was found in the leaf of an ornamental plant Cordyline sp. (Asparagaceae), also newly recorded. Euglossa intersecta Latreille was recorded nesting in an abandoned termite nest, and Euglossa cordata Cockerell was found nesting in a tubular metal window handle.
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Feb 3, 2023

ZooKeys, Nov 2, 2017
The taxonomic history of Trigona latitarsis Friese, 1900 and its clarification based on the obser... more The taxonomic history of Trigona latitarsis Friese, 1900 and its clarification based on the observation of the types and literature data are treated in this study. The paper discusses the validity of the previously proposed lectotype, deposited in the ZMB (Berlin, Germany). Based on the type series deposited in HNHM (Budapest, Hungary) as well as the original description, a new lectotype and 15 paralectotypes from Amazon forest (São Paulo de Olivença, Amazonas) are designated. Data on the geographic distribution of Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900) are provided. Resumo A história taxonômica de Trigona latitarsis Friese, 1900 é tratada nesse estudo, bem como esclarecimentos com base na observação dos tipos e em dados de literatura. É discutida a validade do lectótipo proposto anteriormente e depositado na ZMB (Berlim, Alemanha). Com base na série-tipo depositada no HNHM (Budapeste, Hungria), conforme descrição original, lectótipo e paralectótipos da floresta Amazônica (São Paulo de Olivença, Amazonas) são designados. Dados sobre a distribuição geográfica de Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900) são também fornecidos.

EntomoBrasilis, Aug 19, 2021
In this article we present the historical records of the Brazilian hawkmoths deposited in the Ent... more In this article we present the historical records of the Brazilian hawkmoths deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Museu de História Natural da Bahia (MHNBA-UFBA), including the historical Lepidoptera collection donated by Dr. Pedro de Araújo to the MHNBA-UFBA. The Sphingidae collection is composed of 243 specimens and represents 24 genera and 66 species. The historical collection consists of specimens captured between the years 1924 and 1934, and we also included to the collection specimens that were captured more recently, between 1982 and 2014. The subfamily Macroglossinae presented the greatest species richness and Smerinthinae the presented the least species richness. Of all of specimens in the collection, 151 came from São Paulo State (Brazil), 41 from Santa Catarina State, 50 from Bahia State and only one from Pernambuco State. Three topotypes were
Biodiversidade, Jul 26, 2020
RESUMO-As abelhas são insetos que ocorrem em quase todas as regiões do planeta. Grande parte dela... more RESUMO-As abelhas são insetos que ocorrem em quase todas as regiões do planeta. Grande parte delas costuma nidificar em ocos de árvores, vivas ou mortas (moirões de cercas, vigas, estacas), entretanto, algumas espécies também nidificam no solo, utilizando ninhos abandonados ou ativos de outros animais sociais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento das espécies de abelhas e dos substratos utilizados por elas para nidificação na região da bacia hidrográfica do riacho São José, em Caetés-PE. Foram registradas 20 espécies de abelhas ocorrendo na área do Vale do São José, sendo elas:
Sitientibus, Dec 31, 2006
Ginandromorfia em Melipona mondury Smith (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae)-Pela primeira vez é d... more Ginandromorfia em Melipona mondury Smith (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae)-Pela primeira vez é descrita a ocorrência de um ginandromorfo de Melipona mondury, coletado juntamente com machos e fêmeas normais. O espécime possui assimetria bilateral, apresentando a metade direita da cabeça com caracteres de macho e a metade esquerda com caracteres de fêmea; o mesossoma apresenta caracteres de macho verificados principalmente pelo formato dos basitarsos médios e pelas tíbias e basitarsos posteriores; o metassoma, apesar de possuir apenas caracteres de macho, apresenta uma linha que divide os tergos ao meio, sendo a metade direita castanho enegrecida, semelhante às fêmeas, e a metade esquerda amarelada, semelhante aos machos.

Journal of Natural History, Jul 2, 2020
ABSTRACT A distinctive new species of the Neotropical stingless bee genus Paratrigona Schwarz fro... more ABSTRACT A distinctive new species of the Neotropical stingless bee genus Paratrigona Schwarz from northeastern Brazil, previously considered as a variation within P. lineata by Camargo and Moure (1994), is described and illustrated. Paratrigona intermedia Oliveira, Madella-Auricchio & Freitas sp. nov. belongs to the lineata group. It is easily distinguished from its congeners by the pattern of body pubescence, especially by the absence of erect setae on the mesoscutum and disc of the mesoscutellum, and the presence of erect setae on the apical border of the mesoscutellum (dorsal and ventral surfaces) and sparse short erect setae on the upper 2/3 of the mesepisternum. The lectotype designation for Melipona lineata Lepeletier, 1836 is provided along with notes on its morphology and the concept of Paratrigona lineata is changed to differentiate it from the new species described here. Paratrigona lineata (Lepeletier, 1836), P. glabella Camargo & Moure, 1994 and P. incerta Camargo & Moure, 1994 are illustrated to facilitate comparisons with the new species. An updated key to the lineata species group, including the new species, is also provided.
Zootaxa, Dec 23, 2019
Scaura Schwarz is a small, widely distributed Neotropical genus of stingless bees whose workers a... more Scaura Schwarz is a small, widely distributed Neotropical genus of stingless bees whose workers and males have the metabasitarsus as broad as or wider than the metatibia. The genus currently includes four valid species. A species complex composed of three additional species are described here as new (S. amazonica sp. n., S. aspera sp. n. and S. cearensis sp. n.). In addition to the descriptions and redescriptions of the species of Scaura, an illustrated identification key is presented, as well as updated geographical records.

Zootaxa, Mar 23, 2022
The Neotropical bee genus Tetragona Lepeletier &amp; Serville, 1828 is characterized among st... more The Neotropical bee genus Tetragona Lepeletier &amp; Serville, 1828 is characterized among stingless bees by having a yellow pigmented maculation on body, especially on the clypeus, lower region of the paraocular area and mesosome, velvety genal area, a long and slender mesotibial spur and a glabrous propodeal triangle. The T. clavipes species-group is mainly characterized by having workers with elongated setae on T6, with about 2x the length of setae on T5 and hyaline wings. This group is composed of five species, two of which are described here as new: T. clavipes (Fabricius, 1804), T. perangulata (Cockerell, 1917), T. quadrangula (Lepeletier, 1936), T. mourei sp. nov. and T. korotaii sp. nov.). In this study, we synonymize T. dissecta Moure, 2000 and T. elongata Lepeletier &amp; Serville, 1828 under T. clavipes and we provide an identification key for the workers to the species in T. clavipes species-group.

Entomological Communications, Jun 28, 2021
Forensic Entomology can be defined as an area of Biological Sciences that uses the knowledge abou... more Forensic Entomology can be defined as an area of Biological Sciences that uses the knowledge about insects and other Arthropods in criminal investigations, since decomposing corpses are sources of resources for arthropods, including insects belonging to the Coleoptera order. The objective of this work was to carry out a rapid assessment inventory of beetles of forensic importance in an urban fragment of the Atlantic Forest (Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu) located in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil. We conducted a collection in the dry period (January 2013) and another collection in the rainy period (July 2013). The capture of coleopterans took place through the use of "Pitfall" traps, stocked with a mixed bait (chicken gizzard and sardines). A total of 239 were collected, distributed in three families: Scarabaeidae (96.1%), Staphylinidae (3.0%) and Histeridae (0.9%). The morphospecies Dicothomius sp. 1 (Scarabaeidae), was more abundant with 94.1% of the specimens sampled. The dry period was more representative for both richness and abundance. All species/morphospecies sampled already have previous records as belonging to forensic importance according to previous studies.
Acta Apicola Brasilica, Jun 14, 2020
Papers by Favizia Freitas de Oliveira