Salah satu program kegiatan yang dilaksankan oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus adal... more Salah satu program kegiatan yang dilaksankan oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus adalah program kegiatan pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan yang ditujukan untuk kelompok tani yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Bantuan bibit tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu petani dalam meningkatkan perekonomian petani. Dalam proses pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan, penyebaran informasi yang digunakan masih dilakukan secara konvensional dengan memberikan pengumuman di dinas, hal ini menjadi hambatan bagi petani untuk mencari informasi tentang bantuan bibit perkebunan yang ada di kudus, petani harus datang ke kantor Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait dengan bantuan bibit yang tersedia. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem Model Waterfall dan perancangannnnya menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Languange). Hasil akhir pada penelitian ini adalah Sistem informasi pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan pada Dinas Pertanian ...
In 2014, coinciding with the year of the ban on the re-establishment of the Chastelein monument b... more In 2014, coinciding with the year of the ban on the re-establishment of the Chastelein monument by the Government of Depok, West Java, the results of a survey by the Population and Civil Registry Office of Depok summarized the distribution of Depok residents in 11 sub-districts based on religion. The results show a comparison between the number of Protestants and Islam as follows: Depok residents who are Protestants only amounted to 105,218 people, while Muslims in 2014 totaled 1,853,898 people. This statistical data can certainly provide evidence for the transformation of societal values. Meanwhile, many historical articles, both popular and scientific, discuss the origin of the name Depok as the Dutch language acronym De Eerste Protestante Onderdaan Kerk. This illustrates the fact that Depok was actually born and grew up with strong Protestant values. Using the historical and material culture approach, this paper analyzes the value transformation that occurs in Depok society to se...
Title of Dissertation : Effective Implementation of Emission Control Area Towards Cleaner Shippin... more Title of Dissertation : Effective Implementation of Emission Control Area Towards Cleaner Shipping Operations: Focusing on Sulphur Oxides (SOx) Emission Reduction
Mapping Embroidery Industry in Kudus Based on Geographic Information Systems is a research that a... more Mapping Embroidery Industry in Kudus Based on Geographic Information Systems is a research that aims to monitor the activity in the Embroidery Industry in Kudus counties in terms of location, number of workers, the number of business units and the value of the investment. Location data from any industrial embroidery, obtained by the digitization process using a GPS (Global Positioning System). The digitized data is then fed into a digital map by using the class library on Google MAP API. The system design method used is OOD with UML tool. The results of this research is a prototype of a WEB-based application that displays a digital map of the data Embroidery industry in Kudus.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode pembelajaran guided dis... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode pembelajaran guided discovery untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur intrinsik dongeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dengan cara mendeskripsikan hasil temuan proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa setiap tahapan kegiatannya. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan tes kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur intrinsik dongeng. Pada penelitian ini, proses pembelajaran dongeng dengan menggunakan metode guided discovery dilakukan dengan cara: (1) guru memberikan pertanyaan seputar unsur intrinsik dongeng; (2) guru membacakan dongeng; (3) siswa membuat rancangan jawaban tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (4) guru mengecek rancangan jawaban siswa tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (5) siswa menyampaikan rancangan jawaban tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (6) guru mengkonfirmasi rancangan jawaban siswa. Kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifi...
ABSTRAK Dunia pendidikan tidak lepas dari keberadaan koleksi bahan pustaka yang dimiliki. Semakin... more ABSTRAK Dunia pendidikan tidak lepas dari keberadaan koleksi bahan pustaka yang dimiliki. Semakin meningkatnya atau bertambahnya koleksi bahan pustaka, kebutuhan informasi yang berkaitan dengan bahan pustaka yang ada, keterbatasan petugas pelayanan perpustakaan merupakan beberapa permasalahan yang seringkali timbul dalam pengelolaan perpustakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem informasi untuk menangani proses tersebut agar dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada para pengguna perpustakaan. Dengan rancangan sistem informasi perpustakaan ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada pengguna perpustakaan dan meminimalkan kesalahan dalam pengolahan data. Sistem informasi perpustakaan dimulai dari pendataan anggota, pendataan buku, peminjaman buku, pengembalian buku, pemberian surat bebas perpustakaan dan pembuatan laporan meliputi laporan data anggota, laporan data buku, laporan peminjaman buku, laporan pengembalian buku serta laporan penerimaan denda. Manfaa...
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of used cooking oil is currently happening... more The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of used cooking oil is currently happening in streets vendor of Bandung. This research was carried out the hope providing information to the public about effects of the use waste cooking oil and can be used as an early stage research on the utilization of waste cooking oil in street vendors in the city. The research method to be used is cluster sampling method, quantitative analysis of the cooking oil of analysis water content, acid value, free fatty acids, peroxide value, TBA test, turbidity, and smoke point. The overall results of the analysis show that the waste cooking oil water content ranged from 0.36% to 0.85%. The acid number ranged from 2.12 to 5.01 mgKOH / gL, free fatty acids ranged from 0.97 % to 2.29 %. The peroxide values ranged from 4.37 to 28.39 MekO2 / Kg. TBA test ranged from 0.66 to 2.15 mg malonaldehyde / kg of oil. Turbidity in cooking oil absorbance ranges from 0.143 to 0.809. Smoke point range between 159.1 °C - 177.2 °C
Human Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses,... more Human Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses, minds, and heart as tools to be able in receiving knowledge, and also established the concepts and norms which forms the basis of educational process. Children are a gift and trust from Allah S.W.T., for parents. so it is the duty of parents to take care and educate him to become a human who can grow and develop optimally in all aspects of ability, including: motoric rough, fine motor, linguistic, emotional, social, moral, and religious. The family is one of the main and first elements in the process of children’s education, so the family’s success in educating his son in the Qur’an gets a glorious position, as Lukman is glorified and immortalized his name to be one of the letters in the Qur’an because his success in educating the family. Lukman’s way in educating his family become a model of Qur’ani family education, which must be imitated and applied by every Muslim family. The fourth...
One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ens... more One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ensure every rights of the child is fulfilled well. But in fact, the poverty that also attached to the children is an obstacle to the fulfillment of children's rights in accordance with what is listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To cope with these situation, optimizing zakat is certainly one of the alternatives that can be used. Through the optimization of zakat, the child can fulfill his rights in accordance with the contents of the Convention such as the right to survival, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the right to participate. The research method used in this article is qualitative method with descriptive qualitative research type. Methods of data collection used is by interview, observation, and documentation study. Based on the result of this research indicate, until June 2017 through zakat optimization which has been done by Ruma...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya kebijakan dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pembela... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya kebijakan dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini karena pembelajaran tatap muka di sekolah dasar masih belum memungkinkan dilakukan karena semakin merebaknya pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan di sekolah dasar dengan karakter tanggung jawab siswa khususnya dalam pembuatan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket tentang pembelajaran daring dan karakter tanggung jawab siswa. Adapun subjek dari penelitian ini adalah orang tua siswa yang melihat dan marasakan langsung krakter tanggung jawab yang ditunjukan oleh anaknya selama proses pembelajaran daring. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan...
Mlati Norowito Village, Kudus Regency has a waste bank, namely the Sekar Melati Waste Bank. The S... more Mlati Norowito Village, Kudus Regency has a waste bank, namely the Sekar Melati Waste Bank. The Sekar Melati Waste Bank plays an active role in processing waste, especially non-organic waste. Sekar Melati Waste Bank has produced processed non-organic waste in the form of bags and tissue holders. This product is marketed outside Java. The marketing carried out is still in the form of word of mouth and traditional marketing. The purpose of this community service is to help increase the income and welfare of Sekar Melati Waste Bank partners in Kudus Regency by utilizing information technology, especially in the field of marketing based on e-marketing and business to business. The methods used are: lectures, training, and mentoring. The results achieved are: 1) partners understand well the benefits of B2B, e-marketing, and e-commerce; 2) partners have social media accounts to conduct e-marketing so as to cut labor costs, advertising costs and so on;3) partners understand how to create a...
SIMADA (Jurnal Sistem Informasi & Manajemen Basis Data), 2018
Deliberation planning development (Musrenbang) district or city is a deliberation of stakeholders... more Deliberation planning development (Musrenbang) district or city is a deliberation of stakeholders at the district / municipal level to finalize the draft regional government work plan (RKPD) district or city. The regency Musrenbang organizer is the district or city Bappeda. Beginning with the establishment of the Musrenbang Observer Team (Kepanitiaan) by the Head of the District / Municipal Bappeda by involving all the heads of the field in Bappeda. The purpose of this research is to build Information System Musrenbang Development Planning (Musrenbang) Pati District which is used for the management of development planning by Bappeda and the Working Unit. System development method used is System Development Life Cycle. The design of information systems using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) used to describe information systems development planning consultation (Musrenbang) district at the regional development planning agency (bappeda) Pati district.
This study aims to determine the role of a living pharmacy in the Formation of Environmental Care... more This study aims to determine the role of a living pharmacy in the Formation of Environmental Care of SDN (Public Elementary School) 1 Patapan Students in Beber District, Cirebon Regency. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects were the principal, teachers, and students. Data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis included data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Also, the data validity technique was by source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results showed that environmental care education in SDN 1 Patapan was carried out using way 1. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that through the role of a living pharmacy, it can shape the character of environmental care for students of SDN 1 Patapan in Beber District, Cirebon Regency.
Self efficacy sangat berperan dalam tumbuh kembang seseorang, terutama bagi anak berkebutuhan khu... more Self efficacy sangat berperan dalam tumbuh kembang seseorang, terutama bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada pada sekolah inklusi. Rasa percaya diri erat kaitannya dengan pendidikan, pendidikan merupak pilar utama pembentuk karater manusia atas dasar itu maka kemampuan yang dimiliki seorang anak perlu ditingkatkan guna membentuk karakter mereka untuk bisa berbaur dengan teman lainnya. Maka dari itu peneliti ingin mengembangan karakter rasa percaya diri akan potensi yang dimiliki pada anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada pada sekolah inklusi melalui pembelajaran self regulated learning. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dengan diberikan pola belajar dengan memberikan motovasi-motivasi kepada peserta didik dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka. Selain itu yang terutama mereka dapat bergaul dan tidak merasa canggung belajar bersama dengan peserta didik lainnya. Pembelajaran seperti ini perlu ditingkatkan kembali guna meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan tentunya seba...
Proceedings of the The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus, 2018
Kudus is one of the districts in Indonesia. In Kudus there are many SMEs. One of the main problem... more Kudus is one of the districts in Indonesia. In Kudus there are many SMEs. One of the main problems facing by SMEs in Kudus districts is the limited marketing network. Although to overcome the limitations of the range of marketing can be done by utilizing Information Technology (IT) such as by using E-Commerce. But the use and application of IT in SMEs has constraints that lack of funding for infrastructure procurement and lack of manpower with sufficient knowledge and skills to manage IT infrastructure. In applying SaaS application software concept into E-Commerce applications, this research uses object-oriented system development methods with UML tools. The E-Commerce category used is B2C. The purpose of this study is to produce cloud computing-based E-Commerce applications that can help SMEs in Kudus districts to expand their market share. The results of this study are E-Commerce application software for SMEs based on SaaS Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus, 2018
Improved service to users is a need for an information system development. Muria Kudus University... more Improved service to users is a need for an information system development. Muria Kudus University graduates who need legalized legalization of academic documents both diplomas and transcripts are often constrained by time and location to legalize the documents. This study aims to develop legalized ordering system of academic documents to improve services to the graduates of Muria Kudus University especially to graduates who are currently out of town who need academic document services both diplomas and transcripts. The system adopts the REST API (Application Programming Interface) provided from some freight forwarding services to maintain the accuracy of data shipping costs legalizing academic documents. The result of this research is legalized ordering system document designed using UML which can be used as legalized ordering service of academic document by utilizing REST API technology to show the accuracy of shipping cost from some goods delivery service.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang akibat hukum pewaris yang menolak warisan. Pada umumnya mewaris d... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang akibat hukum pewaris yang menolak warisan. Pada umumnya mewaris diterima oleh para ahli waris baik dengan tegas maupun diam-diam, sebagian orang yang seharusnya mempunyai dan mendapatkan hak mewaris, tapi karena suatu hal tertentu ahli waris tersebut tidak mau menerima hak warisnya atau bisa disebut dengan menolak warisan yang diberikan pewaris. Harta yang diwariskan berbentuk harta aktiva dan harta pasiva jadi ahli waris tidak hanya menerima harta dalam bentuk uang dan barang melainkan juga hutang pewaris yang harus ditanggung oleh ahli waris. Tentunya tidak ada orang yang mau dibebani dan bertanggung jawab secara penuh terhadap hutang orang lain. Terdapat dua masalah yang diulas dalam penelitian ini, pertama, apa peran pengadilan dalam menetapkan status hukum ahli waris yang menolak warisan, dan yang kedua, apa akibat hukum yang timbul dari warisan yang ditolak secara penuh oleh ahli warisnya. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum yai...
the conduction of election was aimed at electing people and local representatives as well as form... more the conduction of election was aimed at electing people and local representatives as well as forming democratic, strong, and legitimate government in order to pursuit national goals based on Indonesian Constitution (UUDNRI 1945). Related to general election, there was a discourse on the model of governor election. The first, governor should elected by local (provincial) council. Second model will be direct election. The third, the governor should be assigned by President. It was a case study with qualitative approach. Based on the field result, it was perceived that the ideal type of choosing governor was direct election model. It was believed that it would trigger or stimulate a democratic local government and people-oriented development, throw away political partai oligarki. It was also in accordance to public participation on decision making.
The purpose of writing this article is to obtain an overview of the thinking process of ele- ment... more The purpose of writing this article is to obtain an overview of the thinking process of ele- mentary school students in mathematical understanding related to the material of multi- plication and fraction distribution. The thought process consists of instrumental thinking processes and instrumental relational thinking processes. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Students in one class are given a task sheet to do individually by writing clear work steps. Six students were selected as research subjects to analyze. Consisting of 2 subjects who have high math skills, 2 medium and 2 low. The process of thinking of a subject is observed by looking at and reviewing the answers to the assignment sheet and giving clinical interviews related to the results of his work. Based on data analysis, it was obtained an illustration that the subject did not have a good instrumental relational think- ing process. Generally, many subjects do not understand the concept of fractions, so it ...
Salah satu program kegiatan yang dilaksankan oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus adal... more Salah satu program kegiatan yang dilaksankan oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus adalah program kegiatan pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan yang ditujukan untuk kelompok tani yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Bantuan bibit tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu petani dalam meningkatkan perekonomian petani. Dalam proses pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan, penyebaran informasi yang digunakan masih dilakukan secara konvensional dengan memberikan pengumuman di dinas, hal ini menjadi hambatan bagi petani untuk mencari informasi tentang bantuan bibit perkebunan yang ada di kudus, petani harus datang ke kantor Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kudus untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait dengan bantuan bibit yang tersedia. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem Model Waterfall dan perancangannnnya menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Languange). Hasil akhir pada penelitian ini adalah Sistem informasi pengajuan bantuan bibit perkebunan pada Dinas Pertanian ...
In 2014, coinciding with the year of the ban on the re-establishment of the Chastelein monument b... more In 2014, coinciding with the year of the ban on the re-establishment of the Chastelein monument by the Government of Depok, West Java, the results of a survey by the Population and Civil Registry Office of Depok summarized the distribution of Depok residents in 11 sub-districts based on religion. The results show a comparison between the number of Protestants and Islam as follows: Depok residents who are Protestants only amounted to 105,218 people, while Muslims in 2014 totaled 1,853,898 people. This statistical data can certainly provide evidence for the transformation of societal values. Meanwhile, many historical articles, both popular and scientific, discuss the origin of the name Depok as the Dutch language acronym De Eerste Protestante Onderdaan Kerk. This illustrates the fact that Depok was actually born and grew up with strong Protestant values. Using the historical and material culture approach, this paper analyzes the value transformation that occurs in Depok society to se...
Title of Dissertation : Effective Implementation of Emission Control Area Towards Cleaner Shippin... more Title of Dissertation : Effective Implementation of Emission Control Area Towards Cleaner Shipping Operations: Focusing on Sulphur Oxides (SOx) Emission Reduction
Mapping Embroidery Industry in Kudus Based on Geographic Information Systems is a research that a... more Mapping Embroidery Industry in Kudus Based on Geographic Information Systems is a research that aims to monitor the activity in the Embroidery Industry in Kudus counties in terms of location, number of workers, the number of business units and the value of the investment. Location data from any industrial embroidery, obtained by the digitization process using a GPS (Global Positioning System). The digitized data is then fed into a digital map by using the class library on Google MAP API. The system design method used is OOD with UML tool. The results of this research is a prototype of a WEB-based application that displays a digital map of the data Embroidery industry in Kudus.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode pembelajaran guided dis... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode pembelajaran guided discovery untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur intrinsik dongeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dengan cara mendeskripsikan hasil temuan proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa setiap tahapan kegiatannya. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan tes kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur intrinsik dongeng. Pada penelitian ini, proses pembelajaran dongeng dengan menggunakan metode guided discovery dilakukan dengan cara: (1) guru memberikan pertanyaan seputar unsur intrinsik dongeng; (2) guru membacakan dongeng; (3) siswa membuat rancangan jawaban tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (4) guru mengecek rancangan jawaban siswa tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (5) siswa menyampaikan rancangan jawaban tentang unsur intrinsik dongeng; (6) guru mengkonfirmasi rancangan jawaban siswa. Kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifi...
ABSTRAK Dunia pendidikan tidak lepas dari keberadaan koleksi bahan pustaka yang dimiliki. Semakin... more ABSTRAK Dunia pendidikan tidak lepas dari keberadaan koleksi bahan pustaka yang dimiliki. Semakin meningkatnya atau bertambahnya koleksi bahan pustaka, kebutuhan informasi yang berkaitan dengan bahan pustaka yang ada, keterbatasan petugas pelayanan perpustakaan merupakan beberapa permasalahan yang seringkali timbul dalam pengelolaan perpustakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem informasi untuk menangani proses tersebut agar dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada para pengguna perpustakaan. Dengan rancangan sistem informasi perpustakaan ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada pengguna perpustakaan dan meminimalkan kesalahan dalam pengolahan data. Sistem informasi perpustakaan dimulai dari pendataan anggota, pendataan buku, peminjaman buku, pengembalian buku, pemberian surat bebas perpustakaan dan pembuatan laporan meliputi laporan data anggota, laporan data buku, laporan peminjaman buku, laporan pengembalian buku serta laporan penerimaan denda. Manfaa...
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of used cooking oil is currently happening... more The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of used cooking oil is currently happening in streets vendor of Bandung. This research was carried out the hope providing information to the public about effects of the use waste cooking oil and can be used as an early stage research on the utilization of waste cooking oil in street vendors in the city. The research method to be used is cluster sampling method, quantitative analysis of the cooking oil of analysis water content, acid value, free fatty acids, peroxide value, TBA test, turbidity, and smoke point. The overall results of the analysis show that the waste cooking oil water content ranged from 0.36% to 0.85%. The acid number ranged from 2.12 to 5.01 mgKOH / gL, free fatty acids ranged from 0.97 % to 2.29 %. The peroxide values ranged from 4.37 to 28.39 MekO2 / Kg. TBA test ranged from 0.66 to 2.15 mg malonaldehyde / kg of oil. Turbidity in cooking oil absorbance ranges from 0.143 to 0.809. Smoke point range between 159.1 °C - 177.2 °C
Human Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses,... more Human Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses, minds, and heart as tools to be able in receiving knowledge, and also established the concepts and norms which forms the basis of educational process. Children are a gift and trust from Allah S.W.T., for parents. so it is the duty of parents to take care and educate him to become a human who can grow and develop optimally in all aspects of ability, including: motoric rough, fine motor, linguistic, emotional, social, moral, and religious. The family is one of the main and first elements in the process of children’s education, so the family’s success in educating his son in the Qur’an gets a glorious position, as Lukman is glorified and immortalized his name to be one of the letters in the Qur’an because his success in educating the family. Lukman’s way in educating his family become a model of Qur’ani family education, which must be imitated and applied by every Muslim family. The fourth...
One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ens... more One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ensure every rights of the child is fulfilled well. But in fact, the poverty that also attached to the children is an obstacle to the fulfillment of children's rights in accordance with what is listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To cope with these situation, optimizing zakat is certainly one of the alternatives that can be used. Through the optimization of zakat, the child can fulfill his rights in accordance with the contents of the Convention such as the right to survival, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the right to participate. The research method used in this article is qualitative method with descriptive qualitative research type. Methods of data collection used is by interview, observation, and documentation study. Based on the result of this research indicate, until June 2017 through zakat optimization which has been done by Ruma...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya kebijakan dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pembela... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya kebijakan dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini karena pembelajaran tatap muka di sekolah dasar masih belum memungkinkan dilakukan karena semakin merebaknya pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan di sekolah dasar dengan karakter tanggung jawab siswa khususnya dalam pembuatan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket tentang pembelajaran daring dan karakter tanggung jawab siswa. Adapun subjek dari penelitian ini adalah orang tua siswa yang melihat dan marasakan langsung krakter tanggung jawab yang ditunjukan oleh anaknya selama proses pembelajaran daring. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan...
Mlati Norowito Village, Kudus Regency has a waste bank, namely the Sekar Melati Waste Bank. The S... more Mlati Norowito Village, Kudus Regency has a waste bank, namely the Sekar Melati Waste Bank. The Sekar Melati Waste Bank plays an active role in processing waste, especially non-organic waste. Sekar Melati Waste Bank has produced processed non-organic waste in the form of bags and tissue holders. This product is marketed outside Java. The marketing carried out is still in the form of word of mouth and traditional marketing. The purpose of this community service is to help increase the income and welfare of Sekar Melati Waste Bank partners in Kudus Regency by utilizing information technology, especially in the field of marketing based on e-marketing and business to business. The methods used are: lectures, training, and mentoring. The results achieved are: 1) partners understand well the benefits of B2B, e-marketing, and e-commerce; 2) partners have social media accounts to conduct e-marketing so as to cut labor costs, advertising costs and so on;3) partners understand how to create a...
SIMADA (Jurnal Sistem Informasi & Manajemen Basis Data), 2018
Deliberation planning development (Musrenbang) district or city is a deliberation of stakeholders... more Deliberation planning development (Musrenbang) district or city is a deliberation of stakeholders at the district / municipal level to finalize the draft regional government work plan (RKPD) district or city. The regency Musrenbang organizer is the district or city Bappeda. Beginning with the establishment of the Musrenbang Observer Team (Kepanitiaan) by the Head of the District / Municipal Bappeda by involving all the heads of the field in Bappeda. The purpose of this research is to build Information System Musrenbang Development Planning (Musrenbang) Pati District which is used for the management of development planning by Bappeda and the Working Unit. System development method used is System Development Life Cycle. The design of information systems using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) used to describe information systems development planning consultation (Musrenbang) district at the regional development planning agency (bappeda) Pati district.
This study aims to determine the role of a living pharmacy in the Formation of Environmental Care... more This study aims to determine the role of a living pharmacy in the Formation of Environmental Care of SDN (Public Elementary School) 1 Patapan Students in Beber District, Cirebon Regency. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects were the principal, teachers, and students. Data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis included data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Also, the data validity technique was by source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results showed that environmental care education in SDN 1 Patapan was carried out using way 1. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that through the role of a living pharmacy, it can shape the character of environmental care for students of SDN 1 Patapan in Beber District, Cirebon Regency.
Self efficacy sangat berperan dalam tumbuh kembang seseorang, terutama bagi anak berkebutuhan khu... more Self efficacy sangat berperan dalam tumbuh kembang seseorang, terutama bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada pada sekolah inklusi. Rasa percaya diri erat kaitannya dengan pendidikan, pendidikan merupak pilar utama pembentuk karater manusia atas dasar itu maka kemampuan yang dimiliki seorang anak perlu ditingkatkan guna membentuk karakter mereka untuk bisa berbaur dengan teman lainnya. Maka dari itu peneliti ingin mengembangan karakter rasa percaya diri akan potensi yang dimiliki pada anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada pada sekolah inklusi melalui pembelajaran self regulated learning. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dengan diberikan pola belajar dengan memberikan motovasi-motivasi kepada peserta didik dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka. Selain itu yang terutama mereka dapat bergaul dan tidak merasa canggung belajar bersama dengan peserta didik lainnya. Pembelajaran seperti ini perlu ditingkatkan kembali guna meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan tentunya seba...
Proceedings of the The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus, 2018
Kudus is one of the districts in Indonesia. In Kudus there are many SMEs. One of the main problem... more Kudus is one of the districts in Indonesia. In Kudus there are many SMEs. One of the main problems facing by SMEs in Kudus districts is the limited marketing network. Although to overcome the limitations of the range of marketing can be done by utilizing Information Technology (IT) such as by using E-Commerce. But the use and application of IT in SMEs has constraints that lack of funding for infrastructure procurement and lack of manpower with sufficient knowledge and skills to manage IT infrastructure. In applying SaaS application software concept into E-Commerce applications, this research uses object-oriented system development methods with UML tools. The E-Commerce category used is B2C. The purpose of this study is to produce cloud computing-based E-Commerce applications that can help SMEs in Kudus districts to expand their market share. The results of this study are E-Commerce application software for SMEs based on SaaS Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus, 2018
Improved service to users is a need for an information system development. Muria Kudus University... more Improved service to users is a need for an information system development. Muria Kudus University graduates who need legalized legalization of academic documents both diplomas and transcripts are often constrained by time and location to legalize the documents. This study aims to develop legalized ordering system of academic documents to improve services to the graduates of Muria Kudus University especially to graduates who are currently out of town who need academic document services both diplomas and transcripts. The system adopts the REST API (Application Programming Interface) provided from some freight forwarding services to maintain the accuracy of data shipping costs legalizing academic documents. The result of this research is legalized ordering system document designed using UML which can be used as legalized ordering service of academic document by utilizing REST API technology to show the accuracy of shipping cost from some goods delivery service.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang akibat hukum pewaris yang menolak warisan. Pada umumnya mewaris d... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang akibat hukum pewaris yang menolak warisan. Pada umumnya mewaris diterima oleh para ahli waris baik dengan tegas maupun diam-diam, sebagian orang yang seharusnya mempunyai dan mendapatkan hak mewaris, tapi karena suatu hal tertentu ahli waris tersebut tidak mau menerima hak warisnya atau bisa disebut dengan menolak warisan yang diberikan pewaris. Harta yang diwariskan berbentuk harta aktiva dan harta pasiva jadi ahli waris tidak hanya menerima harta dalam bentuk uang dan barang melainkan juga hutang pewaris yang harus ditanggung oleh ahli waris. Tentunya tidak ada orang yang mau dibebani dan bertanggung jawab secara penuh terhadap hutang orang lain. Terdapat dua masalah yang diulas dalam penelitian ini, pertama, apa peran pengadilan dalam menetapkan status hukum ahli waris yang menolak warisan, dan yang kedua, apa akibat hukum yang timbul dari warisan yang ditolak secara penuh oleh ahli warisnya. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum yai...
the conduction of election was aimed at electing people and local representatives as well as form... more the conduction of election was aimed at electing people and local representatives as well as forming democratic, strong, and legitimate government in order to pursuit national goals based on Indonesian Constitution (UUDNRI 1945). Related to general election, there was a discourse on the model of governor election. The first, governor should elected by local (provincial) council. Second model will be direct election. The third, the governor should be assigned by President. It was a case study with qualitative approach. Based on the field result, it was perceived that the ideal type of choosing governor was direct election model. It was believed that it would trigger or stimulate a democratic local government and people-oriented development, throw away political partai oligarki. It was also in accordance to public participation on decision making.
The purpose of writing this article is to obtain an overview of the thinking process of ele- ment... more The purpose of writing this article is to obtain an overview of the thinking process of ele- mentary school students in mathematical understanding related to the material of multi- plication and fraction distribution. The thought process consists of instrumental thinking processes and instrumental relational thinking processes. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Students in one class are given a task sheet to do individually by writing clear work steps. Six students were selected as research subjects to analyze. Consisting of 2 subjects who have high math skills, 2 medium and 2 low. The process of thinking of a subject is observed by looking at and reviewing the answers to the assignment sheet and giving clinical interviews related to the results of his work. Based on data analysis, it was obtained an illustration that the subject did not have a good instrumental relational think- ing process. Generally, many subjects do not understand the concept of fractions, so it ...
Papers by Fajar Nugraha