Papers by Eurig Scandrett
Ecography, 1991
An outbreak of heather beetle Lochmaea suturalis on a wet heath in north-east Scotland was monito... more An outbreak of heather beetle Lochmaea suturalis on a wet heath in north-east Scotland was monitored. In many respects, the outbreak was similar to those described in lowland heaths; it started at a particular locus and when the Calluna vulgaris was depleted, spread ...
The UK government's consultation proposals on informal adult learning, issued in January 200... more The UK government's consultation proposals on informal adult learning, issued in January 2008, recognize amongst other things the importance of self-directed learning, learning in social movements and learning which involves the use of information and communication ...

Journal of Ecology, Sep 1, 1989
(1) The pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens and Hypnumjutlandicum typ... more (1) The pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens and Hypnumjutlandicum typically occur in gaps in degenerate Calluna vulgaris bushes in dry heathland. Interactions between these species were investigated using a replacement series experiment, under two light levels and two drainage conditions. (2) In monocultures, the three species behaved similarly, producing higher yields and displaying greater intraspecific inhibition (as a result of interactions between 'individuals' derived from different sown fragments) in the shade than in the light. Although yields were somewhat higher in dry than in wet conditions, inhibition was greater in the wet. H. jutlandicum showed the most intraspecific inhibition and P. schreberi the least. (3) Most pairs of species produced the highest yields and showed the greatest mutual inhibition in the shade and in dry conditions. Hypnum jutlandicum was the most successful species in mixtures. Its proportional yield was enhanced, while that of each of the other species (especially Pleurozium schreberi) was reduced. (4) The ecological differences between species are discussed in relation to their respective niches in a degenerating heathland ecosystem.
Journal of Arts & Communities, Dec 1, 2011
ABSTRACT This case study describes a piece of emersion theatre conducted during a workshop at the... more ABSTRACT This case study describes a piece of emersion theatre conducted during a workshop at the World Education Forum in Ramallah, Palestine in 2010. The piece explores the relationship between three different approaches to political change: popular education; direct action and art – using the scenario of a campaign against environmental pollution. The workshop was designed to focus critically on the tensions between the three approaches with a view to understand better their contributions to radical social change. The case study describes the theoretical background as well as the insights from the workshop.
Policy Press eBooks, Sep 14, 2020
This chapter describes special knowledges that public sociology pedagogies can generate and the t... more This chapter describes special knowledges that public sociology pedagogies can generate and the theoretical point of departure in the nineteenth-century working class that demand for control of educational curricula. It points out how public sociology knowledge is be validated as 'really useful' by the participants in public sociology education. It also addresses the 'what' of public sociology education and the political, and epistemological status of public sociology knowledge. The chapter refers to the concept of 'really useful knowledge' that has been used in radical adult education theory. It explains knowledge that is selected, critiqued, and generated by communities and groups engaged in struggles against oppression.
Studies in the education of adults, Mar 1, 2019
Luath Press eBooks, Apr 1, 2011
SensePublishers eBooks, Nov 1, 2012
This chapter builds on theoretical discussions of learning in environmental justice movements bas... more This chapter builds on theoretical discussions of learning in environmental justice movements based on empirical research in Scotland and India (see Scandrett et al., 2010), and develops these insights into social movement learning, using the theoretical resources of political ecology. I will argue that political ecology allows us to understand environmental justice struggles, not as disparate NIMBY localisms or peripheral forms of environmentalism, but as a distinctive species of social contestation in response to the current stage of capitalism.

Vegetatio, Nov 1, 1989
Regeneration of Calluna vulgaris in heathlands occurs from both seed and layering, although the r... more Regeneration of Calluna vulgaris in heathlands occurs from both seed and layering, although the relative importance of these two strategies appears to vary. A population model based on transitions between growth phases has been devised and parameter values obtained from published and original work. The effects of differing amounts of seed and vegetative regeneration on the population changes were then tested. The model predicts that a population with a relatively high occurrence of layering will tend towttrds a steady state, with little temporal variation in population density and cover. Conversely, low layering capacity increases temporal variation with little effect on mean cover. Increased seed regeneration on the other hand, increases both the amplitude of temporal variation in population density, and the frequency of cycles, whereas low seed regeneration results in a stable age distribution at less than 100~ cover.

Bristol University Press eBooks, Sep 14, 2020
This chapter identifies who are the 'publics' of public sociology education by referring ... more This chapter identifies who are the 'publics' of public sociology education by referring to Nancy Fraser's formulation of the subaltern counterpublic. It explores who constitutes a 'subaltern counterpublic' and produces curricula in public sociology education. It also mentions who is included and excluded by the practice of public sociology education. The chapter analyses the provocation that makes the case that public sociology primarily engages with subaltern counterpublics, such as those engaged in resistance, resilience, or building alternatives to some form of oppression, exploitation, or injustice. It explains what constitutes a 'counter public' that emerges, for the public sociologist, from dialogue with the praxis of those engaged in struggle against structures and representations that oppress, exploit, and exclude.
These data comprise anonymised Hindi transcriptions and English translations of interviews conduc... more These data comprise anonymised Hindi transcriptions and English translations of interviews conducted as part of the Bhopal Survivors’ Movement Study, which started in December 2007 (mostly between December 2007 and September 2008). These data are for public access and all participants have given their consent for these data to be publicly accessible under the condition of anonymity. Most transcriptions and translations have received a minimal edit in order to remove any information which would identify the interviewee, although there are some interviewees who have given permission for their names to be used.
Policy Press eBooks, Jan 13, 2016
Public Sociology As Educational Practice
This dialogue includes an engagement between the author and two of the case contributors, both of... more This dialogue includes an engagement between the author and two of the case contributors, both of whom are operating at the boundaries of policy sociology. Whilst this has perhaps underrepresented those working in other spheres of knowledge co-production – research, art, behaviour – it has allowed a focus on the kinds of knowledge that find their ways into the process of policy development and, more generally, what knowledge is valued in the public sphere....
Public Sociology As Educational Practice, 2020
Public Sociology As Educational Practice, 2020
Public Sociology As Educational Practice, 2020
Papers by Eurig Scandrett