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Curriculum Vitae

Classical Physics, Electromagnetic Field, and Plasma Physics
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Robert E. Terry B.S. (1968) Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.S. (1975) The Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. (1978) The Johns Hopkins University Now an independent researcher, Dr. Terry was most recently a senior research physicist with Enig Associates with over 35 years of experience in the numerical modeling and simulation of plasma phenomena, often in direct support of experiments. While with Enig he directly generated or materially aided in the winning of over $ 1,000,000 in research contracts. From his dissertation research at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in fundamental plasma turbulence theory, Dr. Terry moved on to join the theoretical physics division of Jaycor, Inc in Alexandria, VA, from 1979 to 1984. While at Jaycor he developed Lagrangian MHD models of plasma radiation sources which demonstrated the relevance of electric field diffusion to the understanding of current driven microinstabilities. Joining NRL in 1985, he has worked on plasma flow switches to demonstrate the important kinematic effects of mass erosion and to show that subluminal, magnetosonic current transfer speeds characterize the power delivery. Later work with reflex triode switch models demonstrated the importance of charge exchange “resistivity” in the ion current dynamics. He has applied gyrokinetic theory to Z-pinch current losses and demonstrated an example of E×B flows that produce microturbulence of direct relevance to power flow questions in Z-pinches that remain unresolved. In support of the Phoenix pulser his studies of PRS dynamics and power flow lead to a model examining gas puff breakdown and early current paths that demonstrated a clear basis for the axially progressive implosions seen in that device. More recent work examined novel debris mitigation strategies, magnetic interlayer Z-pinches, and a demonstration of mass exchange and current switching in the implosion of nested wire arrays. The specialized wire models allowing that paradigm shift in the nested wire loads continue to be developed as novel flow algorithms and to support equally novel PRS load designs. In direct support of plasma processing efforts he has demonstrated 1D and 2D RF discharge models which were successful in predicting hollow discharges in single turn coil reactors. He has developed plasma chemistry models, making direct calculations of electron distribution functions and rate coefficients, for high energy density atomic nitrogen sources. Before his retirement from NRL in 2007, active research included PRS wire array dynamics, applications of tabular collisional radiative equilibrium (TCRE) radiation models to 3D MHD fluid particle algorithms, wire array precursor jetting, and novel concepts in laser guided discharges. Joining Enig Associates in 2007, Dr. Terry served as a DARPA principal investigator in a high altitude heat rejection program for UAVs and contributed focused MHD analysis as a subject matter expert in support of other programs. He has contributed to high performance computing campaigns with Alegra MHD, CALE, SESAME, and other codes. 1 Dr. Terry is a member of the American Physical Society, the IEEE, the AIAA, and the Mars Society. He also serves as a Civil Air Patrol volunteer. Selected Publications ”Comparative Masses and Energies for Lunar and Martian Missions,” R. E. Terry, T. Hill, and R. McCartney, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2006, pp. 251-252. ”Two- and three-wire loads for large current machines,” R. E. Terry, and J. P. Apruzese, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2005, pp. 183-191. ”Free surface boundary conditions for diffusive radiation transport in PRS simulations,” R. E. Terry, and J. L. Giuliani, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2002, pp. 604-610. ”Cooperative Relaxation Methods for Multigroup Radiation Diffusion in Radiation Hydrodynamics,” R. E. Terry, J. L. Giuliani, and J.P. Apruzese, Vol. 651, AIP, 2002, pp. 392-395. “Current Switching and Mass Interpenetration Offer Enhanced Power from Nested Array Z-pinches”, R. E. Terry, et. al., PRL (83) 21, 1999, p. 4305. “A Model for Operating Points in Atomic Nitrogen Sources”, R. E. Terry, et. al., Proceedings of the Etch Users Group, Amer. Vac. Society, 1998, p. 193. ”Analysis of magnetic interlayer staged PRS loads,” R. E. Terry, and R. W. Clark, Vol. 409, AIP, 1997, pp. 601-606. “Electrostatic Turbulence in the Z-Pinch Corona”, R. E. Terry, Phys. of Plas. 1 [7], (1994), p.2189. ”Mass loss of exploding foils,” N. R. Pereira, and R. E. Terry, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 64, No. 3, 1988, pp. 1581-1583. “Mass Erosion in Foil Switches”, J. E. Brandenburg, R. E. Terry, N. R. Pereira, Megagauss IV Proc., Plenum(1986), p. 543. 2