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Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013 (Part II)
Paula Kotzé, Gary Marsden, Gitte Lindgaard, Janet Wesson, Marco Winckler (Eds.)
Front Matter

Long and Short Papers (Continued)

E-Input/Output Devices (e-Readers, Whiteboards)

Leisure-Based Reading and the Place of E-Books in Everyday Life
Annika Hupfeld, Abigail Sellen, Kenton O’hara, Tom Rodden
Reading together as a Leisure Activity: Implications for E-reading
Michael Massimi, Rachelle Campigotto, Abbas Attarwala, Ronald Baecker
The Mysterious Whiteboard
Clemens Klokmose, Olav Bertelsen

Facilitating Social Behaviour and Collaboration I

A Tabletop System Using Infrared Image Recognition for Multi-user Identification
Shota Suto, Susumu Shibusawa
Performing Online and Offline: How DJs Use Social Networks
Mayur Karnik, Ian Oakley, Valentina Nisi
Tension Space Analysis: Exploring Community Requirements for Networked Urban Screens
Steve North, Holger Schnädelbach, Ava Schieck, Wallis Motta, Lei Ye, Moritz Behrens, Efstathia Kostopoulou

Facilitating Social Behaviour and Collaboration II

BinCam: Designing for Engagement with Facebook for Behavior Change
Rob Comber, Anja Thieme, Ashur Rafiev, Nick Taylor, Nicole Krämer, Patrick Olivier
OpinionBlocks: A Crowd-Powered, Self-improving Interactive Visual Analytic System for Understanding Opinion Text
Mengdie Hu, Huahai Yang, Michelle Zhou, Liang Gou, Yunyao Li, Eben Haber
PolemicTweet: Video Annotation and Analysis through Tagged Tweets
Samuel Huron, Petra Isenberg, Jean-Daniel Fekete

Gaze-Enabled Interaction Design

Eyes Only: Navigating Hypertext with Gaze
Abdul Penkar, Christof Lutteroth, Gerald Weber
Eye Pull, Eye Push: Moving Objects between Large Screens and Personal Devices with Gaze and Touch
Jayson Turner, Jason Alexander, Andreas Bulling, Dominik Schmidt, Hans Gellersen
Tools for a Gaze-Controlled Drawing Application – Comparing Gaze Gestures against Dwell Buttons
Henna Heikkilä

Gesture and Tactile User Interfaces

Designing Gesture-Based Control for Factory Automation
Tomi Heimonen, Jaakko Hakulinen, Markku Turunen, Jussi Jokinen, Tuuli Keskinen, Roope Raisamo
Metamodels Infrastructure and Heuristics for Metamodel-Driven Multi-touch Interaction
Víctor López-Jaquero, Elena Navarro, Francisco Montero, Pascual González
TactiPEd: Easy Prototyping of Tactile Patterns
Sabrina Panëels, Margarita Anastassova, Lucie Brunet

Gesture-Based User Interface Design and Interaction I

Towards Many Gestures to One Command: A User Study for Tabletops
Yosra Rekik, Laurent Grisoni, Nicolas Roussel
User-Defined Body Gestures for an Interactive Storytelling Scenario
Felix Kistler, Elisabeth André
User-Defined Gestures for Augmented Reality
Thammathip Piumsomboon, Adrian Clark, Mark Billinghurst, Andy Cockburn

Gesture-Based User Interface Design and Interaction II

Gesture-Based Interaction in Domotic Environments: State of the Art and HCI Framework Inspired by the Diversity
Ana Carvalho Correia, Leonardo Miranda, Heiko Hornung
Thumbs Up: 3D Gesture Input on Mobile Phones Using the Front Facing Camera
Paul Schmieder, John Hosking, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Beryl Plimmer
User and System Cross-Learning of Gesture Commands on Pen-Based Devices
Peiyu Li, Manuel Bouillon, Eric Anquetil, Grégoire Richard

Health/Medical Devices

Adoption and Appropriation: A Design Process from HCI Research at a Brazilian Neurological Hospital
Junia Anacleto, Sidney Fels
Chronicles: Supporting Conversational Narrative in Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Annalu Waller, Rachel Menzies, Daniel Herron, Suzanne Prior, Rolf Black, Thilo Kroll
Development of Novel eHealth Services for Citizen Use – Current System Engineering vs. Best Practice in HCI
Isabella Scandurra, Jesper Holgersson, Thomas Lind, Gunilla Myreteg
Increasing Accuracy by Decreasing Presentation Quality in Transcription Tasks
Frank Soboczenski, Paul Cairns, Anna Cox
You Can’t Touch This: Potential Perils of Patient Interaction with Clinical Medical Devices
Paul Noble, Ann Blandford

Humans and Robots

A Dog Tail for Utility Robots: Exploring Affective Properties of Tail Movement
Ashish Singh, James Young
Pebbles: User-Configurable Device Network for Robot Navigation
Kentaro Ishii, Haipeng Mi, Lei Ma, Natsuda Laokulrat, Masahiko Inami, Takeo Igarashi
Robots for Real: Developing a Participatory Design Framework for Implementing Educational Robots in Real-World Learning Environments
Lykke Bertel, Dorte Rasmussen, Ellen Christiansen

Human-Work Interaction Design

Computer-Supported Work in Partially Distributed and Co-located Teams: The Influence of Mood Feedback
Andreas Sonderegger, Denis Lalanne, Luisa Bergholz, Fabien Ringeval, Juergen Sauer
Do Usability Professionals Think about User Experience in the Same Way as Users and Developers Do?
Torkil Clemmensen, Morten Hertzum, Jiaoyan Yang, Yanan Chen
Here or There? How Configuration of Transnational Teams Impacts Social Capital
Julia Haines, Judith Olson, Gary Olson

Interface Layout and Data Entry

A Comparison of List vs. Hierarchical UIs on Mobile Phones for Non-literate Users
Indrani Medhi, Kentaro Toyama, Anirudha Joshi, Uday Athavankar, Edward Cutrell
A User Study with GUIs Tailored for Smartphones
David Raneburger, David Alonso-Ríos, Roman Popp, Hermann Kaindl, Jürgen Falb
Evaluating Direct Manipulation Operations for Constraint-Based Layout
Clemens Zeidler, Christof Lutteroth, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Gerald Weber
KLM Form Analyzer: Automated Evaluation of Web Form Filling Tasks Using Human Performance Models
Christos Katsanos, Nikos Karousos, Nikolaos Tselios, Michalis Xenos, Nikolaos Avouris
The Evolution of Number Entry: A Case Study of the Telephone
Parisa Eslambolchilar, Julie Webster, Gerrit Niezen

Learning and Knowledge-Sharing

Informing the Design of an Authoring Tool for Developing Social Stories
Aurora Constantin, Helen Pain, Annalu Waller
Introducing New Perspectives in the Use of Social Technologies in Learning: Social Constructionism
Antigoni Parmaxi, Panayiotis Zaphiris, Eleni Michailidou, Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous, Andri Ioannou
Usability Specialists as Boundary Spanners – An Appraisal of Usability Specialists’ Work in Multiparty Distributed Open Source Software Development Effort
Netta Iivari
Vimprint: Exploring Alternative Learning through Low-End Mobiles
Sheetal Agarwal, Jyoti Grover, Anupam Jain, Arun Kumar

Learning Tools, Learning Contexts

Improving Evaluation Honesty and User Experience in E-learning by Increasing Evaluation Cost and Social Presence
Juha Leino, Tomi Heimonen
Interacting with Augmented Reality: How Does Location-Based AR Enhance Learning?
Ruobing Li, Bo Zhang, S. Sundar, Henry Duh
The ReflecTable: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Design Education
Jonathan Hook, Thomas Hjermitslev, Ole Iversen, Patrick Olivier

Managing the UX

Evaluating User Experience for Interactive Television: Towards the Development of a Domain-Specific User Experience Questionnaire
Regina Bernhaupt, Michael Pirker
Managing User Experience – Managing Change
Job Mashapa, Edna Chelule, Darelle Greunen, Alida Veldsman
What Do You See in the Cloud? Understanding the Cloud-Based User Experience through Practices
John Tang, Jed Brubaker, Catherine Marshall

Mobile Interaction Design

Awareness, Transience and Temporality: Design Opportunities from Rah Island
Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Sanches, Alexandra Weilenmann
Comparison of Phone-Based Distal Pointing Techniques for Point-Select Tasks
Mohit Jain, Andy Cockburn, Sriganesh Madhvanath
Extending Mobile Interfaces with External Screens
Julian Seifert, Dennis Schneider, Enrico Rukzio

Mobile Phone Applications

Communicating in a Ubicomp World: Interaction Rules for Guiding Design of Mobile Interfaces
S. Sundar, Xue Dou, Sangmee Lee
Flow Specification Patterns of End-User Programmers: Lessons Learnt from a Health Mobile Application Authoring Environment Design
Filipe Fernandes, Luís Duarte, Luís Carriço
MoCoShoP: Supporting Mobile and Collaborative Shopping and Planning of Interiors
Julian Seifert, Dennis Schneider, Enrico Rukzio
Usability and Utility Needs of Mobile Applications for Business Management among MSEs: A Case of Myshop in Uganda
Rehema Baguma, Marko Myllyluoma, Nancy Mwakaba, Bridget Nakajubi
Using Video Prototypes for Evaluating Design Concepts with Users: A Comparison to Usability Testing
Matthijs Zwinderman, Rinze Leenheer, Azadeh Shirzad, Nikolay Chupriyanov, Glenn Veugen, Biyong Zhang, Panos Markopoulos



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