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Table of Contents
Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet
Guillaume Doyen, Martin Waldburger, Paval Čeleda, Anna Sperotto, Burkhard Stiller (Eds.)
Front Matter

Traffic Engineering and Quality-of-Service
A Framework for Robust Traffic Engineering Using Evolutionary Computation
Vitor Pereira, Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, Miguel Rio, Pedro Sousa
On the Impact of Redirection on HTTP Adaptive Streaming Services in Federated CDNs
Jeroen Famaey, Steven Latré, Ray Brandenburg, M. Deventer, Filip Turck
Design and Evaluation of Tile Selection Algorithms for Tiled HTTP Adaptive Streaming
Jens Devloo, Nils Lamot, Jelle Campen, Evi Weymaere, Steven Latré, Jeroen Famaey, Ray Brandenburg, Filip Turck

Ph.D. Workshop — Monitoring and Modeling

Monitoring and Security for the Internet of Things
Anthéa Mayzaud, Rémi Badonnel, Isabelle Chrisment
Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes Using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms
Vaibhav Bajpai, Jürgen Schönwälder
Fair Allocation of Multiple Resources Using a Non-monetary Allocation Mechanism
Patrick Poullie, Burkhard Stiller
Cache Management Strategy for CCN based on Content Popularity
César Bernardini, Thomas Silverston, Olivier Festor

Security Management

Anomaly Detection and Mitigation at Internet Scale: A Survey
Jessica Steinberger, Lisa Schehlmann, Sebastian Abt, Harald Baier
Towards Learning Normality for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Networks
Franka Schuster, Andreas Paul, Hartmut König
Detecting IP Spoofing by Modelling History of IP Address Entry Points
Michal Kováčik, Michal Kajan, Martin Žádník

Ph.D. Workshop — Content Distribution and Multimedia

Towards an Adaptive Publish/Subscribe Approach Supporting Transitions
Björn Richerzhagen, Ralf Steinmetz
Towards a Mobility-Supporting Incentive Scheme for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution
Matthias Wichtlhuber, David Hausheer
QoE-Centric Management of Multimedia Networks through Cooperative Control Loops
Niels Bouten, Steven Latré, Filip Turck

Autonomous Management

Enabling the Autonomic Management of Federated Identity Providers
Christopher Bailey, David Chadwick, Rogério Lemos, Kristy Siu
On the Effects of Omitting Information Exchange between Autonomous Resource Management Agents
Siri Fagernes, Alva Couch

Monitoring Mechanisms

Flow-Based Detection of DNS Tunnels
Wendy Ellens, Piotr Żuraniewski, Anna Sperotto, Harm Schotanus, Michel Mandjes, Erik Meeuwissen
Retrieving Monitoring and Accounting Information from Constrained Devices in Internet-of-Things Applications
Oleksiy Mazhelis, Martin Waldburger, Guilherme Machado, Burkhard Stiller, Pasi Tyrväinen
Passive Remote Source NAT Detection Using Behavior Statistics Derived from NetFlow
Sebastian Abt, Christian Dietz, Harald Baier, Slobodan Petrović



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