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Upload Your Files directly to the IEEE DataPort S3 Bucket

Before you begin: You will need to use and AWS S3 client to perform the upload. You may use the AWS Command Line Interface for this, but most users prefer a graphical interface such as:

Important: Before you can upload your files, you will first need to submit your dataset entry (e.g. title, authors, and other metadata). You do NOT need to upload your files on this screen. You will follow the instructions below to do so after you submit your entry/metadata.

Follow the steps below to upload files directly to the IEEE DataPort S3 storage.

  1. Login to IEEE DataPort
  2. Go to your user profile which can be accessed by clicking your name in the upper right hand corner of the page by clicking "My Account"
  3. Copy your AWS Access ID and AWS Secret Access Key (see How to Get Your AWS Access Key? for more information).
  4. Visit your dataset page and click on the "Get My Dataset Upload Info" button. Copy your "DATASET TYPE", "USERID", AND "DATASETID". If you have not already submitted your dataset entry, please submit your dataset now (you do not need to upload any files to submit your dataset entry). Please see Uploading Datasets on IEEE DataPort for more information.
  5. Open your S3 Browser (see above)
  6. Enter your credentials
    a. Protocol: Amazon S3 (not always necessary to enter)
    b. Address: s3.amazonaws.com (not always necessary to enter)
    c. Bucket: ieee-dataport (not always necessary to enter)
    d. Access Key ID: (see above)
    e. Secret: (see above)
    f. Path /ieee-dataport/<DATASET TYPE>/<USERID>/<DATASETID> (note: if bucket is entered, it may not be necessary to include ‘/ieee-dataport’ as part of the path)
  7. If necessary, navigate to the following path /ieee-dataport//<DATASET TYPE>/<USERID>/<DATASETID>. This is ‘your’ folder in the DataPort S3 bucket that corresponds with your dataset. Any files upload to the path /ieee-dataport//<DATASET TYPE>/<USERID>/<DATASETID> will be automatically associated with your dataset
  8. Upload your files to the /<DATASET TYPE>/<USERID>/<DATASETID> directory
  9. Once you upload your files you should see them on your dataset page.

Help Topics

Uploading Datasets

Detailed guidance on how to upload and manage research data.

Searching, Accessing & Analyzing Datasets

See how to find, site, and analyze specific datasets.

Hosting & Participating in Data Competitions

Everything you need to know about Data Competitions on IEEE DataPort.

IEEE DataPort Subscriptions

Learn how to become an individual or institutional subscriber.