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0606 PDF
Diarrheal disease in Indonesia is a health problem and attacking all ages including children under five.
Required health education that is easily understood in terms of adding knowledge and attitude of a good mother
in prevention. The research objective was to prove the relationship of health education on the prevention of
diarrhea in infants with maternal attitudes in the prevention of diarrhea in infants in health center Kandangan
The study design was cross sectional. The population is mothers who have children under five suffer
from diarrhea and had as many as 42. Sample of 40 mothers and purposive sampling techniques sampling. Data
collected with the questioners and presented in the form of diagrams and cross table and analyzed by
contingency coefficient correlation test.
The results obtained from the contingency coefficient correlation test (r = 0031 sig <α (0:05) so that Ho
is rejected) there is health education on the prevention of diarrhea in infants with maternal attitudes in the
prevention of diarrhea in children under five in health center Kandangan 2010
The existence of such relationship in accordance Health education theories and KAP (knowledge-
attitude-practice), in which health education can mepengaruhi knowledge, knowledge can influence the attitudes
and behavior. With more and more often conducted health education about prevention of diarrhea, the better
knowledge and determine a more positive attitude in the prevention of diarrhea. We can conclude the necessary
health education in increasing knowledge and establish a positive attitude in the prevention of diarrhea.
45,00% 64%
Berdasarkan diagram 1 diketahui dari total Berdasarkan diagram 3 diatas diketahui dari total
40 reponden sebagaian besar berumur 31-40 40 reponden, sebagian besar bekerja sebagai IRT
tahun yaitu sebanyak 18 responden (44%), sebanyak 26 responden (64%). Hampir setengah
hampir setengah dari responden yang berumur responden bekerja sebagai swasta sebanyak 8
21-30 tahun sebanyak 16 responden (40%), responden (20%). Sedang responden yang bekerja
sedang yang berumur 41 tahun lebih sebanyak 5 sebagai pedagang sebanyak 4 reponden (10%).
responden (13%), dan yang kurang atau sama sedangkan yang bekerja sebagai tani 1 (3%). Dan
dengan 20 tahun sebanyak 1 responden (3%). yang bekerja sebagai guru sebanyak 1 responden
b. Pendidikan Responden
d. Pengalaman Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang diare
3% pada balita
28% 30%
Pernah Tidak
Berdasarkan diagram 2 diketahui dari total
40 responden. Responden yang berpendidikan
SMP sebanyak 16 reponden (39%). Responden Berdasarkan diagram 4 dapat diketahui dari total
yan berpendidikan SD sebanyak 12 responden 40 responden sebagian besar responden tidak pernah
(30%). Sedang yang berpendidikan SMA 11 mendapatkan penyuluhan kesehtan tentang
responden (28%). Dan yang berpendidikan pencegahan diare pada balita sebanyak 22 reponden
Perguruan tinggi 1 responden ( 3%). (55%). Sedangkan responden yang pernah mendapat
penyuluhan kesehatan tentang pencegahan diare
sebanyak 18 responden (45%).
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