Interactive data supports organizations to communicate effectively with their stakeholders and pa... more Interactive data supports organizations to communicate effectively with their stakeholders and partners on the Internet and the World Wide Web. XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a key enabling technology for interactive data. XBRL links organizations and knowledge consumers in a variety of information value chains. XBRL is now in use in many countries and important settings. This book provides, for the first time, an in-depth analysis of XBRL.
Abstract This study investigates the relationship between key information technology (IT) governa... more Abstract This study investigates the relationship between key information technology (IT) governance characteristics and IT process maturity, as a measure of IT capability, in a multinational field study of 51 organizations. The study employs the IT processes defined within the COBIT framework as a model of the major processes that comprise IT capability. COBIT framework includes a of set maturity models based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).
Abstract The concept of highly integrated and IT-supported supply chains, which can be summed up ... more Abstract The concept of highly integrated and IT-supported supply chains, which can be summed up by the term Integrated Business Reporting, has increasingly moved into the foreground of research interest. Current discussions on the improvement of intra-enterprise and extra-enterprise reporting processes cannot be realized without a clear and uniform description of the elements involved.
Vitartas, P, Debreceny, R, Ellis, A & Mulholland, J 1995, 'Conference Tourism: an investigation o... more Vitartas, P, Debreceny, R, Ellis, A & Mulholland, J 1995, 'Conference Tourism: an investigation of motives for conference attendance', in D Horace Sogar & I Weber (eds.), Marketing educators and researchers international : 1995 conference proceedings, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-5 July 1995, pp. 345-360. ... The full text of this version of the article is not currently available here.
Abstract: Electronic Classroom is an Australian-developed software product that provides a shared... more Abstract: Electronic Classroom is an Australian-developed software product that provides a shared screen facility between two to six Apple Macintosh computers using standard telephone lines and modems. It provides an icon-based" paint" interface with point and click switching of control between sites. Used in conjunction with an additional voice line, the software provides an easy to use, a robust and relatively low cost audiographic teleconferencing system.
Abstract COBIT, currently in its fifth edition, is a good-practice framework for the enterprise g... more Abstract COBIT, currently in its fifth edition, is a good-practice framework for the enterprise governance of IT. The COBIT 5 framework incorporates many concepts and theories from the IT and general management literatures. This paper positions COBIT as a framework for enterprise governance of IT. The major directions and core principles of the framework are described. Connections of these directions and principles are made to the relevant literature.
Technology has much to offer in refining and improving conference design and management as well a... more Technology has much to offer in refining and improving conference design and management as well as raising delegate satisfaction. Based on experiences from the Southern Cross University AusWeb conference series (http://ausweb. scu. edu. au), this poster presentation discusses the advantages of end-to-end electronic submission, refereeing and publication to the Web, CD-ROM and paper.