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Nomination Form - Google Apps Marketplace - New & Notable
New & Notable apps are subjectively chosen by members of the Google Apps Marketplace team.   We look for apps which have a combination of great functionality, ease of use and deep integrations with Google Apps.

We regularly review the apps in the Marketplace and keep an eye on blogs, twitter and other places we may hear about great apps.  If you think your app should be a New & Notable and want to be sure your app is on our radar, you can fill out this form.  We'll review all submissions, but may not respond directly.  We may also choose apps which are not submitted via this form.
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Your name *
Your e-mail address *
Company *
Application Name *
Google Apps Marketplace listing page URL *
URL of webpage on app's website describing integrations *
Why should this app be a New & Notable app? *
Any third-party reviews, customer success stories, etc which you'd like us to see?
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