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A member registered Jan 30, 2019

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I just started playing this demo, and I found a minor typo: "You knew they were real opal stones because she'd told you before, when she first got them.She also told you a long time ago that her normal name, not Mom, was Opal."

There should be a space between "them." and "She" since they're different sentences.

I found a minor typo in the demo:

"The man's face is completely neutral, as if her voice doesn't even reach her."

In context, the last word should be changed from "her" to "him".

Another typo, when visiting Jayd at the dorm and you ask her perspective about relationships, the MC says "Aaaanyways, I'll ust catch you two at the next rehearsal." The beginning word is because the MC is being awkward, but "ust" should be spelled "just".

Another typo, when Maddie wants to try something new with the MC. Maddie says, "But I cant even bring myself to give you all of me...not yet, at least..." There should be an apostrophe in "can't".

Another typo during the same event: Head Mistress says, "Yes, MC hereby has my permisson to come and go from your dorm room as the both of you please." The word should be spelled "permission".

You're welcome! Another typo, this time a Maddie dorm event: Maddie says "But, just in case, I've mapped out a route and everything to miminize our chances of being seen!" The word should be spelled "minimize".

Another typo, during the Maddie event where we learn about the audition process to make it into S-wing. Maddie says "No one but the Headmsitress herself knows the exact criteria for promotion. I'm pretty sure it changes from year to year." The word should be spelled "Headmistress".

Another typo during the same event: Willow says "The powers that be have better things to do than finance what they no doubt consider to be our gloridied hobbies." The word should be spelled "glorified".

Another typo, this time during a Willow event while meditating at the Shrine: Willow says "But no. You're asking about Willow 2.0. New and imrpvoed for 2020. What does she aspire to and for?" The word should be spelled "improved".

Another typo, again in one of the "Battery" events: Elaine says "Heading up there without Kaylyn's permission is a one-way ticket to some kind of creative exercise torcher." In context, the last word should probably be spelled "torture".

I found a typo in one of the "Battery" events. Kara says, "Same thing applies here: some judges watch indivdiuals and others watch the ensemble." The word should be spelled "individuals".

One thing I really like about this visual novel is that aside from the protagonist, all of the spoken dialogue is voiced. That's actually very rare; usually in visual novels, some lines are fully voiced, but others have small "voice grunts". But here, all of the dialogue is fully voiced, and that's very impressive.

I just discovered this game, and it's enjoyable so far!

I've found one bug so far, when I choose to go on security patrols in Episode 1 and I encounter Sandra, right after Sandra asks if Anon has any fungicide and Anon says no, then during the line "..." there's a screen that says "Image 'anon om_asking' not found".

Good evening! This is GoldenRadiance; I pledged to your first Kickstarter campaign.

I'm playing the newest demo, where you added some of the voice acting back in, and I love it so far!

Here are a few "bugs" I discovered (spoilers for the demo below):

For the first bug: Sometimes sprites "disappear" if I either use the dialogue wheel or use CTRL to skip through red dialogue. For example, during the "Lunch Hall" scene, if I scroll the dialogue wheel during the argument over who buys Marty lunch, sometimes it causes April's sprite to disappear, while Ellie, May, and Tyler remain on screen. However, her sprite comes back after whoever you chose brings Marty his lunch. For another example, if I hold CTRL through the Library scene, it causes Claudia's sprite to disappear. However, her sprite comes back when she and Marty sit down to read whichever book you chose.

For the second bug: if I visit the library before the science fair and thus meet Edward, his written line is, "Correct! This is Miss Carols exhibit!" but the spoken dialogue is "What do you want?", which is actually his NEXT line. So, he ends up saying "What do you want?" twice in spoken dialogue, even though the two written lines are different.

For the third bug: if I visit the Art Class before the science fair and thus meet Jade, her first line "Hello Marty!" is mislabeled as "Gemma". Fortunately, the rest of Jade's lines are correctly labeled as "Jade".

For the fourth bug: if I visit the Sports Hall before the science fair and thus meet Monique, then when I get pulled into the portal at the end, Abbey is there with me, which is a minor plot hole since Marty and Abbey shouldn't meet unless I go to the School Gazette.

But other than that, this is an absolutely fantastic demo, and I'll be sure to pledge as a backer when you go to Kickstarter!

So far, my favorite characters are a three-way tie between Amber, April, and Ellie. But Emerald and Monique are close seconds.

I look forward to playing Amber, April, and Ellie's routes if this game is fully funded on Kickstarter!

I just completed all three demo routes, and I'm enjoying this so far! I think my favorite character so far is Sarah, with Jennifer as a very close second. I look forward to the full game!

I've just played through the demo, and I really liked it so far! I like how much thought you've put into the choices, like confirming whether or not Joker is already dating someone, having it be either the weekend or a school day, etc. I look forward to more of this fanmade Shiho social link! Unfortunately I haven't been able to play Persona 5 Royal myself yet because I don't own a PS4; hopefully it'll get ported to the PC someday like Persona 4 Golden did.

You're welcome!

I've played through the demo, and unfortunately I found a bug: if I get my Kindness high enough that Miso invites Ayame to cooking lessons at her house, I keep getting "An exception has occurred" error messages, because the game can't find the file backgrounds/miso_livingroom.jpg so I can't view the cooking scene.

I just finally completed the demo. My favorite character so far is Celeste; I agree with Hikiyami Moriko below that she and the other female characters in the game are pretty, and I like Celeste's personality.

Finally taking down the culprit was also really, really satisfying, you did a good job with this trial. And Tyrion seems like a good guy; I'm happy with him as our protagonist.

I'll wishlist this game on Steam; good luck with the campaign!

I paid for this game earlier today and I've just finally completed it. I thought the beginning of the game was a bit slow-paced, but once the story started to pick up, I found myself really enjoying it!

The art style did take a bit of getting used to, but I did used to play those old PS1 games, so I found myself appreciating the art style more and more as the game went on.

And without giving away any spoilers, I really liked how the romantic subplot ended up "tying in" to how Zakumi fought in the Keizudo fights.

And I didn't know in advance whether the love triangle would be resolved in favor of Akemi or Yayoi, but once the love triangle was resolved (without giving away any spoilers as to what the resolution is), I did enjoy how both Akemi and Yayoi's stories ended.

So in summary, this was a good game; thank you very much for making it!

I just finished the demo, this looks interesting so far! When the full game is released, I think I'll have Farkas romance Sara, and Althea romance Cebisa, as I like Sara and Cebisa's characters so far.

(1 edit)

Hmm, two choices in a row? Okay, I'll try another playthrough right now, thank you for the hint!

EDIT: That helped, thank you so much! I think I managed to solve the situation this time. I appreciate it!

I purchased this game this morning, and this is a fantastic game so far, you've done a really great job! I've gotten a lot of endings so far, the story goes in radically different directions depending on what path you go down. Unfortunately I'm having trouble on "a certain path that requires popularity" (I'm being very vague to avoid spoilers), but this is still an excellent game! This was money well spent.

Oops, accidentally deleted the post. What I wrote was, My apologies, I'm an inexperienced Discord user and I couldn't figure out how to "look up your user name", so I had to "send a friend request". We don't actually have to be online friends; I just couldn't figure out how to "look up a user to send them a message".

I backed this when it was on Kickstarter, and this was well worth the wait! I've spent this whole morning playing this game; I'm glad you were able to release it on itch.io since you couldn't get a Steam release.

I was really looking forward to Mia's character, and she doesn't disappoint, you clearly put a lot of thought into her. And you also clearly put a lot of thought into the other character you meet in the 90s, (spoiler), I ended up really loving that character as well.

I haven't been able to unlock all of the gallery images yet, but the ones I did unlock are very well-drawn; this was well worth the wait.

Well done, Osjey, this is a great game!

You're welcome! So this is a collaboration between the creators of Caffeine: Victoria's Legacy and Cafe Crush? I'm sure it'll be a very fun story to play when it's complete. I look forward to it.

Ah, you're the same group that created Caffeine: Victoria's Legacy!

I backed that visual novel when it was on Kickstarter, and I look forward to backing this visual novel as well.

This was very interesting! I played Lucid9 a while ago, and I'm eagerly waiting for the studio to come out with the next part of it. I know you used some assets from Lucid9 itself for the flashback scenes, but did you draw Rui's "afterlife sprites" yourself? Or did you commission those?

I've just finished the demo, and I'm intrigued! The switch between perspectives is a refreshing concept for visual novels, and so far the characters I really like are Hanson himself, Grace, Lucylia, and Rebecca. I look forward to this game's full release!

You're welcome, and thank you for the response! I look forward to the full game, especially Rose's route since I really liked her character in the demo.

When I first began playing the demo, I had some slight trouble reading the dialogue because of the "VHS lines" effect in the text box. I'm glad I persevered, though, because I ended up really liking Rose's character; I look forward to her route in the full game. I've just pledged money and become a backer on Kickstarter.

This looks like it'll be very interesting! When this comes out, I'll be sure to download and play it.

I've just tried the demo, and I approve! This seems like it's going to be a very interesting story. The protagonist Atma seems like a good guy, Nirmala is endearing, and Raya, well, we don't know too much about her yet as of this prologue.

I've just wishlisted this game on my Steam account, so I look forward to its release!

You said you were looking for feedback since you're still figuring out the full game's experience.

The only real feedback I can think of off the top of my head is that sometimes I didn't know whether I was supposed to move to a new place by clicking the "door icon" or whether I was supposed to do so by going to the edge of the screen.

Maybe you could add door icons to the edges of screens where that will work, to differentiate from "edges of screens that don't take you to new places?"

But other than that, I look forward to this game's full release!

I've played this demo and loved it, and I have a Kickstarter account! If you start a Kickstarter for this, you can be sure I'll make a pledge. So far Jayda and Steph are my favorite characters, but Maisy's awesome too, I'm really looking forward to the full game!

You're welcome, I look forward to seeing it on Kickstarter.

I've played the demo, and this looks interesting! The "culprit" of the demo case (I won't spoil which suspect it is) was enough of a jerk that taking them down was very satisfying.

The main character's nickname being Watson is also intriguing, both because he provides the final hint to prove Sherly's case, but also because this protagonist may have a larger role than most Watsons in fiction usually do, given "a certain something that happens at the end of the demo", I won't spoil what.

I'm sold! When you release the Kickstarter for this, I'll pledge to this project.