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Physics World Big Science, Quantum Advantage 2024

Physics World Big Science, Quantum Advantage 2024

Big-science facilities might be best known for their work in fundamental physics, but some of them – in particular, high-energy physics labs – are starting to flex their muscles when it comes to quantum physics too. The alignment of common interests around quantum R&D and innovation is the focus for this special report.

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Or you can read selected Physics World Big Science, Quantum Advantage 2024 content here

IHEP high-performance computing cluster feature

IHEP seeks quantum opportunities to fast-track fundamental science

The Compact Muon Solenoid, a general-purpose detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider interview

CERN QTI: harnessing big science to accelerate quantum innovation

QUANT-NET researchers analysis

QUANT-NET’s testbed innovations: reimagining the quantum network

Anna Grassellino analysis

Fermilab’s SQMS Center addresses all aspects of the ‘quantum puzzle’

Engineer working on a quantum computer interview

Quantum innovation: how strategic focus can turbocharge the technology roadmap

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