Brain-derived neurotrophic factor


Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
  • Abrineurin
  • BDNF
Gene Name
UniProtKB Entry
NCBI Taxonomy ID
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0006623|Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Number of residues
Molecular Weight
Theoretical pI
GO Classification
nerve growth factor receptor binding
cell surface receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway / modulation of chemical synaptic transmission / negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway / negative regulation of myotube differentiation / nerve growth factor signaling pathway / positive regulation of neuron projection development / positive regulation of receptor binding / regulation of protein localization to cell surface
axon / endoplasmic reticulum lumen / extracellular region
General Function
Important signaling molecule that activates signaling cascades downstream of NTRK2 (PubMed:11152678). During development, promotes the survival and differentiation of selected neuronal populations of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Participates in axonal growth, pathfinding and in the modulation of dendritic growth and morphology. Major regulator of synaptic transmission and plasticity at adult synapses in many regions of the CNS. The versatility of BDNF is emphasized by its contribution to a range of adaptive neuronal responses including long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), certain forms of short-term synaptic plasticity, as well as homeostatic regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability
Specific Function
Growth factor activity
Pfam Domain Function
Signal Regions
Transmembrane Regions
Not Available
Cellular Location
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0021859|Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
Chromosome Location
External Identifiers
UniProtKB IDP23560
UniProtKB Entry NameBDNF_HUMAN
GenBank Gene IDM37762
KEGG IDhsa:627
NCBI Gene ID627
General References
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Associated Data

Drug Relations
DrugDrug groupPharmacological action?TypeActionsDetails
CX-717illicit, investigationalunknowntargetDetails
Chondroitin sulfateapproved, investigational, nutraceuticalunknowntargetDetails
Copperapproved, investigationalunknowntargetcofactorDetails
Esketamineapproved, investigationalunknowntargetagonistDetails