Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2


Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2
  • 1.-.-.-
  • 3-alpha-HSD3
  • Chlordecone reductase homolog HAKRD
  • DD-2
  • DD2
  • DDH2
  • Dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 2
  • Dihydrodiol dehydrogenase/bile acid-binding protein
  • Type III 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Gene Name
UniProtKB Entry
NCBI Taxonomy ID
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0001240|Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2
Number of residues
Molecular Weight
Theoretical pI
GO Classification
aldose reductase (NADPH) activity / androstan-3-alpha,17-beta-diol dehydrogenase activity / androsterone dehydrogenase activity / estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)] activity / indanol dehydrogenase activity
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway / positive regulation of cell population proliferation / positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction
General Function
Cytosolic aldo-keto reductase that catalyzes the NADH and NADPH-dependent reduction of ketosteroids to hydroxysteroids (PubMed:19218247). Most probably acts as a reductase in vivo since the oxidase activity measured in vitro is inhibited by physiological concentrations of NADPH (PubMed:14672942). Displays a broad positional specificity acting on positions 3, 17 and 20 of steroids and regulates the metabolism of hormones like estrogens and androgens (PubMed:10998348). Works in concert with the 5-alpha/5-beta-steroid reductases to convert steroid hormones into the 3-alpha/5-alpha and 3-alpha/5-beta-tetrahydrosteroids. Catalyzes the inactivation of the most potent androgen 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5-alpha-DHT) to 5-alpha-androstane-3-alpha,17-beta-diol (3-alpha-diol) (PubMed:15929998, PubMed:17034817, PubMed:17442338, PubMed:8573067). Also specifically able to produce 17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one/5alphaDHT (PubMed:10998348). May also reduce conjugated steroids such as 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone sulfate (PubMed:19218247). Displays affinity for bile acids (PubMed:8486699)
Specific Function
Aldose reductase (nadph) activity
Pfam Domain Function
Signal Regions
Not Available
Transmembrane Regions
Not Available
Cellular Location
Cytoplasm, cytosol
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0010433|Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2 (AKR1C2)
Chromosome Location
External Identifiers
UniProtKB IDP52895
UniProtKB Entry NameAK1C2_HUMAN
GenBank Protein ID531160
GenBank Gene IDU05598
GeneCard IDAKR1C2
GenAtlas IDAKR1C2
PDB ID(s)1IHI, 1J96, 1XJB, 2HDJ, 2IPJ, 4JQ1, 4JQ2, 4JQ3, 4JQ4, 4JQA, 4JTQ, 4JTR, 4L1W, 4L1X, 4XO6, 4XO7
KEGG IDhsa:1646
NCBI Gene ID1646
General References
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Associated Data

Drug Relations
DrugDrug groupPharmacological action?TypeActionsDetails
NADHapproved, nutraceuticalunknowntargetDetails
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphateexperimentalunknowntargetDetails
Ursodeoxycholic acidapproved, investigationalyestargetinhibitorDetails
Chenodeoxycholic acidapprovedunknowntargetsubstrateDetails
Glycyrrhizic acidapproved, experimentalnocarriersubstrateDetails
Ozanimodapproved, investigationalunknownenzymesubstrateDetails