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Start Creating a More Sustainable Internet

Globemallow is a powerful free tool enabling you to design and develop greener, more eco friendly webpages and reduce your digital footprint.

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Already have a green website? Click here to get a badge to display on your site to promote your sustainable credentials.


The global Co2 emissions produced by the internet is equal to that of the airline industry.


The internet accounts for 3.8% of global Co2 emissions and the percentage is rising.


If the internet was a country it would be the 7th largest carbon producer.


5 billion people are using the internet every day, and the number is increasing.

How is Web Sustainability Measured?


Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

The main factor that is considered when measuring the sustainability of a website is the electricity consumption of bytes transfered.


Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

The energy consumption can then be used to calculate an estimated carbon footprint for the specific site.

What is Globemallow?

A Browser Extension That Produces Detailed Sustainability Reports

How do you know if the website that you are creating is sustainable? That's where we come in. Globemallow creates in-depth reports on the energy consumption and estimated carbon output of any page on the web.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Why Use Globemallow?

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Extension Format

The browser extension format allows the reports to be viewed directly in the page that you are interested in. No need to open another tab or window.

Detailed Reports

Reports give a detailed breakdown of elements of the page and how they are contributing to the power consumption and overall digital footprint of the site.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Detailed Reports

Reports give a detailed breakdown of elements of the page and how they are contributing to the power consumption and overall digital footprint of the site.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Sustainability Grade

A grade based on all the elements calculated is given to each site tested to quickly see the overall digital footprint.

Suggested Improvements

Suggestions are made for each element to enable designers and developers to quickly see where their sites are excelling or falling short.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Suggested Improvements

Suggestions are made for each element to enable designers and developers to quickly see where their sites are excelling or falling short.

How the Sustainability Grade is Calculated

Globemallow tests several different elements on each page that play a part in the total energy usage of a given site, as well as other factors that contribute to sustainable practices. Here are a few of the elements we test:

Page Weight

The total size of the page uploaded to the server.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

The total size of the page uploaded to the server.

Background Color

Darker backgrounds consume less energy.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Darker backgrounds consume less energy.

Image Format and Size

Certain formats are more energy intensive than others.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Certain formats are more energy intensive than others.

Green Hosting

Hosting that uses renewable energy sources score higher.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Hosting that uses renewable energy sources score higher.


Redirects consume unnecessary energy.

Globemallow C02 emissions and sustaibility report extension for Chrome Browser

Redirects consume unnecessary energy.

See what industry professionals are saying about Globemallow

"As a sustainable webdesigner this is the extension I choose. Great algorithm for calculating the grade: Not just page-weight like the other extensions but also Javascript usage and many more. Just awesome!"

Gerrit Schuster

Web Developer / Designer

"When it comes to thinking sustainably, Globemallow has been an absolute blessing. It helps me realize the little things that I can do to reduce my carbon footprint. I like the quick and easy to understand sustainability grade along with suggestions to improve my grade. Highly recommended extension for anyone looking to be more conscious about their daily footprint!"

Bobby Smollack

Solution Design Engineer

"This is a great extension that adds value in decision making while browsing. I love having something simple and omnipresent with important information to consider when choosing between similar sites and tools online."

Andrew Martin

Cloud Developer

Add Globemallow to the browser of your choice and start taking part in creating a greener, more sustainable internet.

Globemallow Badge for C02 emissions and sustainable web development best practice reports for website

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