Authors: Saskia Demulder, Dieter Lust, Thomas Raml
The Swampland Distance Conjecture postulates the emergence of an infinite tower of massless states when approaching infinite-distance points in moduli space. However, most string backgrounds are supported by fluxes, and therefore depart from the purely geometric paradigm. We show that the distance defined in terms of the Perelman entropy functional needs to be refined in order to encompass fluxes. We subsequently construct a geometric flow for internal manifolds supported by Ramond-Ramond fluxes and discuss its role in the Ricci Flow Conjectures.
Authors: Maurice de Gosson
We present a probabilistic argument supporting the application of polar duality to express the indeterminacy principle of quantum mechanics. Our approach combines the properties of the Mahler volume of a convex body with the Donoho--Stark uncertainty principle from harmonic analysis. The central result demonstrates that the sum of the probabilities of position concentration and momentum concentration near a conveX body is equal to one. This result motivates the interpretation of polar Duality as a kind of geometric Fourier transform.
Authors: Francesco Caravenna, Rongfeng Sun, Nikos Zygouras
The stochastic heat equation and its discrete analogue, the directed polymer model, in spatial dimension 2. A phase transition emerges on an intermediate disorder scale, with Edwards-Wilkinson (Gaussian) fluctuations in the sub-critical regime. In the critical window, a unique scaling limit has been identified. This gives a meaning to the solution of the heat equation in the critical dimension 2, which lies beyond existing solution theories for singular SPDEs. We outline the proof ideas, introduce the key ingredients, and discuss related literature on disordered systems.
Authors: B. S. Basilio, V. G. Kupriyanov, M. A. Kurkov
Lie-Poisson electrodynamics describes the semi-classical limit of non-commutative
Authors: Chethan N. Gowdigere, Sachin Kala, Jagannath Santara
One-character CFTs are obtained as one-character extensions of the tensor products of a single CFT. The characters are
Authors: Tomáš Faikl
Negative-index metamaterials possess a negative refractive index and thus present an interesting substance for designing uncommon optical effects such as invisibility cloaking. We show that this operator is (essentially) self-adjoint via separation of variables and find its spectral characteristics. We also provide a new method for obtaining alternative definition of the self- adjoint operator in non-critical case via a generalized form representation theorem. The main motivation is existence of essential spectrum in bounded domains. This paper deals with operators encountered in an operator-theoretic description of metammaterials.
Authors: Avinandan Mondal, Dawood Kothawala
We discuss the structure of microcanonical ensembles in inertial and non-inertial frames attached to a confined system of positive energy particles in curved spacetime. The leading curvature corrections are characterized by Ricci and Einstein tensors, and their contribution is proportional to the boundary area of the system. We give a general argument to highlight two distinct sources of divergences in the phase space volume, coming from redshift and spatial geometry. We extend these results to
Authors: Repana Devendra, Pankaj Dey, Santanu Dey
K. R. Parthasarathy established that if
Authors: Petr Girg, Lukáš Kotrla, Anežka Švandová
The aim of this paper is to discuss several aspects of connections between the p-Laplacian and mathematical models in hydrology. At first we present models of groundwater flow in phreatic aquifers and models of irrigation and drainage. Next, we survey conditions of validity of Strong Maximum Principle and Strong Comparison Principle for this type of problems. Finally, we employ computer fluid dynamics simulations to realistic scenario of fracture networks to estimate values of the parameters of constitutive laws governing groundwater flow.
Authors: Damiano Greco, Tadahiro Oh, Liying Tao, Leonardo Tolomeo
We study log-correlated Gibbs measures on the
Authors: Gabrielle Tournaire, Marvin Schwiering, Robert Raussendorf, Sven Bachmann
We describe an efficient, fully fault-tolerant implementation of Measurement-Based Quantum Computation in the 3D cluster state. The two key novelties are (i) the introduction of a lattice defect in the underlying cluster state and (ii) the use of the Rudolph-Grover rebit encoding. We develop general ideas towards circuit compaction and algorithmic circuit verification, which we implement for the Reed-Muller code used for magic state distillation. Our performance analysis highlights the overall improvements provided by the new methods.