# zlig ## project overview This project represents a japanese style idle game. Short project name: `zlig` (stands for `zen-landscape-idle-game`) Current deployment on: - production - branch `main`: [https://zlig.net/](https://zlig.net/)
(This is a custom domain for [https://zlig.vercel.app/](https://zlig.vercel.app/)) - development - branch `dev`: [https://zlig-git-dev-toddetv-projects.vercel.app/](https://zlig-git-dev-toddetv-projects.vercel.app/) - each PR will get a individual custom URL automatically ## Sponsoring If you like this project and want to support us, we would be very happy to see you as a sponsor on GitHub ❤️
You can find the `Sponsor` button on the top right of the [GitHub project page](https://github.com/toddeTV/zlig).
Thanks a lot for the support <3 ## dev ### commands - cleanup - `sudo rm -rf build dist .output .data` - `sudo rm -rf node_modules` ### initial setup #### VM ID Development VM ID from Thorsten for this project: `014`
(Only interesting to him.) #### system requirements for developing The following softwares are required for development:
(The versions listed were the ones I most recently used for development and testing. So try sticking with them.) | software | command for version output | my version at last use | information | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------- | | Ubuntu | `lsb_release -a` or `cat /etc/os-release` | 22.04.4 LTS | OS | | Linux | `uname -r` | 5.15.0-125-generic | Linux Kernel | | VSCode | `code -v` | 1.93.2 | IDE | | nvm | `nvm -v` | v0.40.1 | Node Version Manager | | Node | `node -v` (old `nodejs --version`) | v22.13.0 | NodeJS/ Node.js | | npm | `npm -v` | v10.9.2 | | | npx | `npx -v` | v10.9.2 | | | pnpm | `pnpm -v` | v10.0.0 | | In the browser install: - [VueJS Devtools](https://devtools.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html) #### project setup 1. execute a `git pull` 2. open project in VSCode 3. If you work with VSCode via remote software: - `{Ctrl}+{Shift}+{P}` -> `>Preferences: Open Settings (UI)` -> search for `keyboard.dispatch` and set it to `keyCode` - Restart or reload VSCode. 4. Install recommended extensions/ plugins: - Open Extensions menu in VSCode (`{Ctrl}+{Shift}+{X}`) - type in the search `@recommended` - install and enable the plugins - see file `.vscode/extensions.json` for configuring some of the extensions - Restart or reload VSCode. 5. In VSCode on the bottom left click your profile image and log in all services (GitHub due to VSCode extensions, ...)
If the browser to VSCode callback fails, wait for the login popup on the bottom right to timeout (ca. 5 minutes) and then on the upcoming popup question `You have not yet finished authorizing [...] Would you like to try a different way? (local server)` click `Yes` and use this alternative login mechanic.
(When you do not want to wait for the timeout to happen, you can also click the `Cancel` to trigger the dialog faster.) 6. Install dependencies: `pnpm i` 7. Happy coding <3 ### namings - we use `build area` and `building area` (not `building lot` nor `building place`). ### lint and prettier This project uses [antfu/eslint-config](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-config) for eslint most of the files. The following extend it: - [antfu/eslint-plugin-format](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-plugin-format) for using external formatters like e.g. `prettier` for the file types that eslint cannot handle. - [azat-io/eslint-plugin-perfectionist](https://github.com/azat-io/eslint-plugin-perfectionist) for sorting object keys, imports, etc. - with auto-fix. Keep in mind that the plugin names are renamed, see [Plugins Rename](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-config?tab=readme-ov-file#plugins-renaming), e.g.: ```diff -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions +// eslint-disable-next-line ts/consistent-type-definitions type foo = { bar: 2 } ``` [Why I don't use Prettier for every file type](https://antfu.me/posts/why-not-prettier) ### Design #### used icon collections This project uses the following icon collections in descending order, try sticking to them and use from top to bottom. Tipp: Favorite them and use the search over all item collections at once: https://icon-sets.iconify.design/?list=favorite | full name | shorthand | license | note | | ----------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | | `phosphor` | `ph` | MIT | | | `Material Design Icons` | `mdi` | Apache 2.0 (commercial use is allowed, no attribution required) | | | `Material Line Icons` | `line-md` | MIT | animated icons | ### glTF export with draco compression Use [draco compression](https://github.com/google/draco) in [Blender](https://www.blender.org/) on [glTF 2](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/blob/main/specification/2.0/README.md) files: 1. Create the model in blender 2. Go to `File` -> `Export` -> `glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)` 3. In the right side panel 1. set `Format` to `glTF Seperate (.gltf + .bin + textures)` 2. set `Remember Export Settings` to `true` 3. under `Data` set `Compression` to `true` 4. under `Compression` set the compression level between 0-6 (0=less compression; 6=strongest compression)
I am using `6` most of the time - only when morphing between models, this should be set to `0`. ### TresJS & ThreeJS #### possible import locations Do **not** import from `three` directly but from the direct source instead. Example: ```diff -import { MeshLambertMaterial } from 'three' +import { MeshLambertMaterial } from 'three/src/materials/MeshLambertMaterial.js' ``` Seems to work for types, but better use the direct import from the source folder (see above): ```vue ``` ```vue ``` #### import and use `*.gltf` model files _Method 1: With direct useGLTF_ ```vue ``` - All `*.gltf` models, along with their corresponding `*.bin` and texture files, are located in `/public/`. The `useGLTF` fetches it over HTTP - Bc of gltf-files present in the public folder, all gltf files are always bundled in the final app on build, regardless whether they are used or not. - no types - Direct call of `useGLTF`, no extra layers or wrappers --- _Method 2: With generated helper wrappers and type definitions_ ```vue ``` - All `*.gltf` models, along with their corresponding `*.bin` and texture files, are located in `/src/assets/models/`. - To generate helper wrappers and type definitions, run: ```sh pnpm run generate:gltf-models ``` This script scans all model files in the source folder, deconstructs the GLTF JSON representation, and places the generated types in `./node_modules/.tmp/model-types/`, ensuring only imported models are included in the final product. The script runs automatically: - always a `.gltf` file changes - before a dev run - before a build - after `pnpm i` - Nearly type safe GLTF file representations.
Importing models is type-safe, and builds will fail if a model is missing. - Only the used models are bundled in the final product. - On runtime: Runs `useGLTF` under the hood. So 100% correct objects and usage, no extra layer.
In dev: Scans the `*.gltf` file on its own, so the generated typing has redundant code and could be different from what is present on runtime. So be careful when using and test/ double check it!
Example: In `gltfModel.scenes.someScene.traversed.Object` the typing only hints real objects and not each primitive that is used to build up the objects. But in runtime these primitives are also present in the `traversed.Object` - but funnily enough not all ... that is the reason I left away all primitives, just to be sure. #### Multiple instances of the same model For already loaded and parsed models the GLTF loader returns a cached version. So `primitive` uses then the same model which means the single instance is unmounted and mounted again with other coordinates. Solution: clone it ```vue ``` #### real time shadows Example shadow configuration below. The so generated shadows currently have heavy artifacts, so we bake the shadows in this project. But here is an example configuration for shadows: ```vue ``` #### postprocessing Normally, you could use the packages `@tresjs/post-processing` and `postprocessing` in combination for postprocessing TresJS/ ThreeJS. Unfortunately, they are currently not compatible with TresJS core >v4, see [comment on issue #16](https://github.com/toddeTV/zlig/issues/16#issuecomment-2246317999) and [issue #32](https://github.com/toddeTV/zlig/issues/32). ### Docs and helper websites - icon browser - [iconify](https://icon-sets.iconify.design/ph/) (not recommended, but really good) - [icones](https://icones.js.org/collection/ph) (recommended, but not so good) - [TailwindCSS cheat sheet](https://nerdcave.com/tailwind-cheat-sheet) - [TresJS docs](https://docs.tresjs.org/guide/) ## prod Will use the build command out of `/package.json`.
Building, deploying and hosting is done via [Vercel](https://vercel.com/toddetv-projects/zlig). ## Attribution/ Contribution Project founder & head of project: - [Thorsten Seyschab](https://todde.tv) Honorable mentions to people that helped this project: - [Andreas Fehn](https://github.com/fehnomenal) helped with the project. Thank you <3 - [Moritz Starke](https://github.com/Myzios) helped with general 3D and Blender questions. Thanks mate <3 Respectable mentions to projects that helped this project: - \[currently none\] Used programs/ softwares, services and dependencies - besides the ones in `./package.json`: - [GitHub Copilot](https://github.com/features/copilot) was used in private mode for programming questions. - [Blender](https://www.blender.org/) was used as software for creating and editing 3D models. - [ChatGPT](https://chatgpt.com/) used for DALL-E image generation, text based questions and programming code generation. Used assets/ materials including images and 3D models: - ["Japanese Bridge Garden"](https://skfb.ly/oqyrN) by libblekibble, licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), in this project internally identified as `ea1`. - ["Low Poly Japanese Restaurant props & environment pack"](https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/yB0RG/low-poly-japanese-restaurant-props-environment-pack) by Asset Kings, licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), in this project internally identified as `ea2`. - ["Wheat Farm At Sunset"](https://skfb.ly/osu7t) by libblekibble is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), in this project internally identified as `ea3`. ## License Copyright (c) 2024-present, [Thorsten Seyschab](https://todde.tv) This project, including original code and models, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ([CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)). Under this license, others are allowed to remix, adapt, and build upon this work non-commercially, provided they credit the project founder and license any derivative works under the same terms. Please note that this license applies only to the original content authored by the project’s creators. Third-party libraries, assets, 3D models, and other materials utilized in this project are listed under "Attribution/ Contribution" above and remain the property of their original creators, licensed under their respective terms. The project founder reserves the right to modify the terms of this license or to offer different licensing arrangements for specific use cases. For the full license text, please see the [LICENSE](./LICENSE.md) file. ### Need a Different License? If you are interested in discussing a different licensing arrangement for individual use cases, please feel free to reach out. Custom licensing may be available, but it is not guaranteed.