All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Spotpy Version v1.6.3 (2025-02-12)
- Introducing efast #330
Spotpy Version v1.6.0-rc1 (2022-07-15)
- move setuptools config to pyproject.toml following pep621
- Remove old Python2 necessarities [#287]
- Modernize package structure [#287]
- Spotpy source files moved to /src folder [#287]
- Automatized upload to Pypi and TestPypi [#287]
- New code style Black and isort
Spotpy Version v1.5.16 (2022-06-21)
- Update Tests to new Python3 standards
- Cleanup of old tests
- Introduce Github actions for testing and upload to pypi
Spotpy Version v1.5.15 (2022-06-21)
- Using random number of chain pairs to generate the jump in Dream [#284]
- Minor improvements in NSGAii [#246]
- New Tutorial for List sampling
- Longer Strings allowed for parameter names (change from '|U30' to '|U100')
- Longer Floats by default in csv database (change from np.float16 to np.float32)
- Added random_state also for random package, which should better reproducability of spotpy results when set via sampler (not set as default)
Spotpy Version v1.5.14 (2020-10-09)
- New algorithm NSGAii [#246]
- Bugfix in generalizedLikelihoodFunction [#257]
- Bugfix in pickle file of sceua [#258]
- New documentation slides [#259]