* Django-quickblocks ** Overview Django Quickblocks is a plugable Django based web application. Quickblocks has been developed to be more generic on how contents are being integrated within web applications. Quickblocks key factor is how easy it is to categorize contents depending on where and how you want to display them by giving the users the power to use their creativity. Designing django-quickblocks we have focused on how contents are being displayed from thousand sites and from there we managed to make it more generic. Quickblocks makes content management for average general sites a blast. ** Features - Create quickblock types - Create different quicblock from quickblock type - Use fields of your choice (quickblocks type maybe used most of the time.) - Template tags that integrates quickblocks in the template on the fly - more... ** Download *** From Github You can always get the latest version of django-quickblocks from github. Using git you can clone the django-quickblocks or download either zipped version within your favorite browser and put it into your project folder. My prefered way is to have requirements into a simple text file in the root of your project. We like to call it =pip-requires.txt=(your choice). Put =-e git+http://github.com/nyaruka/django-quickblocks.git#egg=django_quickblocks= on its own line and install everything in the file as following: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE pip install -r pip-requires.txt #+END_EXAMPLE ** Configuration To enable django-quickblocks for your project edit the projects =settings.py= and add the following: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE INSTALLED_APPS = ( Other apps ... 'django_reversion', 'django_quickblocks' ) #+END_EXAMPLE Then syncronize your database to include these apps #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE % python manage.py syncdb #+END_EXAMPLE ** Getting Started Once you have quickblock types and quickblocks it is time to display them in the template. There is where template tags comes into play. This app offers one templatetag =load_quickblocks=. Which does a query for all active Quickblock objects for the passed QuickblockType identified by its slug. You can then access that list within your context. It accepts one parameter the =slug= *** Syntax #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE {% load_quickblocks [name] %} #+END_EXAMPLE *** Example usage: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE {% load_quickblocks %} ... {% load_quickblocks "home_banner_blocks" %} ... #+END_EXAMPLE **** Note: You may also use the shortcut tag =load-qbs= as ={% load_qbs "home_banner_blocks" %}= If you specify a slug that hos noi associated quicl block, then an error message will be inserted in your template. You man change this text by setting the value fothe =QUICKBLOCK_IF_INVALID= in your settings