We are building an elevated code editing experience for macOS, but we have expenses and operating costs that are not free, especially down the road.
We know that you'll love what we are building. If you can show us you care by sponsoring us we would be greatly appreciative.
Meet the team
Austin Condiff austincondiffI started and manage this project, coordinate efforts, plan ideas, develop features, and design new concepts for CodeEdit.
Lukas Pistrol lukepistrolI’m a CS student and I help maintain this project and develop new features.
Khan Winter thecoolwinteriOS, macOS, Embedded Systems Dev | University of Minnesota - Computer Engineering | Apple 2020 Student Developer Challenge Winner | Working on @CodeEditApp
Matthijs Eikelenboom matthijseikelenboomSoftware Engineer
$10 a month
Select💚 Get a Sponsor badge on your profile. Your name will be added to the backer's section in CodeEdit project README. You will also receive the backer role in CodeEdit Discord Server. This will make your name appear green in chat and give you access to the private #backers channel.
$25 a month
Select👀 We will put your name and avatar in our README.
+ everything from previous tier!
$50 a month
Select+ everything from previous tier!
$100 a month
Select📣 Get a shout-out from the @CodeEditApp Twitter account. We will put your avatar in our README more prominently.
+ everything from previous tier!
$250 a month
Select💛 You will receive the sponsor role in CodeEdit Discord Server. This will make your name appear gold in chat and give you access to the private # sponsors channel.
+ everything from previous tier!
$500 a month
Select🥇 You can schedule up to an hour to talk with maintainers on the phone about the future of CodeEdit and it's progress.
+ everything from previous tier!
$1,000 a month
Select📈 You get 4 hours a month of dedicated time on your issues or code.
+ everything from previous tiers!
$2,000 a month
Select🏆 We will get all of the core maintainers together for a conference call with you monthly to discuss ideas and concerns, discuss our roadmap, and review our progress.
+ everything from previous tier!