# Put files/directories that should be ignored in this file when uploading # to a Chef Infra Server or Supermarket. # Lines that start with '# ' are comments. # OS generated files # ###################### .DS_Store ehthumbs.db Icon? nohup.out Thumbs.db .envrc # EDITORS # ########### .#* .project .settings *_flymake *_flymake.* *.bak *.sw[a-z] *.tmproj *~ \#* REVISION TAGS* tmtags .vscode .editorconfig ## COMPILED ## ############## *.class *.com *.dll *.exe *.o *.pyc *.so */rdoc/ a.out mkmf.log # Testing # ########### .circleci/* .codeclimate.yml .delivery/* .foodcritic .kitchen* .mdlrc .overcommit.yml .rspec .rubocop.yml .travis.yml .watchr .yamllint azure-pipelines.yml Dangerfile examples/* features/* Guardfile kitchen*.yml mlc_config.json Procfile Rakefile spec/* test/* # SCM # ####### .git .gitattributes .gitconfig .github/* .gitignore .gitkeep .gitmodules .svn */.bzr/* */.git */.hg/* */.svn/* # Berkshelf # ############# Berksfile Berksfile.lock cookbooks/* tmp # Bundler # ########### vendor/* Gemfile Gemfile.lock # Policyfile # ############## Policyfile.rb Policyfile.lock.json # Documentation # ############# CODE_OF_CONDUCT* CONTRIBUTING* documentation/* TESTING* UPGRADING* # Vagrant # ########### .vagrant Vagrantfile