/*programmer chase date 11/5/16 specifications-switch problem. 1. Display the smallest number entered 2. Display the largest number entered 3. Display the sum of the five numbers entered 4. Display the average of the five numbers entered */ #include> #include> //main funtioin main() { //variable declarations int choice=0, highNum = 1, lowNum = 2, sum = 3, avg = 4; //should average number be double????? printf("enter 5 numbers\n");//use these numbers 18, 21, 17, 44, 9. scanf_s(" %i %i %i %i" "%i", &choice, &highNum, &lowNum, &sum, &avg); switch (choice=0) { case '1': printf("%i is highNum", highNum); break; case '3': printf("%i is sum", sum); break; case '2': printf("%i is lowNum", lowNum); break; case '4': printf("%i is avg", avg); break; default: printf("invalid number\n");//error messege here } printf("the smallest number is %i\n", lowNum); printf("the largest number is %i\n", highNum); printf("the sum of numbers is %i\n", sum); printf("the avg number is %.2lf\n", avg); system("pause"); }