Android Application perform these commands without internet (SMS):
[ LOCK ]
[ Wifi_ON ]
[ Wifi_OFF ]
[ Wifi_Details ]
[ Location ]
[ Silent_Mode ]
[ Normal_Mode ]
[ Bluetooth_ON ]
[ Bluetooth_OFF ]
[ Phone_Number ]
[ Display_Lock ]
[ SIM_Serial_Number ]
App is published on Google Play
. You can download it for free from the following link:
Inbuilt client manager encrypts the command into a HMAC format and sends the command to the lost device and makes it unreadable
As an alternative way, user can also send a command without encrypting, in case of emergency. This method doesn’t require the client manager tool or app to be installed on an alternative device.
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smstheft password normal
smstheft password lockdisplay
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smstheft password wifiname
smstheft password bluetoothon
smstheft password bluetoothoff
smstheft password location
smstheft password siminfo
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assword phonenumber