nanpa-changeset - configuration format for changeset files under .nanpa/
Files should be placed under the .nanpa/ directory at package root, and must end with .kdl.
Changeset files are KDL configuration files: refer to for more information.
A changeset file consists of one or more nodes. Each node must be named major, minor, or patch, and have the following attributes:
- A type property
- An optional package property
- A single string argument containing the changeset description
Files must be encoded in UTF-8.
The type property specifies what kind of change this changeset describes, and requires one of Keep a Changelog's types.
The following types are allowed:
- added
- changed
- deprecated
- removed
- fixed
- security
If this package contains subpackages, the package property must be defined, and be a relative path from the project root to the subproject.
minor type="added" "Add thing to stuff"
patch type="changed" "Change foo to bar"
nanpa(1), nanparc(5)