10000 kubernetes-challenges/challenge-1 at master · kodekloudhub/kubernetes-challenges · GitHub
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Challenge 1

Deploy the given architecture diagram for implementing a Jekyll SSG. Find the lab here.

As ever, the order you create the resources is significant, and largely governed by the direction of the arrows in the diagram.

For this challenge, all the namespaced resources are to be created in the existing namespace development. When writing YAML manifests, you must include namespace: development in the metadata section

Solve in the following order:

All are solved by creating a YAML manifest for each resource as directed by the details as you select each icon, with the exception of 7 and 8 which are done with kubectl config. Expand solutions below by clicking on the arrowhead icons.

You should study the manifests provided in the repo carefully and understand how they provide what the question asks.

  1. jekyll-pv - The PV is pre-created, however you should examine it and check its properties. Getting the PVC correct depends on this.

  2. jekyll-pvc

    Apply the manifest

  3. jekyll

    Apply the manifest

    The pod will take at least 30 seconds to initialize.

  4. jekyll-node-service

    Apply the manifest

  5. developer-role
    kubectl create role developer-role --resource=pods,svc,pvc --verb="*" -n development

    --- OR ---

    Apply the manifest

  6. developer-rolebinding
    kubectl create rolebinding developer-rolebinding --role=developer-role --user=martin -n development

    --- OR ---

    Apply the manifest

  7. kube-config
    kubectl config set-credentials martin --client-certificate ./martin.crt --client-key ./martin.key
    kubectl config set-context developer --cluster kubernetes --user martin
  8. martin
    kubectl config use-context developer

Automate the lab in a single script!

As DevOps engineers, we love everything to be automated!

What we can do here is to clone this repo down to the lab to get all the YAML manifest solutions, then apply them in the correct order. The script also waits for the Jekyll pod to be fully started before progressing, thus when the script completes, you can press the Check button and the lab will be complete!

Automation Script

Paste this entire script to the lab terminal, sit back and enjoy!

    # Clone this repo to get the manifests
    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/kodekloudhub/kubernetes-challenges.git

    ### PVC
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-challenges/challenge-1/jekyll-pvc.yaml

    ### POD
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-challenges/challenge-1/jekyll-pod.yaml

    # Wait for pod to be running
    echo "Waiting up to 120s for Jekyll pod to be running..."
    kubectl wait -n development --for=condition=ready pod -l run=jekyll --timeout 120s

    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        echo "The pod did not start correctly. Please reload the lab and try again."
        echo "If the issue persists, please report it on the community forum."
        echo "https://kodekloud.com/community/c/kubernetes/6"
        cd ~
        echo "Press CTRL-C to exit"
        read x

    ### Service
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-challenges/challenge-1/jekyll-node-service.yaml

    ### Role
    kubectl create role developer-role --resource=pods,svc,pvc --verb="*" -n development

    ## RoleBinding
    kubectl create rolebinding developer-rolebinding --role=developer-role --user=martin -n development

    ## Martin

    kubectl config set-credentials martin --client-certificate ./martin.crt --client-key ./martin.key
    kubectl config set-context developer --cluster kubernetes --user martin

    ## kube-config

    kubectl config use-context developer

    echo -e "\n\nAutomation complete! Press the Check button.\n"