k8s admin app
App's appearance: light/dark mode.
L18n supports: English, Chinese.
Cluster overview metric charts.
Show added clusters list.
Add clusters from kubeconfig file.
Local persistent storage of cluster information.
Delete cluster info from local storage.
Show overview of cluster, like kubernetes version, running status, warnning events.
Add clusters from kubernetes cloud providers, like awk, gce etc.
- Supported resources page.
- Nodes list page.
- Node's detail info page.
- Events list page.
- Event's detail info page.
- Namespaces list page.
- Namespace's detail info page.
- CRDs list page.
- CRD's detail info page.
- ConfigMaps list page.
- ConfigMap's detail info page.
- Secrets list page.
- Secret's detail info page.
- SAs list page.
- SA's detail info page.
- StorageClass list page.
- StorageClass's detail info page.
- PVs list page.
- PV's detail info page.
- PVCs list page.
- PVC's detail info page.
- Supported workloads page.
- Pods list page.
- DaemonSets list page.
- Deployments list page.
- StatefulSets list page.
- Endpoints list page.
- Ingresses list page.
- Services list page.
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