import sys import serial # A serial port-scanner for linux and windows platforms # Author: Julio César Echeverri Marulanda # e-mail: # blog: # You should have installed the PySerial module to use this method. # You can install pyserial with the following line: pip install pyserial def ListAvailablePorts(): # This function return a list containing the string names for Virtual Serial Ports # availables in the computer (this function works only for Windows & Linux Platforms but you can extend it) # if there isn't available ports, returns an empty List AvailablePorts = [] platform = sys.platform if platform == "win32": for i in range(255): try: ser = serial.Serial(i, 9600) except serial.serialutil.SerialException: pass else: AvailablePorts.append(ser.portstr) ser.close() elif platform == "linux": for i in range(0, 255): try: ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB" + str(i)) except serial.serialutil.SerialException: pass else: AvailablePorts.append("/dev/ttyUSB" + str(i)) ser.close() else: print( """This method was developed only for linux and windows the current platform isn't recognised""" ) if len(AvailablePorts) == 0: print("NO port in use") return 0 else: return AvailablePorts # EXAMPLE OF HOW IT WORKS # if an Arduino is connected to the computer, the port will be show in the terminal # print ListAvailablePorts()