/* * Gate API v4 * * Welcome to Gate.io API APIv4 provides spot, margin and futures trading operations. There are public APIs to retrieve the real-time market statistics, and private APIs which needs authentication to trade on user's behalf. * * Contact: support@mail.gate.io * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech) */ package gateapi // Futures contract details type DeliveryContract struct { // Futures contract Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Underlying Underlying string `json:"underlying,omitempty"` // Cycle type, e.g. WEEKLY, QUARTERLY Cycle string `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // Futures contract type Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Multiplier used in converting from invoicing to settlement currency QuantoMultiplier string `json:"quanto_multiplier,omitempty"` // Minimum leverage LeverageMin string `json:"leverage_min,omitempty"` // Maximum leverage LeverageMax string `json:"leverage_max,omitempty"` // Maintenance rate of margin MaintenanceRate string `json:"maintenance_rate,omitempty"` // Mark price type, internal - based on internal trading, index - based on external index price MarkType string `json:"mark_type,omitempty"` // Current mark price MarkPrice string `json:"mark_price,omitempty"` // Current index price IndexPrice string `json:"index_price,omitempty"` // Last trading price LastPrice string `json:"last_price,omitempty"` // Maker fee rate, where negative means rebate MakerFeeRate string `json:"maker_fee_rate,omitempty"` // Taker fee rate TakerFeeRate string `json:"taker_fee_rate,omitempty"` // Minimum order price increment OrderPriceRound string `json:"order_price_round,omitempty"` // Minimum mark price increment MarkPriceRound string `json:"mark_price_round,omitempty"` // Fair basis rate BasisRate string `json:"basis_rate,omitempty"` // Fair basis value BasisValue string `json:"basis_value,omitempty"` // Funding used for calculating impact bid, ask price BasisImpactValue string `json:"basis_impact_value,omitempty"` // Settle price SettlePrice string `json:"settle_price,omitempty"` // Settle price update interval SettlePriceInterval int32 `json:"settle_price_interval,omitempty"` // Settle price update duration in seconds SettlePriceDuration int32 `json:"settle_price_duration,omitempty"` // Contract expiry timestamp ExpireTime int64 `json:"expire_time,omitempty"` // Risk limit base RiskLimitBase string `json:"risk_limit_base,omitempty"` // Step of adjusting risk limit RiskLimitStep string `json:"risk_limit_step,omitempty"` // Maximum risk limit the contract allowed RiskLimitMax string `json:"risk_limit_max,omitempty"` // Minimum order size the contract allowed OrderSizeMin int64 `json:"order_size_min,omitempty"` // Maximum order size the contract allowed OrderSizeMax int64 `json:"order_size_max,omitempty"` // deviation between order price and current index price. If price of an order is denoted as order_price, it must meet the following condition: abs(order_price - mark_price) <= mark_price * order_price_deviate OrderPriceDeviate string `json:"order_price_deviate,omitempty"` // Referral fee rate discount RefDiscountRate string `json:"ref_discount_rate,omitempty"` // Referrer commission rate RefRebateRate string `json:"ref_rebate_rate,omitempty"` // Current orderbook ID OrderbookId int64 `json:"orderbook_id,omitempty"` // Current trade ID TradeId int64 `json:"trade_id,omitempty"` // Historical accumulated trade size TradeSize int64 `json:"trade_size,omitempty"` // Current total long position size PositionSize int64 `json:"position_size,omitempty"` // Last changed time of configuration ConfigChangeTime float64 `json:"config_change_time,omitempty"` // Contract is delisting InDelisting bool `json:"in_delisting,omitempty"` // Maximum number of open orders OrdersLimit int32 `json:"orders_limit,omitempty"` }