empty initializer -
[FEATURE] Converted
columns to a classSeries
[FEATURE] Added more functionalities to the Random class eg: nextIntInRange, nextDoubleInRange, nextBytes, nextBigIntInRange, nextBigInt, nextDateTime, nextElementFromList, nextNonRepeatingIntList etc.
[IMPROVEMENT] isPrime function has been improved to use the trial division method for small numbers and Rabin-Miller for large numbers. Now support various data types:
print(isPrime(5)); // Output: true (int) print(isPrime(6)); // Output: false (int) print(isPrime(BigInt.from(1433))); // Output: true (BigInt) print(isPrime('567887653')); // Output: true (String) print(isPrime('75611592179197710042')); // Output: false (String) print(isPrime('205561530235962095930138512256047424384916810786171737181163')); // Output: true (String)
[FEATURE] Added more basic math functions: mod, modInv, nChooseRModPrime, bigIntNChooseRModPrime etc.
[FEATURE] Added more statistics math functions: gcf, egcd, lcm etc.
[IMPROVEMENT] In the Geometry class:
- The class is splitted into Plane and Solid geometries.
- In Point class: fixed example function calling, isCollinear computation is moved into GeoUtils, and use
in the constructor fromPolarCoordinates.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added an argument
easy computation. -
[IMPROVEMENT] Roman numerals to work with overline characters and parentheses.
[FEATURE] Added converts polar coordinate
and converts rectangular coordinatespol
functions -
[FEATURE] Added an extension
to the iterables andgroupByKey
to maps. -
[FEATURE] Added more extensions to String class:
String testString = "Hello123World456! Café au lait costs 3.50€. Contact: test@example.com or visit https://example.com"; print(testString.extractLetters()); // Includes 'é' print(testString.extractNumbers(excludeDecimalsAndSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractWords(excludeNumbers: false)); print(testString.extractAlphanumeric(excludeSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractLettersList(excludeSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractNumbersList(excludeDecimalsAndSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractEmails()); // Extracts email addresses print(testString.extractUrls()); // Extracts URLs // Custom pattern example: extract words starting with 'C' print(testString.extractCustomPattern(r'\bC\w+', unicode: false));
[IMPROVEMENT] Following the Dart format for libraries
[IMPROVEMENT] Cleaned code base and examples files
- [BUG_FIX] CoordinateType not set to UTM
- [BUG_FIX] Change the data types of mean and correlation to num
- [BROKEN] NumOrWords has been moved into code translators with the same name as Morse code.
- [BROKEN] MorseCodeTranslator class has been renamed to MorseCode
- [FEATURE] Added
class for working with dataframes or tables. - [IMPROVEMENT] Removed duplicate functions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Enhanced
function:- The function now generates the actual combinations or permutations of elements, mimicking the behavior of the combinations function in R.
- Added support for Lists as input for
. - Introduced optional
and simplify parameters for applying functions to combinations or permutations and controlling output structure. - Improved documentation with clearer explanations, examples, and comments.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Cleaned code for expressions (symbolic math)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added doc-strings to some functions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added documentation of Morse code in the ReadMe file
- Fixed README
- Added functions
- Fixed bugs
- Renamed Row, Column, and Diagonal matrices to RowMatrix, ColumnMatrix and DiagonalMatrix repectively
- Added morse code
- Added more math functions
- Improved documentation and performance
- Fixed bugs and aligned code
- Added support for converting number to words
- Added test for roman numerals.
- Fixed bugs in Roman numerals
- Added some string extension (e.g. capitalization, removeSpecialCharacters etc)
- Setting support for expressions
- Fixed errors in pow for both real and Complex numbers
- Added some math constants
- Fixed error in angles
- Fixed error in parsing linear and constant polynomial strings
- Increased the SDK
- Added Interpolation
- Added ZScore computation
- Added more functions matrix statistics
- Added multiple supports for determinant
- Fixed bugs in Roman numerals
- Fixed documentation inconsistencies
- Fixed error in angles
- Fixed error in angles conversion
- Improved the checks on roman numerals
- Added conversion between roman numerals and dates
- Improved the flexibility in arithmetic with integer, roman strings and roman numbers
- Fixed README file
- Improved the checks on roman numerals
- Added roman numerals
- Added trigonometry functions supports to work with complex numbers
- Added limit
- Added factors
- Fixed README file
- Simplified Example file
- Improved exponents of Complex numbers
- Fixed bearingTo() in Point to include axis
- Fixed return type of normalize from Angle
- Fixed README file
- Added Geometry (Point, line, Circle, Triangle, Polygon, etc.)
- Added Polynomial (Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Durand-Kerner)
- Added List and vecctors having same properties
- Added NumPy's roll
- Fixed README file
- Fixed complex number outputing wrong string
- Fixed bugs
- Added arguments for diagonal
- Improved min, max and sum functions with axes
- Fixed bug with magic matrix not working for singly even numbers (6, 10, 14, 18, 22 etc).
- Fixed bugs
- Changed the reverse function to flip in matrices
- Added magic() to the Maatrix constructors
- Fixed bug in FileIO
- Fixed bug
- Fixed the usage of quantities in the respective computations
- Implemented support for quantity
- Fixed Web not supported
- Fixed range
- Fixed README
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed README
- Conversion of angles(radians, degrees, gradients, DMS, and DM)
- Organized code
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed README
- Moved codes and reorganized functions
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs (in null space)
- Added rescale for both vectors and matrix
- Improved vector compatibility with lists
- Added operations on vectors such as expo, sum, prod, etc.
- Fixed normalize function with options on the norm to use
- Fixed Norm with options
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for distance calculation for vectors and matrices
- Improved consistency in linear algebra
- Added scale for vector types
- Spercial matrices and vectors their functionalities
- Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
- Added functions partioning of vectors subVector() and getVector()
- Improved subMatrix() function
- Fixed README
- Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
- Added Vectors, Complex Numbers, and Complex Vectors to README
- Fixed README
- Fixed README
- Improved indexOf() and random functionalities
- Fixed README
- Fixed bugs
- Started benchmarking
- Implemented matrix form rows and columns
- Implemented Vectors, Complex nyumbers and Complex Vectors
- Improved copyFrom() to retain or resize matrices
- Improved matrix concatenate
- Fixed README
- Corrected anonotations
- Fixed bugs
- Added Exponential, logarithmic, and Matrix power (generalized, not just integer powers)
- Added support to create from flattened arrays
- Clean codes
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed matrix round
- Fixed corrected README
- Fixed bugs
- Added matrix broadcast and replicate matrix
- Added pseudoInverse of a matrix
- Fixed corrected README
- Fixed bugs
- Added linear equation solver (cramersRule, ridgeRegression, bareissAlgorithm, inverseMatrix, gaussElimination, gaussJordanElimination, leastSquares, etc.)
- Added function to compute matrix condition number with both SVD and norm2 approaches.
- Added matrix decompositions
- LU decompositions
- Crout's algorithm
- Doolittle algorithm
- Doolittle algorithm with Partial Pivoting
- Doolittle algorithm with Complete Pivoting
- Gauss Elimination Method
- QR decompositions
- QR decomposition Gram Schmidt
- QR decomposition Householder
- LQ decomposition
- Cholesky Decomposition
- Eigenvalue Decomposition (incomplete)
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Schur Decomposition
- Added matrix condition
- Added support for exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions on matrices
- Added more matrix operations like scale,norm, norm2, l2Norms,
- Added support for checking matrix properties.
- Added class for Complex numbers
- Added support for to auto detect matrix types.
- Added scaleRow and addRow operations.
- Implemented new constructors like tridiagonal matrix
- Modified the Matrix.diagonal() to accept super-diagonal, diagonal, minor diagonals.
- Implemented Iterator and Iterable interfaces for easy traversal of matrix elements
- Provide methods to import and export matrices to and from other formats (e.g., CSV, JSON, binary)
- Fixed bugs
- Improved the arithmetic (+, -, *) functions to work for both scalars and matrices
- Updated range to create row and column matrices
- Added updateRow(), updateColumn, insertRow, insertColumn, appendRows, appendColumns
- Added creating random matrix
- Added more looks and feel to the toString() method
- Corrected some wrong calculations
- Fixed bugs
- Fix README file
- Added info on the README file.
- Added more functionalities
- Fixed bugs
- Tests now works with most of the functions
- initial release.