- [BUG_FIX] Fixed error from
as from issues #3 - [IMPROVEMENT] Change the default PiI computation to use
function has been improved to work with singular and poorly conditioned matrices. Added condition number check and SVD fallback for improved robustness with singular and poorly conditioned matrices. - [BUG_FIX]
function now works correctly. - [FEATURE] Added extensions to
class for converting between bases andStrings
. - [FEATURE] Added a class for
and functions for calculating perfect numbers includingisMersennePrime
. - [IMPROVEMENT] Improved
function for performance and to work with large numbers withBigInt
, largeString
number, and int support. - [FEATURE] Added
to theBigInt
class to aid computations. - [IMPROVEMENT] Fixed the error with
and improved it with functionalities - [IMPROVEMENT] Improve the computation of
function. - [FEATURE] Added
class for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions. SeeExpression
class for more information.
- [BUG_FIX] Changed the characters dependency to 1.3.0
- [IMPROVEMENT] Fixed change log
- [IMPROVEMENT] Updated SDK to 3.6.0
[BROKEN] DataFrame is no longer maintained in
. Now has a separate package for DataFrame calleddartframe
. -
class for calculating pi to any precision. -
classes to support arbitrary precision calculations. -
class based onNumber
has been changed toPrecision
class. SeePrecision
class for more information. -
class based onBigInt
with support for arbitrary precision calculations. -
[FEATURE] Added bases to
advance math
. You can now convert from any base to any other base (i.e base 2-36). SeeBases
class for more information. -
[IMPROVEMENT] Matrix inverse has been improved to work with matrices of any size (e.g. 1x1 matrix).
empty initializer/constructor. -
[FEATURE] Converted
columns to a classSeries
[FEATURE] Added more functionalities to the
class eg: nextIntInRange, nextDoubleInRange, nextBytes, nextBigIntInRange, nextBigInt, nextDateTime, nextElementFromList, nextNonRepeatingIntList etc. -
function has been improved to use the trial division method for small numbers and Rabin-Miller for large numbers. Now support various data types:print(isPrime(5)); // Output: true (int) print(isPrime(6)); // Output: false (int) print(isPrime(BigInt.from(1433))); // Output: true (BigInt) print(isPrime('567887653')); // Output: true (String) print(isPrime('75611592179197710042')); // Output: false (String) print(isPrime('205561530235962095930138512256047424384916810786171737181163')); // Output: true (String)
[FEATURE] Added more basic math functions:
, nChooseRModPrime, bigIntNChooseRModPrime etc. -
[FEATURE] Added more statistics math functions:
etc. -
class:- The class is splitted into Plane and Solid geometries.
- In Point class: fixed example function calling, isCollinear computation is moved into GeoUtils, and use
in the constructor fromPolarCoordinates.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added an argument
easy computation. -
[IMPROVEMENT] Roman numerals to work with overline characters and parentheses.
[FEATURE] Added converts polar coordinate
and converts rectangular coordinatespol
functions -
[FEATURE] Added an extension
to the iterables andgroupByKey
to maps. -
[FEATURE] Added more extensions to String class:
String testString = "Hello123World456! Café au lait costs 3.50€. Contact: test@example.com or visit https://example.com"; print(testString.extractLetters()); // Includes 'é' print(testString.extractNumbers(excludeDecimalsAndSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractWords(excludeNumbers: false)); print(testString.extractAlphanumeric(excludeSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractLettersList(excludeSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractNumbersList(excludeDecimalsAndSymbols: false)); print(testString.extractEmails()); // Extracts email addresses< D972 /span> print(testString.extractUrls()); // Extracts URLs print(testString.containsSymbol()) //Check if the string contains a symbol // Custom pattern example: extract words starting with 'C' print(testString.extractCustomPattern(r'\bC\w+', unicode: false));
[IMPROVEMENT] Following the Dart format for libraries
[IMPROVEMENT] Cleaned code base and examples files
- [BUG_FIX] CoordinateType not set to UTM
- [BUG_FIX] Change the data types of mean and correlation to num
has been moved into code translators with the same name as Morse code. - [BROKEN]
class has been renamed toMorseCode
- [FEATURE] Added
class for working with dataframes or tables. - [IMPROVEMENT] Removed duplicate functions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Enhanced
function:- The function now generates the actual combinations or permutations of elements, mimicking the behavior of the combinations function in R.
- Added support for Lists as input for
. - Introduced optional
and simplify parameters for applying functions to combinations or permutations and controlling output structure. - Improved documentation with clearer explanations, examples, and comments.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Cleaned code for expressions (symbolic math)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added doc-strings to some functions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added documentation of Morse code in the ReadMe file
- Fixed README
- Added functions
- Fixed bugs
- Renamed Row, Column, and Diagonal matrices to RowMatrix, ColumnMatrix and DiagonalMatrix repectively
- Added morse code
- Added more math functions
- Improved documentation and performance
- Fixed bugs and aligned code
- Added support for converting number to words
- Added test for roman numerals.
- Fixed bugs in Roman numerals
- Added some string extension (e.g. capitalization, removeSpecialCharacters etc)
- Setting support for expressions
- Fixed errors in pow for both real and Complex numbers
- Added some math constants
- Fixed error in angles
- Fixed error in parsing linear and constant polynomial strings
- Increased the SDK
- Added Interpolation
- Added ZScore computation
- Added more functions matrix statistics
- Added multiple supports for determinant
- Fixed bugs in Roman numerals
- Fixed documentation inconsistencies
- Fixed error in angles
- Fixed error in angles conversion
- Improved the checks on roman numerals
- Added conversion between roman numerals and dates
- Improved the flexibility in arithmetic with integer, roman strings and roman numbers
- Fixed README file
- Improved the checks on roman numerals
- Added roman numerals
- Added trigonometry functions supports to work with complex numbers
- Added limit
- Added factors
- Fixed README file
- Simplified Example file
- Improved exponents of Complex numbers
- Fixed bearingTo() in Point to include axis
- Fixed return type of normalize from Angle
- Fixed README file
- Added Geometry (Point, line, Circle, Triangle, Polygon, etc.)
- Added Polynomial (Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Durand-Kerner)
- Added List and vecctors having same properties
- Added NumPy's roll
- Fixed README file
- Fixed complex number outputing wrong string
- Fixed bugs
- Added arguments for diagonal
- Improved min, max and sum functions with axes
- Fixed bug with magic matrix not working for singly even numbers (6, 10, 14, 18, 22 etc).
- Fixed bugs
- Changed the reverse function to flip in matrices
- Added magic() to the Maatrix constructors
- Fixed bug in FileIO
- Fixed bug
- Fixed the usage of quantities in the respective computations
- Implemented support for quantity
- Fixed Web not supported
- Fixed range
- Fixed README
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed README
- Conversion of angles(radians, degrees, gradients, DMS, and DM)
- Organized code
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed README
- Moved codes and reorganized functions
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs (in null space)
- Added rescale for both vectors and matrix
- Improved vector compatibility with lists
- Added operations on vectors such as expo, sum, prod, etc.
- Fixed normalize function with options on the norm to use
- Fixed Norm with options
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for distance calculation for vectors and matrices
- Improved consistency in linear algebra
- Added scale for vector types
- Spercial matrices and vectors their functionalities
- Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
- Added functions partioning of vectors subVector() and getVector()
- Improved subMatrix() function
- Fixed README
- Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
- Added Vectors, Complex Numbers, and Complex Vectors to README
- Fixed README
- Fixed README
- Improved indexOf() and random functionalities
- Fixed README
- Fixed bugs
- Started benchmarking
- Implemented matrix form rows and columns
- Implemented Vectors, Complex nyumbers and Complex Vectors
- Improved copyFrom() to retain or resize matrices
- Improved matrix concatenate
- Fixed README
- Corrected anonotations
- Fixed bugs
- Added Exponential, logarithmic, and Matrix power (generalized, not just integer powers)
- Added support to create from flattened arrays
- Clean codes
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed matrix round
- Fixed corrected README
- Fixed bugs
- Added matrix broadcast and replicate matrix
- Added pseudoInverse of a matrix
- Fixed corrected README
- Fixed bugs
- Added linear equation solver (cramersRule, ridgeRegression, bareissAlgorithm, inverseMatrix, gaussElimination, gaussJordanElimination, leastSquares, etc.)
- Added function to compute matrix condition number with both SVD and norm2 approaches.
- Added matrix decompositions
- LU decompositions
- Crout's algorithm
- Doolittle algorithm
- Doolittle algorithm with Partial Pivoting
- Doolittle algorithm with Complete Pivoting
- Gauss Elimination Method
- QR decompositions
- QR decomposition Gram Schmidt
- QR decomposition Householder
- LQ decomposition
- Cholesky Decomposition
- Eigenvalue Decomposition (incomplete)
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Schur Decomposition
- Added matrix condition
- Added support for exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions on matrices
- Added more matrix operations like scale,norm, norm2, l2Norms,
- Added support for checking matrix properties.
- Added class for Complex numbers
- Added support for to auto detect matrix types.
- Added scaleRow and addRow operations.
- Implemented new constructors like tridiagonal matrix
- Modified the Matrix.diagonal() to accept super-diagonal, diagonal, minor diagonals.
- Implemented Iterator and Iterable interfaces for easy traversal of matrix elements
- Provide methods to import and export matrices to and from other formats (e.g., CSV, JSON, binary)
- Fixed bugs
- Improved the arithmetic (+, -, *) functions to work for both scalars and matrices
- Updated range to create row and column matrices
- Added updateRow(), updateColumn, insertRow, insertColumn, appendRows, appendColumns
- Added creating random matrix
- Added more looks and feel to the toString() method
- Corrected some wrong calculations
- Fixed bugs
- Fix README file
- Added info on the README file.
- Added more functionalities
- Fixed bugs
- Tests now works with most of the functions
- initial release.