10000 GitHub - exoframejs/exoframe: Exoframe is a self-hosted tool that allows simple one-command deployments using Docker
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Simple Docker deployment tool

⚠️ This is a pre-release version: it is a work in progress and might be unstable at the moment!
You can check the progress towards stable release here.
If you are looking for stable version and docs - look in legacy-master branch.

Test Status npm license

Exoframe is a self-hosted tool that allows simple one-command deployments using Docker.


  • One-command project deployment
  • SSH key based auth
  • Rolling updates
  • Deploy tokens (e.g. to deploy from CI)
  • Deploy secrets (e.g. to hide sensitive env vars)
  • Automated HTTPS setup via letsencrypt *
  • Automated gzip compression *
  • Rate-limit support *
  • Basic HTTP Auth support *
  • Simple access to the logs of deployments
  • Multiple deployment endpoints and multi-user support
  • Simple update procedure for client, server and Traefik
  • Optional automatic subdomain assignment (i.e. every deployment gets its own subdomain)
  • Complex recipes support (i.e. deploy complex systems in one command)

* Feature provided by Traefik



Getting started

To be done.


To be done.

Special thanks

Thanks to:


Licensed under MIT.