- ⬛️ her two teams in ctf times: snatch the root and hacking for soju
- ⬛️ former blog, "chmod a+x singularity.sh", with ctf writeups
- ⬛️ 2014's coderwall page with several writeups on linux, security, python
- ⬛️ def con 23 talk on hacking quantum computing
- ⬛️ threat-intel, project she led while at the security team at yelp
- ctfs and wargames
- cloud and k8s hacking
- cryptography
- forensics
- linux hacking
- mobile hacking
- network and 802.11
- other hackings
- pentesting scripts
- reverse engineering
- steganography
- vulnerabilities and exploits
- web hacking
- the art of intrusion
- krebs series on how to be in infosec: t. ptacek, b. schneier, c. ,iller
- how to be a infosec geek
- continuous security
- how to not get hacked
- awesome privilege escalation
- metasploit command List
- obscure systems post-exploit command list
- osx post-exploitation
- windows post-exploitation command list
- linux/unix/bsd post-exploitation command List
- bulletproof SSL and TLS
- reversing: secrets of reverse engineering
- the art of memory forensics
- the C programming language
- the unix programming environment
- unix network programming
- threat modeling: designing for security
- the tangled web
- the art of exploitation
- the art of software security assessment
- practical packet analysis
- gray hat python
- black hat python
- violent python
- shellcoders handbook
- practice malware analysis
- this machine kills secrets