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This is an API that provides resources for a Kanban Board. The API provides endpoints that lets users manage resources such as Boards, Lists, Cards -- similar to what Trello does behind the scene.

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🕴️ Kanban Board API (backend) 🕴️

This is an API that provides resources for a Kanban Board. The API provides endpoints that lets users manage resources such as Boards, Lists, Cards -- similar to what Trello does behind the scene.

How the Project Works

  • A user creates a token by using registration or login endpoints
  • The user can then perform CRUD operations on Board, List, Card by using the token with the appropriate endpoints and method calls.

API EndPoints

ENDPOINT = http://example.com

Endpoints for Authentication

Methods PATH Description
POST /register/ Registers a new user to obtain token
POST /login/ Login in an existing user to obtain token
GET /auth-user/ Return current user

Endpoints for Resources

Ensure to pass in the token in the Authorization header for the requests

Methods PATH Description
GET /boards/ Get the list of boards
POST /boards/ Create a new board
GET /boards/<id>/ Get a single board with the given Id
PUT /boards/<id>/ Update the board with the given id
DELETE /boards/<id>/ Delete the board with the given id
POST /lists/ Create a new list
POST /cards/ Create a new card
PUT /cards/<id> Edit a card with the given id
DELETE /cards/<id>/ Delete the card with the given id

Built With

  • Python 3.8
  • Django 3.2.5
  • Django Rest Framework 3.12.4
  • Postgresql

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


In order for Kanban-Board to work locally on your machine, you need these installations:

  • Python 3.8
  • Postgres database engine


  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Activate a virtual environment for the project
  3. Run
git clone https://github.com/belsman/Kanban-Board.git

or, for SSH:

git clone git@github.com:belsman/Kanban-Board.git
  1. Run cd Kanban-Board to enter the main directory
  2. Run ```pip install``
  3. Setup the database
    • Use CREATE DATABASE database_name; to create the DB in your database's interactive prompt
    • Edit the DATABASES settings variable in the settings.py file to match your configuration e.g. ENGINE USER, PASSWORD, and NAME
  4. Run database migrations with these command:
    • python manage.py makemigrations board
    • python manage.py migrate
  5. Start up the local server with python manage.py runserver


👤 Bello Babakolo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


This is an API that provides resources for a Kanban Board. The API provides endpoints that lets users manage resources such as Boards, Lists, Cards -- similar to what Trello does behind the scene.






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