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GIANT-XRT: Node Feature Extraction by Self-supervised Multi-scale Neighborhood Prediction

Requirement and Install

First let's setup a conda enviroment

conda create -n "giant-xrt" python=3.8
conda activate giant-xrt

Next, we install pytorch and libpecos:

conda install pytorch==1.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install libpecos==0.2.2
# check the pytorch version and cuda availability
python -c "import torch; print('torch={}, cuda={}'.format(torch.__version__, torch.cuda.is_available()))"

Finall, we install GNN related packages

pip install torch-scatter -f "https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-${ptcu_version}.html"
pip install torch-sparse -f "https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-${ptcu_version}.html"
pip install torch-cluster -f "https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-${ptcu_version}.html"
pip install torch-spline-conv -f "https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-${ptcu_version}.html"
pip install torch-geometric
pip install ogb==1.3.2
# our ogb version is 1.3.2
python -c "import ogb; from ogb.graphproppred import PygGraphPropPredDataset; print(ogb.__version__)"

Directory Layout

|---- dataset/                      # OGB benchmark datasets
|---- OGB_baselines/                # OGB benchmark GNN models (e.g., mlp, graph-sage, graph-saint)
|        |---- ogbn-arxiv/          	
|        |        |---- mlp.py
|        |        |---- gnn.py
|        |        |---- logger.py
|        |
|        |---- ogbn-products/		
|                |---- mlp.py
|                |---- graph_saint.py
|                |---- logger.py
|---- proc_data_xrt/
|        |---- ogbn-arxiv/          # default is empty, artifacts will be downloaded by download_data.sh
|        |---- ogbn-products/       # default is empty, artifacts will be downloaded by download_data.sh
|        |---- download_data.sh
|        |---- vect_config.json     # PECOS TFIDF vectorizer config file
|---- proc_data_xrt.py              # create giant-xrt pre-training data
|---- proc_data_xrt.sh
|---- xrt_train.sh                  # pre-training with XR-Transformer in PECOS
|---- xrt_get_emb.sh                # get node embeddings with the fine-tuned XR-Transformer
|---- run_ogb_baselines.sh          # run GNN baselines on OGB benchmark datasets

Download GIANT-XRT Preporcessed Data

This step is required for all remaining sections! We support three OGB datasets: ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, and ogbn-papers100M. here, consider ogbn-arxiv as an example, which can be downloaded via

cd ./proc_data_xrt
bash download_data.sh ${dataset}
cd ../

After downloading the pre-processed data, you should see files under the ./proc_data_xrt/ogbn-arxiv/ folders

|---- proc_data_xrt/
        |---- download_data.sh
        |---- vect_config.json
        |---- ogbn-arxiv/
                |---- params.json           # hyper-paramters for GIANT-XRT pre-training
                |---- X.all.txt	            # node raw text
                |---- X.all.xrt-emb.npy	    # node embeddings from XR-Transformer
                |---- xrt_models/           # XR-Transformer fine-tined models

Run GNN Baselines on OGB Datasets

For users who only want to take GIANT-XRT node embeddings for running GNN models:

dataset=ogbn-arxiv	# can be either ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, ogbn-papers100M
# for ogbn-arxiv: mlp/graph-sage
# for ogbn-products: mlp/graph-saint;
# for ogbn-papers100M: mlp/sgc;
bash ./run_ogb_baselines.sh ${dataset} ${gnn_algo}


For ogbn-arxiv and ogbn-products, we report the mean/std of 10 runs. For ogbn-papers100M, we report the mean/std of 5 runs.

ogbn-arxiv MLP GraphSAGE
Test accuracy (%) 73.06 ± 0.11 74.35 ± 0.14
ogbn-products MLP GraphSAINT
Test accuracy (%) 80.49 ± 0.28 84.15 ± 0.22
ogbn-papers100M MLP SGC
Test accuracy (%) 61.06 ± 0.13 66.19 ± 0.24

Remark: Note that we do not fix random seed as in the original OGB implementation. So the results can be slightly different (usually within 1 std).

Run SOTA GNNs with GIANT-XRT on OGB Datasets

For ogbn-arxiv, please check this Repo.

For ogbn-products, please check this Repo.

For ogbn-papers100M, please check this Repo.

Pre-training with GIANT-XRT

This subsection is for advanced users who want to run the pre-training procedure.

Create Pre-training Data

bash proc_data_xrt.sh ${dataset}

Pre-training GIANT-XRT

bash xrt_train.sh ${data_dir}

Get Node Embeddings by GIANT-XRT

bash xrt_get_emb.sh ${data_dir}


If you find this useful, please consider citing our paper.

  title={Node Feature Extraction by Self-Supervised Multi-scale Neighborhood Prediction},
  author={Eli Chien and Wei-Cheng Chang and Cho-Jui Hsieh and Hsiang-Fu Yu and Jiong Zhang and Olgica Milenkovic and Inderjit S Dhillon},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00064},