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Driver Parameters

file.csi.azure.com driver parameters

Dynamic Provision

get a example

Name Meaning Example Mandatory Default value
skuName Azure file storage account type (alias: storageAccountType) Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_RAGZRS, Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS No Standard_LRS

1. minimum file share size of Premium account type is 100GB
2.ZRS account type is supported in limited regions
3. NFS file share only supports Premium account type
storageAccount specify Azure storage account name STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME No if empty, driver will find a suitable storage account that matches account settings in the same resource group; if a storage account name is provided, storage account must exist.
enableLargeFileShares specify whether to use a storage account with large file shares enabled or not. If this flag is set to true and a storage account with large file shares enabled doesn't exist, a new storage account with large file shares enabled will be created. This flag should be used with the standard sku as the storage accounts created with premium sku have largeFileShares option enabled by default. true,false No false
protocol file share protocol smb, nfs No smb
networkEndpointType specify network endpoint type for the storage account created by driver. If privateEndpoint is specified, a private endpoint will be created for the storage account. For other cases, a service endpoint will be created by default. "",privateEndpoint No ``
location specify Azure storage account location eastus, westus, etc. No if empty, driver will use the same location name as current k8s cluster
resourceGroup specify the resource group in which Azure file share will be created existing resource group name No if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster
shareName specify Azure file share name existing or new Azure file name No if empty, driver will generate an Azure file share name
shareNamePrefix specify Azure file share name prefix created by driver can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and length should be less than 21 No
folderName specify folder name in Azure file share existing folder name in Azure file share No if folder name does not exist in file share, mount would fail
shareAccessTier Access tier for file share GpV2 account can choose between TransactionOptimized (default), Hot, and Cool. FileStorage account can choose Premium No empty(use default setting for different storage account types)
accountAccessTier Access tier for storage account Standard account can choose Hot or Cool, and Premium account can only choose Premium No empty(use default setting for different storage account types)
server specify Azure storage account server address existing server address, e.g. accountname.privatelink.file.core.windows.net No if empty, driver will use default accountname.file.core.windows.net or other sovereign cloud account address
disableDeleteRetentionPolicy specify whether disable DeleteRetentionPolicy for storage account created by driver true,false No false
allowBlobPublicAccess Allow or disallow public access to all blobs or containers for storage account created by driver true,false No false
requireInfraEncryption specify whether or not the service applies a secondary layer of encryption with platform managed keys for data at rest for storage account created by driver true,false No false
storageEndpointSuffix specify Azure storage endpoint suffix core.windows.net, core.chinacloudapi.cn, etc No if empty, driver will use default storage endpoint suffix according to cloud environment, e.g. core.windows.net
tags tags would be created in newly created storage account tag format: 'foo=aaa,bar=bbb' No ""
matchTags whether matching tags when driver tries to find a suitable storage account true,false No false
--- Following parameters are only for SMB protocol --- ---
subscriptionID specify Azure subscription ID in which Azure file share will be created Azure subscription ID No if not empty, resourceGroup must be provided
storeAccountKey whether store account key to k8s secret

false means driver would leverage kubelet identity to get account key
true,false No true
secretName specify secret name to store account key No
secretNamespace specify the namespace of secret to store account key default,kube-system, etc No pvc namespace (csi.storage.k8s.io/pvc/namespace)
useDataPlaneAPI specify whether use data plane API for file share create/delete/resize, this could solve the SRP API throltting issue since data plane API has almost no limit, while it would fail when there is firewall or vnet setting on storage account true,false No false
--- Following parameters are only for NFS protocol --- ---
rootSquashType specify root squashing behavior on the share. The default is NoRootSquash AllSquash, NoRootSquash, RootSquash No
mountPermissions mounted folder permissions. The default is 0777, if set as 0, driver will not perform chmod after mount 0777 No
--- Following parameters are only for vnet setting, e.g. NFS, private end point --- ---
vnetResourceGroup specify vnet resource group where virtual network is existing resource group name No if empty, driver will use the vnetResourceGroup value in azure cloud config file
vnetName virtual network name existing virtual network name No if empty, driver will use the vnetName value in azure cloud config file
subnetName subnet name existing subnet name of the agent node No if empty, driver will use the subnetName value in azure cloud config file
fsGroupChangePolicy indicates how volume's ownership will be changed by the driver, pod securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy is ignored OnRootMismatch(by default), Always, None No OnRootMismatch
--- Following parameters are only for experimental VHD disk feature --- ---
fsType File System Type ext4, ext3, ext2, xfs Yes ext4
diskName existing VHD disk file name pvc-062196a6-6436-11ea-ab51-9efb888c0afb.vhd No
  • account tags format created by dynamic provisioning
k8s-azure-created-by: azure
  • VolumeID(volumeHandle) is the identifier of the volume handled by the driver, format of VolumeID:

placeholder, uuid, secret-namespace are optional

  • file share name format created by dynamic provisioning(example)

Static Provision(bring your own file share)

get a smb pv example

get a nfs pv example

Name Meaning Available Value Mandatory Default value
volumeHandle Specify a value the driver can use to uniquely identify the share in the cluster. A recommended way to produce a unique value is to combine the globally unique storage account name and share name: {account-name}_{file-share-name}. Note: The # character is reserved for internal use. Yes
volumeAttributes.resourceGroup Azure resource group name existing resource group name No if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster
volumeAttributes.storageAccount existing storage account name existing storage account name Yes
volumeAttributes.shareName Azure file share name existing Azure file share name Yes
volumeAttributes.folderName specify folder name in Azure file share existing folder name in Azure file share No if folder name does not exist in file share, mount would fail
volumeAttributes.protocol specify file share protocol smb, nfs No smb
volumeAttributes.server specify Azure storage account server address existing server address, e.g. accountname.privatelink.file.core.windows.net No if empty, driver will use default accountname.file.core.windows.net or other sovereign cloud account address
--- Following parameters are only for SMB protocol --- ---
volumeAttributes.secretName secret name that stores storage account name and key No
volumeAttributes.secretNamespace secret namespace default,kube-system, etc No pvc namespace (csi.storage.k8s.io/pvc/namespace)
nodeStageSecretRef.name secret name that stores storage account name and key existing secret name Yes
nodeStageSecretRef.namespace secret namespace k8s namespace Yes
--- Following parameters are only for NFS protocol --- ---
volumeAttributes.fsGroupChangePolicy indicates how volume's ownership will be changed by the driver, pod securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy is ignored OnRootMismatch(by default), Always, None No OnRootMismatch
volumeAttributes.mountPermissions mounted folder permissions. The default is 0777 No
  • create a Kubernetes secret for nodeStageSecretRef.name
kubectl create secret generic azure-storage-account-{accountname}-secret --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname="xxx" --from-literal azurestorageaccountkey="xxx" --type=Opaque


  • mounting Azure SMB File share requires account key, if nodeStageSecretRef field is not provided in PV config, this driver would try to get azure-storage-account-{accountname}-secret in the pod namespace first, if that secret does not exist, it would get account key by Azure storage account API directly using kubelet identity (make sure kubelet identity has reader access to the storage account).
  • mounting Azure NFS File share does not need account key, NFS mount access is configured by either of the following settings:
    • Firewalls and virtual networks: select Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses with same vnet as agent node
    • Private endpoint connections

shareName parameter supports following pv/pvc metadata conversion

if shareName value contains following strings, it would be converted into corresponding pv/pvc name or namespace

  • ${pvc.metadata.name}
  • ${pvc.metadata.namespace}
  • ${pv.metadata.name}