Convert swagger model schemata into Flow declaration files (.js.flow).
See the template for more details.
You can use your own custom template via the templatePath
property, or your own template function
via the templateFn
property. See the Options below.
const jsonToFlow = require('json-to-flow');
// You can generate this yourself from tooling,
// or use the `definitions` property on a Swagger spec.
// Note that this has changed to include the full definition object
// as of 1.0.0.
const schema = {
User: {
properties: {
// primitives
id: {type: 'number'},
fullname: {type: 'string'},
verified: {type: 'boolean'},
// builtins
created: {type: 'Date'},
matcher: {type: 'RegExp'},
// custom types
childObj: {type: 'CustomType'},
// arrays (uses swagger array spec)
array: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string' // could be a custom type or builtin too
arrayModels: {
type: 'array',
items: {
// will translate this into type: 'Pet'
$ref: '#/definitions/Pet'
// Not part of swagger, but illustrating you can put anything in
literal: {
type: 'Promise<Array<Foo>>'
required: [
// If true, will export an inexact object (`{...}`)
additionalProperties: false
jsonToFlow(schema, {
templateData: {
modelSuperClass: 'Model',
modelSuperClassPath: 'models/_model'
targetPath: path.join(__dirname, 'models'),
// templatePath: string, // Pass an optional abs ejs file path, or
// templateFn: (data: {modelName: string, modelSchema: string,
// modelSuperClass: string, ...options}) => string
}).then((results) => {
You can also use the CLI:
yarn json-to-flow --help
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--superClass The name of the class your generated models should
extend. [string] [default: "Model"]
--superClassPath The import path for the generated model superclass.
[string] [default: "models/_model"]
--templatePath Optional template file override. [string]
--targetPath The target path for generated files. [string] [required]
--templateExtension The output file extension. [string] [default: ".js.flow"]
--inputPath The input Swagger/OpenAPI JSON file path.
[string] [required]
$ yarn json-to-flow --inputPath swagger.json --targetPath types/auto-generated/
export type FullSwaggerSchema = {
[key: string]: SwaggerModelSchema,
export type SwaggerModelSchema = {
properties: {[key: string]: Field},
required?: string[],
additionalProperties?: boolean,
export type ModelSchema = {
[key: string]: FieldOutput;
export type AllModelSchemata = {
[modelName: string]: ModelSchema
// Note you can add your own fields to this, if your template knows to expect them.
export type TemplateData = {
// In the default template, this is a map of types to add to the top of the file
additionalTypes: {[key: string]: Field},
// In default template, this is what the exported class extends
modelSuperClass: string,
// This is the file location of that extended class
modelSuperClassPath: string,
modelName: string, // automatically filled in
modelSchema: ModelSchema, // automatically filled in
export type Field = {type: string, $ref?: string, format?: string, items?: Field};
export type FieldOutput = {type: string, $ref?: string, format?: string, required: boolean};
export type Options = {
// The path to the default template. You can override this. The entirety of the options
// object is passed to the template so you can add anything you like.
templatePath: string = path.join(__dirname, 'template.ejs'),
// Variables used in default template.
// Note that `modelName` and `modelSchema` is automatically merged i
nto this on every iteration.
templateData: $Shape<TemplateData> = {modelSuperClass: 'Model', modelSuperClassPath: 'models/_model'},
// If present, defines where the output goes. You can also pass a function.
// If not present, will call back with compiled template.
targetPath?: string | (modelName: string) => string,
// The default target file extension. Note the leading `.`, intentional so you can add suffixes etc.
templateExtension: string = '.js.flow',
// By default, this translator takes in Swagger spec data and translates it to JS as closely
// as is reasonable. You may not like how it does or may want to add your own hooks - do it here.
// You can access the default translator at require('json-to-flow').defaults.translateField.
translateField: (Field, Options, SwaggerModelSchema, string) => FieldOutput = defaults.fieldTranslator,
// Optional hook for transforming data right before it is passed to templateFn.
preTemplateFn?: ?(TemplateData) => TemplateData,
// This is populated at runtime with an ejs.compile() call. Replace this if you want to use another
// template engine.
templateFn: (TemplateData) => string,
import {Model} from 'models/_model';
export class UserModel extends Model {
id: number;
fullname: string;
verified: boolean;
created: Date;
matcher: RegExp;
childObj: CustomType;
optionalType: ?string,
array: Array<string>;
arrayModels: Array<Pet>;
literal: Promise<Array<Foo>>;