- Miscellaneous Algorithms
In this section you will find the description of some NeoML machine learning algorithms that do not belong to the other sections.
This method finds the global minimum (or maximum) of a non-differentiable, non-linear, multimodal function of many variables F(x1, x2, ..., xn).
It uses mutation, crossover and selection to transform the current population (that is, the function parameters) into the next generation so that the function values on the new population "improve." The process is repeated until the stop criteria are met.
The initial population (x11, x12, ..., x1n) (x21, x22, ..., x2n) ... (xk1, xk2, ..., xkn) is set randomly.
Let the current generation be
(x11, x12, ..., x1n) (x21, x22, ..., x2n) ... (xk1, xk2, ..., xkn)
and the next generation be
(y11, y12, ..., y1n) (y21, y22, ..., y2n) ... (yk1, yk2, ..., ykn).
Then crossover and mutation is performed according to the formula:
yij = xij | ( cij + fl * (aij - bij) ),
where a
, b
, c
are random vectors from the current population.
The current element will be exchanged for the next-generation element with the same number if the optimized function gives a better value on it:
yi = F(xi) < F(yi) ? xi : yi
The algorithm stops if any of the conditions is met:
- the number of iterations reaches the limit
- the function minimum has not changed for a long time
- the set has degenerated
The interface for the function:
class NEOML_API IFunctionEvaluation {
// The number of dimensions
virtual int NumberOfDimensions() const = 0;
// The parameter "types"
virtual const IParamTraits& GetParamTraits( int index ) const = 0;
// The result types
virtual const IParamTraits& GetResultTraits() const = 0;
// Retrieves the maximum and minimum values for the parameters
virtual CFunctionParam GetMinConstraint( int index ) const = 0;
virtual CFunctionParam GetMaxConstraint( int index ) const = 0;
// One of the Evaluate functions should be overloaded in your implementation of this interface
// Evaluate the function on several parameter sets
// (the default implementation calls the one-parameter variant several times)
virtual void Evaluate( const CArray<CFunctionParamVector>& params, CArray<CFunctionParam>& results );
// Evaluate the function on one parameter set
// (the default implementation calls the several-parameters variant) virtual CFunctionParam Evaluate( const CFunctionParamVector& param );
Here is a sample that runs the algorithm:
// A function which evalutes a vector of CSvm paramters
// The differential evolution interprets every axis as linear on the [min;max] interval
// That's why we're searching the optimal logoarithm (base 10) of some of the parameters
class CSvmEvaluation : public IFunctionEvaluation {
// CSvm parameters optimized during diff evolution
enum TSvmParam {
SP_KernelType, // Kernel type, enum (which is encoded as int)
SP_LogErrorWeight, // Logarithm of ErrorWeight parameter
SP_MaxIterations, // Maximum number of iterations
SP_Degree, // Degree parameter
SP_LogGamma, // Logarithm of Gamma parameter
SP_LogCoeff0, // Logarithm of Coeff0 parameter
SP_LogTolerance, // Logarithm of Tolerance parameter
SP_Count // Vector size
// Accepts the data and the number of folds in cross-validation
explicit CSvmEvaluation( const IProblem& problem, int cvFolds ) :
problem( &problem ), cvFolds( cvFolds ) {}
// IFunctionEvaluation interface
// Number of elements in vector of parameters
int NumberOfDimensions() const override { return static_cast<int>( SP_Count ); }
// Type of each of the parameter in vector
const IParamTraits& GetParamTraits( int index ) const override
switch( static_cast<TSvmParam>( index ) ) {
case SP_KernelType:
case SP_MaxIterations:
case SP_Degree:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance();
case SP_LogErrorWeight:
case SP_LogGamma:
case SP_LogCoeff0:
case SP_LogTolerance:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance();
case SP_Count:
NeoAssert( false );
return CIntTraits::GetInstance();
// Type of the optimized value
const IParamTraits& GetResultTraits() const override { return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance(); }
// The minimum value of the index'th parameter
CFunctionParam GetMinConstraint( int index ) const override
switch( static_cast<TSvmParam>( index ) ) {
case SP_KernelType:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( static_cast<int>( CSvmKernel::KT_Linear ) );
case SP_LogErrorWeight:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -3. );
case SP_MaxIterations:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( 10 );
case SP_Degree:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( 1 );
case SP_LogGamma:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -3. );
case SP_LogCoeff0:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -3. );
case SP_LogTolerance:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -4 );
NeoAssert( false );
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( 1 );
// The maximum value of the index'th parameter
CFunctionParam GetMaxConstraint( int index ) const override
switch( static_cast<TSvmParam>( index ) ) {
case SP_KernelType:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( static_cast<int>( CSvmKernel::KT_Sigmoid ) );
case SP_LogErrorWeight:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( 3. );
case SP_MaxIterations:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( 1000 );
case SP_Degree:
return CIntTraits::GetInstance().Box( 5 );
case SP_LogGamma:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( 3 );
case SP_LogCoeff0:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( 3 );
case SP_LogTolerance:
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -1 );
NeoAssert( false );
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( 1 );
// Evaluates a single parameter vector
// In this case it returns the average accuracy of the cross-validation of CSvm's with the given param
// on the data given in constructor
CFunctionParam Evaluate( const CFunctionParamVector& param ) override
// Don't forget that some of the parameters are logarithms!
CSvm::CParams svmParams(
static_cast<CSvmKernel::TKernelType>( CIntTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_KernelType] ) ),
::pow( 10., CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_LogErrorWeight] ) ),
CIntTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_MaxIterations] ),
CIntTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_Degree] ),
::pow( 10., CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_LogGamma] ) ),
::pow( 10., CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_LogCoeff0] ) ),
::pow( 10., CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Unbox( param[SP_LogTolerance] ) ),
CSvm svm( svmParams );
CCrossValidation cv( svm, problem );
CCrossValidationResult cvResult;
cv.Execute( cvFolds, AccuracyScore, cvResult, true );
double total = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < cvResult.Success.Size(); ++i ) {
total += cvResult.Success[i];
// The differential evolution minimizes it's target value
// But in our task we're trying to maximize the accuracy
// This is why we're using the negative of it
return CDoubleTraits::GetInstance().Box( -total / cvResult.Success.Size() );
CPtr<const IProblem> problem;
int cvFolds;
double fluctuation = 0.5; // fluctuation coefficient
double crossProbability = 0.5; // mutation probability
const int populationSize = 20; // population size
CSvmEvaluation svmEval( *problem, 5 );
CDifferentialEvolution evolution( svmEval, fluctuation, crossProbability, populationSize );
evolution.SetMaxGenerationCount( 100 );
evolution.SetMaxNonGrowingBestValue( 10 );
The algorithms described below can generate hypothesis sets that can be used to iterate through various options.
This algorithm generates paths in a directed acyclic graph. In this graph, each of the arcs should have a quality estimate, and in each node the arcs should be sorted in order of decreasing quality of the path to the end of the graph.
The generator creates a set of paths from the start to the end of the graph, sorted in order of decreasing quality.
This sample creates an instance of the generator and generates the first path.
CGraphGenerator<CGraph, CArc, int> generator( &graph );
generator.SetMaxStepsQueueSize( 1024 );
CArray<const CArc*> path;
generator.GetNextPath( path );
The algorithm generates matchings in a bipartite graph. The graph is defined by a penalty matrix for the vertices matchings. Additional penalties apply for skipping the vertices of one part.
The generated matchings are sorted in order of decreasing quality.
This sample creates an instance of the generator and generates the best matching.
CMatchingGenerator<CEdge, double> generator( leftSize, rightSize );
initializeMatrix( generator.PairMatrix() );
initializeLeftMissedElements( generator.MissedLeftElementPairs() );
initializeRightMissedElements( generator.MissedRightElementPairs() );
CArray<CEdge> nextMatching;
generator.GetNextMatching( nextMatching );
This algorithm generates fixed-length sequences. The input data contains a set of arrays with alternative elements, each sorted in order of decreasing quality.
The algorithm generates a set of element variants sorted in order of decreasing total quality.
This sample generates 5-element sequences of integers.
const int NumberOfElement = 5;
const int NumberOfVariant = 3;
class CIntElement {
typedef int Quality;
CIntElement() : value( 0 ) {}
explicit CIntElement( int _value ) : value( _value ) {}
int VariantQuality() const { return value; }
int value;
class CIntSimpleGenerator : public CSimpleGenerator<CIntElement> {
CIntSimpleGenerator() :
CSimpleGenerator<CIntElement>( 0, -10000 )
Variants.SetSize( NumberOfElement );
for( int i = NumberOfVariant; i > 0; i-- ) {
for( int j = 0; j < NumberOfElement; j++ ) {
Variants[j].Add( CIntElement( i ) );
CIntSimpleGenerator generator;
CArray<CIntElement> next;
generator.GetNextSet( next );
generator.GetNextSet( next );
It may be useful in many tasks to lower the dimensionality of a large multidimensional dataset while still retaining most of the information it contained.
PCA uses singular value decomposition to project the dataset into a lower dimensional space.
void SingularValueDecomposition( const CFloatMatrixDesc& data, const TSvd& svdSolver,
CArray<float>& leftVectors, CArray<float>& singularValues, CArray<float>& rightVectors,
bool returnLeftVectors, bool returnRightVectors, int components )
There are two algorithms for full and sparse matrices, SVD_Full
and SVD_Sparse
The number of principal components can be selected in several ways, determined by the ComponentsType
field of CParams
: the number of components will simply be the smaller of the data matrix width and heightPCAC_Int
: the number of components is directly specified in theComponents
: select the number of components so that the explained variance is greater than the float value inComponents
field (it should be in (0, 1) range)
The Train
method performs SVD, then takes the required number of the singular vectors for principal components, selecting those that correspond to the largest singular values.
The TrainTransform
method does the same, then transforms the data matrix into the new principal component coordinates.
The Transform
method only transforms the given data matrix into the selected principal component coordinates.
You can access the singular values, variance, and the principal components via the getter methods.
class NEOML_API CPca {
enum TComponents {
PCAC_None = 0,
struct CParams {
TComponents ComponentsType;
TSvd SvdSolver;
float Components;
CParams() :
ComponentsType( PCAC_None ),
SvdSolver( SVD_Full ),
Components( 0 )
// Chooses the greatest singular values from `Components` and
// selects the corresponding principal axes as the final components
void Train( const CFloatMatrixDesc& data );
// Transforms the data into shape ( samples x components )
// using the principal components calculated before
CSparseFloatMatrixDesc Transform( const CFloatMatrixDesc& data );
// Trains and transforms the data into shape ( samples x components )
CSparseFloatMatrixDesc TrainTransform( const CFloatMatrixDesc& data );
// Singular values corresponding to the selected principal axes
const CArray<float>& GetSingularValues() const { return singularValues; }
// Variance explained by each of the selected principal axes
const CArray<float>& GetExplainedVariance() const { return explainedVariance; }
// Percentage of variance explained by each of the selected principal axis
const CArray<float>& GetExplainedVarianceRatio() const { return explainedVarianceRatio; }
// Mean of singular values not corresponding to the selected principal axes
float GetNoiseVariance() const { return noiseVariance; }
// Selected number of principal axes
int GetComponentsNum() const { return components; }
// Matrix ( components x features ) with rows corresponding to the selected principal axis
CSparseFloatMatrix GetComponents();
// Get input params
CParams GetParams() const { return params; }
// For serialization
static CPtr<CPca> Create() { return FINE_DEBUG_NEW CPca(); }
// Serializes the model
void Serialize( CArchive& archive ) override;
Subword tokenization (+encoding) is approach which has advantages over character-based and word-based approach in language modeling tasks.
// Subword encoder interface.
class NEOML_API ISubwordEncoder : virtual public IObject {
virtual ~ISubwordEncoder() override = default;
// Encodes a word as a sequence of token ids with corresponding token lengths.
// TokenId range = [0, ... , Size() - 1].
// To encode a string with wide characters you have to first encode it as utf-8 and wrap it in CString.
// In this case 'tokenLengths' will contain lengths of the tokens according to the original string version.
virtual void Encode( const CString& word, CArray<int>& tokenIds,
CArray<int>& tokenLengths ) const = 0;
// Decodes sequence of token ids into a sequence of words.
virtual void Decode( const CArray<int>& tokenIds, CArray<CString>& words ) const = 0;
// Returns number of tokens.
virtual int Size() const = 0;
Some subword encoding algorithms can be accelerated by using a cache for Encode
For example, during the training of language model, a large number of Encode
calls usually occur.
For this reason an additional interface has been added:
// Subword encoder which supports caching results of 'Encode' calls.
class NEOML_API ISubwordEncoderWithCache : public ISubwordEncoder {
virtual void Encode( const CString& word, CArray<int>& tokenIds,
CArray<int>& tokenLengths ) const override final;
// Sets the cache cleanup period.
// The cache is used for Encode calls acceleration.
// The result of the encode call is cached and will be erased if
// no call with the same word will occur among next 1-2 X cachePeriod calls.
// Increase in cachePeriod leads to a in increase in memory consumption.
// To completely switch the cache off set cachePeriod equal to -1.
// Value 0 is treated as invalid.
void SetCachePeriod( int cachePeriod ) const { cache.SetCachePeriod( cachePeriod ); }
Popular subword encoding algorithm.
class NEOML_API IBytePairEncoder : public ISubwordEncoderWithCache {
struct CParams {
// End-of-Word (EOW), a string that will be added to the end of each input word.
CString UseEndOfWordToken = "";
// Start-of-Word (SOW), a string that will be added to the beginning of each input word.
CString UseStartOfWordToken = "";
// Treat strings as arrays of raw bytes,
// which decreases the maximum size of the initial vocabulary to 256 and allows to completely avoid unknown symbols.
bool UseRawBytes = false;
// The id of <UNK>.
// All other tokens are continuously enumerated from 'UnknownTokenId' + 1. Ids [0, UnknownTokenId) are not used when encoding.
int UnknownTokenId = 0
// Encoder parameters getters
virtual bool UseEndOfWordToken() const = 0;
virtual bool UseStartOfWordToken() const = 0;
virtual bool UseRawBytes() const = 0;
virtual int UnknownTokenId() const = 0;
// A list of unique tokens ordered by order of merges during training (this is used when encoding).
// The Id of a token in encoded words is <Id in this array> + GetUnknownTokenId() + 1
using CBPEDictionary = CArray<CString>;
// Initializes the encoder. Can be safely used only once.
// Every token except the letters (or bytes), EOW and SOW must be a concatenation of two other tokens.
// If not empty, EOW and SOW must be contained in 'tokens' exactly only once as a separate token.
virtual void Initialize( const CBPEDictionary& tokens, const CParams& ) = 0;
// Returns BPE mappings as they are performed by the encoder
virtual void GetIdToTokenMapping( CMap<int, CString>& ) const = 0;
virtual void GetTokenToIdMapping( CMap<CString, int>& ) const = 0;
Additional methods cover usage of special tokens: End-Of-Word and Start-Of-Word token.
Basically you probably want End-Of-Word set to True
and Start-Of-Word set to False
To train encoder with IBytePairEncoder
functionality you need to use CBytePairEncoderTrainer
// Class that trains byte-pair-encoding.
class NEOML_API CBytePairEncoderTrainer {
struct CParams {
// Max size of encoder.
// The size of the trained encoder cannot exceed this value, but CAN be smaller.
int MaxSize = 50000;
// Add EoW token to each word
bool UseEndOfWordToken = true;
// Add SoW token to each word
bool UseStartOfWordToken = false;
// Treat strings as arrays of raw bytes
bool UseRawBytes = false;
// The id of <UNK>
int UnknownTokenId = 0
CBytePairEncoderTrainer( const CParams& params, const CWordDictionary& dictionary );
// Trains and returns a fully trained encoder.
CPtr<IBytePairEncoder> Train();
// Trains addtional #stepsCount tokens.
// Returns true if no additional steps can be performed.
bool TrainSteps( int stepsCount );
// Returns true if training has been completed.
bool IsTrainingCompleted() const;
// Returns encoder consisting of bpe tokens obtained from completed steps.
CPtr<IBytePairEncoder> GetEncoder() const;
// Save/load checkpoint
void Serialize( CArchive& archive );
How to use:
- Create a dictionary of counted words from text corpus using
class instance. - Create
instance with desiredCParams
and the dictionary. - Call
method of encoder trainer.- Use
method if you want to perform partial training of encoder. To get partially trained encoder useGetEncoder
- Use
For inference and debug reasons, IBytePairEncoder
also provides direct method for loading an externally created dictionary (Initialize
). An external dictionary must be valid for using with our encoder:
- Every token except the letters must be a concatenation of two smaller tokens.
- If used, End-Of-Word can be located only in the end of a token. If used, Start-Of-Word can be located only in the beginning of a token.
- If used, End-Of-Word and Start-Of-Word must be contained in the dictionary as separate tokens (which is just an implication from rules above).