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Implements the Webmention protocol (with the Vouch extension) for the Grav CMS


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Webmention Plugin

The Webmention Plugin is for Grav CMS. It implements the Webmention protocol with the Vouch extension.

This plugin is still a work in progress! Do not install at all, yet.



Below is a combination of the default configuration and a sample configuration. An explanation of the various fields follows. To customize, first copy webmention.yaml to your user/config/plugins folder and edit that copy.

General note: When inputting regular expressions into YAML files, be sure to use single quotes! This regular expressions are passed directly to the PHP regex engine, so include the leading and trailing forward slash and include any flags at the end (e.g., /pattern/i for case insensitive).

enabled: true
datadir: webmention
  - '/\/\/alice.example.com/': "Alice's example site"

  enabled: true
  page_only: true 
  automatic: false
    - /random
  file_data: data_sent.yaml
    - '/\/\/.*?wordpress\.com/' #regex matching domains you *never* wish to send mentions to

  enabled: true   # Because this affects your page data, be sure to clear the cache when changing
  expose_data: true
  advertise_method: header # header | link | *manual*
  route: /mentions
  status_updates: true
    - /random
  file_data: data_received.yaml
  blacklist_silently: true
    - '/\/\/.*?wordpress\.com/' #regex matching domains you *never* wish to acknowledge mentions from
    - '/\/\/.*?wordpress\.org/' # regex matching domains you will accept without a vouch (only meaningful if `vouch.required` is set to `true`)

  enabled: true
  required: false   # Don't set this to `true` lightly!
  auto_approve: true
    - '/\/\/alice.example.com/': 'http://bob.example.com/i/love/my/cat'
    - '/\/\/.*?wordpress\.org/' #regex matching domains you automatically accept as a valid vouch
    - '/\/\/.*?wordpress\.com/' #regex matching domains you do *not* accept as a vouch
  • Grav requires a top-level enabled field. This is how you completely disable the plugin.

  • The datadir field is the name of the subdirectory that will be created in the user/data folder that will contain the data files.

  • file_url_name_map is a file that maps domain/path patterns to human-readable names. It is used by both the receiver and vouch modules.

  • The plugin has four modules, each with its specific config:

    • sender is the module that detects external links in your own posts and notifies them of the link.

      • The enabled field lets you disable just this module. Note that this does not disable the CLI interface! You can still scan for and send webmention manually via the CLI.

        If set to true, however, then whenever a page is rebuilt (cache miss), the plugin checks the data file. If the page hasn't been processed before, or if the \Grav\Common\Page\Page::modified() timestamp is later than what plugin has recorded, the page will automatically be processed and the data file updated.

      • The page_only field determines what output will actually be scanned for links. If true, the scan will happen after the onPageContentProcessed event and will only scan the page content for links. If set to false, the scan happens after the onOutputGenerated event, which will scan the entire content of the <body> tag (for blog set ups, that will include the sidebars, footers, etc.).

      • If automatic is set to true, then after the page has been scanned and links found, mentions will be sent immediately, before rendering. If the page is link heavy, this will slow down the site. Don't do this unless you really mean it!

        If set to false, notification will only be sent when triggered by the CLI.

      • The ignore_routes field lets you disable the sender module for specific routes.

      • file_data is the name of the core data file for sent notifications. It lists all the page ids and their last modified dates as well as all the external links and their status.

      • blacklist lists domain and path patterns that represent links you never want the plugin to notify.

    • receiver is the module that accepts notifications of links to your site.

      • The enabled field lets you disable just this module. You can still use the CLI to manage received webmention. But no new mentions can be received while disabled.

      • If expose_data is set to true, the plugin will expose to the Grav system via the config.plugins.webmention.data namespace the details about the verified and approved webmention received, ready for use in twig files or other plugins. The format is as follows:

            - mentioner_url: {mentioner URL}
              mentioner_name: {mentioner name, if mapped}
              date_received: {date received}
              date_verified: {date verified (will change over time)}
              voucher_url: {voucher URL, if supplied}
              voucher_name: {voucher name, if supplied and mapped}
            - ...
      • The advertise_method field tells the plugin how you wish to advertise to external clients that you accept webmention. There are three methods recognized by the spec: in the HTTP header itself (header), as a link element in the head of each page (link), or as an anchor in the body of the document (manual). If you select header or link, the advertisement will be done automatically by the plugin. Any other value is interpreted as manual and means you will have to insert the link yourself.

      • route is the route external clients will need to contact to notify you. You can (and probably should) institute rate limiting and other security measures at the server level on this route.

      • status_updates determines whether the plugin will allow mentioners to request status updates.

        true is the default and will return the HTTP status code 201 CREATED and will create a special route under the receiver.route that the requester can refer back to later to find out if the request was ever processed. There's no harm to system performance as the response is cached.

        false will simply return the HTTP status code 202 ACCEPTED. The request is logged and can be processed via the CLI. No further status information is available to the mentioner.

        Synchronous verification is not supported by this plugin because it should never be allowed! It opens you up to become a vector in a DDoS attack.

      • The ignore_routes field lists routes you will not accept webmention for nor advertise webmention functionality (see advertise_method).

      • file_data is the name of the core data file for received notifications. It lists each page id along with information on the mentioner, voucher, and received and last verified dates. This data cannot be simply regenerated or derived! It is strongly recommended that you periodically back this file up to prevent loss or corruption.

      • whitelist is a list of domain/path patterns for receivers you wish to accept without vouches. This is only meaningful if vouch.required is set to true.

      • blacklist list of domain/path patterns for receivers you never wish to acknowledge webmentions from.

      • The blacklist_silently field tells the plugin how to handle blacklisted requests. If set to true, a 200, 201, or 202 will be returned but the request will be automatically rejected (which will be noted on the status page if you set a status_mode of 201). If set to false, the requester will receive a 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (as per the spec) and deliver a message as defined in the languages.yaml file (as honest or as vague as you want it to be).

    • The vouch module implements the Vouch extension of the original spec.

      • enabled turns the module off and on. Note that enabling it does not mean that all mentions require vouches! It simply means that the system will accept and process them when they come in.

      • required makes the submission of valid vouches mandatory for

      • If auto_approve is set to true, then any mentions that come in with a verified or whitelisted vouch will be automatically approved. Otherwise you have to use the admin page or the CLI to approve, as usual.

      • sender_map is a YAML file that contains domain/path patterns that are matched by the sender module against external links. If and only if a match is found, the sender module will include the mapped vouch URL in the webmention notification.

        For example, you could tell the vouch system to send a link to Bob's cat post whenever you send a mention to Alice (because you and Alice have not interacted before, but Alice and Bob have interacted before, and you and Bob have interacted before). You're asserting to Alice that you have mutual "acquaintances":

        - '/\/\/alice.example.com/': 'http://bob.example.com/i/love/my/cat'
      • whitelist is a list of domain/path patterns matching URLs you accept as valid vouches without doing any actual checks. This is only meaningful if auto_approve is set to true. The lastchecked field for this link will remain blank until you actually verify it. But the valid and possibly visible fields will be set to true.

      • blacklist is a list of domain/path patterns matching URLs you will never accept as valid vouches. If a blacklisted vouch is given, it is ignored, and the webmention is dealt with as if no vouch was sent.





Admin Page

Unfortunately I have no experience with the Grav admin system, nor do I ever plan on using it, so this plugin currently only supports command-line interaction. I warmly welcome pull requests that would provide HTML interaction with the config and data.

Command-Line Interface


File Formats

The plugin works with data files in the user/data folder. Here's a list of each file (by config name) and how the plugin expects them to be formatted.


This is where all the data about sent webmention is stored. It's in the following format:

  lastmodified: {int from \Grav\Common\Page\Page::modifed()}
  permalink: {\Grav\Common\Page\Page::permalink(); necessary because the CLI can't access individual pages programmatically, apparently}
    - url: {full url}
      inpage: {true | false}
      lastnotified: {int timestamp; if blank, notification is pending}
      laststatus: {HTTP status code returned at last check}
      lastmessage: {Any message returned by the receiver when last checked}


This stores all the data about webmention you've received. This data can be exposed to your twig templates by setting receiver.expose_data to true.

  - source_url: {URL that mentioned you} # this is the key
    hash: {md5 of slug, source, and received; only used for 201 responses}
    vouch_url: {vouch URL, if it was provided}
    received: {int timestamp}
    lastchecked: {int timestamp}
    valid: {true | false}
    visible: {true | false}


I've incorporated the following libraries into this plugin: