8000 terraform-aws-swfw-modules/tests at main · PaloAltoNetworks/terraform-aws-swfw-modules · GitHub
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Quick start

How to execute tests

Testing Terraform modules:

  1. Install required binaries:
  2. Configuration authentication settings e.g. use https://github.com/Nike-Inc/gimme-aws-creds or set AWS_REGION environment variable and also AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or similar.
  3. Get terratest package by running command:
go get -u github.com/gruntwork-io/terratest
  1. Execute test for module using commands e.g for bootstrap module:
cd tests/bootstrap
go test -v -timeout 30m -count=1

Run 1 specific test:

go test -v -timeout 30m -count=1 -run TestOutputForModuleVmseriesWithFullVariablesWithS3Bootstrapping

Run all test:

go test -timeout 130m ./... -json | go-test-report


  • Do not however run go test -v . or similar. Specifying a package (that extra dot) enables caching, which is incompatible with Terraform.
  • We use go-test-report to create html reports for tests, check https://github.com/vakenbolt/go-test-report for more information
  • Cloud resources are destroyed automatically after the test, no cleanup is normally required.
  • VScode users should keep Go: Test On Save at the default false value, and not set to true. This option is spelled go.testOnSave in settings.json.

Test skeleton overview

graph TB
    terraform_options(Init Terraform with provided options)
    terraform_apply(Deploy infrastructure)
    do_terraform_plan_after_deploy{Execute Terraform Plan?}
    terraform_plan_after_deploy(Verify if no changes are planned after deployment)
    do_modify_infrastructure{Modify infrastructure?}
    modify_infrastructure(Plan infrastructure with changed resources)
    verify_changes(Verify planned changes)
    terraform_apply_changes(Deploy infrastructure with changed resources)
    verify_assert_expression(Verify assert expressions)
    terraform_destroy(Destroy infrastructure)
    test_fail((Tests failed))
    test_pass((Tests passed))

    terraform_options --> terraform_apply -- infrastructure is deployed --> verify_assert_expression
    do_terraform_plan_after_deploy -- yes --> terraform_plan_after_deploy
    terraform_plan_after_deploy -- code is idempotent --> do_modify_infrastructure
    verify_assert_expression -- all asserts passed --> do_terraform_plan_after_deploy
    do_modify_infrastructure -- yes --> modify_infrastructure --> verify_changes
    verify_changes -- only expected changes --> terraform_apply_changes
    terraform_apply -. error in deployment .-> test_fail
    terraform_plan_after_deploy -. code is not idempotent .-> test_fail
    verify_assert_expression -. one of the asserts failed .-> test_fail
    verify_changes -. unexpected changes .-> test_fail
    terraform_apply_changes -. error in deployment .-> test_fail
    do_terraform_plan_after_deploy -- no --> test_pass
    do_modify_infrastructure -- no --> test_pass
    terraform_apply_changes -- infrastructure is deployed --> test_pass
    test_fail -..-> terraform_destroy
    test_pass ----> terraform_destroy

    classDef green fill:#33aa33,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef red fill:#aa3333,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    class test_pass green
    class test_fail red