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This is a new variable thickness Ada 2012 binding to SDL 2.x.y (http://www.libsdl.org). This means that things are wrapped when they need to be into a thicker binding and those things that can just be imported, are.

There will still be a need to use conditional compilation for the various platforms as there will be some platform specifics which cannot be abstracted out cleanly, but this will be reduced as much as possible.

The bindings are only generated for the specific parts of SDL which Ada does not already have support for, i.e. threads are not bound as Ada has tasking support built in.

Usage, Licence & Attribution

SDLAda is distributed under the same zlib licence as the SDL library is. You may use this library in any way you like whether free or commercial. I would add that whilst you don't have to state that your game uses this library, it would be nice if you did, it's all good advertising for Ada :)

You do not need to complete any copyright assignment forms, the licence will not change from zlib as I want people to be able to use the library however they wish without restrictions.



This was originally built with the idea that there could be different compilers and their build scripts would go into a build/<compiler> directory. This can still be built with the makefile, the subsequent extracted components cannot.

There are a number of variables which can be set to control the compilation:

  • SDL_PLATFORM = Can be set to one of the following values: linux, windows, macosx, macos_homebrew, ios or android
  • SDL_MODE = Can be one of: debug or release. Defaults to debug.
cd build/gnat
make SDL_PLATFORM=linux SDL_MODE=release


You can build the library with Alire now, by calling the following in the root directory:

alr build

This seems to have come up as an issue, people not checking the original makefile on lines 29 and 93 on how to link SDLAda. SDL2 comes with the sdl2-config command which includes the following options:

$ sdl2-config --help
Usage: /usr/bin/sdl2-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version] [--cflags] [--libs]

$ sdl2-config --cflags
-I/usr/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT

$ sdl2-config --libs
-L/usr/lib64 -lSDL2

These options will differ depending on operating system. SDL3 seems like it might operate in a bit more of a portable way.


To link an application with sdlada, you will need to add -largs $(sdl2-config --libs) to command line:

$ cd <game|app dir>
$ alr build -- -largs $(sdl2-config --libs)

You'll also need to add -lSDL2_image, -lSDL2_ttf and -lSDL2_mixer for your platform. TODO: Fix this.

This will only be required for the time being.


SDLAda's alire.toml is set up to use the Homebrew and MacPorts distributions, so you need to install the dependencies first.

Home Brew
brew install sdl2
brew install sdl2_ttf
brew install sdl2_image
brew install sdl2_mixer
Mac Ports
sudo port install libsdl2
sudo port install libsdl2_ttf
sudo port install libsdl2_image
sudo port install libsdl2_mixer


make SDL_PLATFORM=linux SDL_MODE=release DESTDIR=$HOME/opt/sdlada install


You can find more examples hosted on Rosetta Code.


stream2 ttf surface

Copyright notice

See LICENCE file.

Thanks to

To everyone who has provided patches, pull requests, typo fixes, etc.


I have tried to model the types correctly, but remember SDL is a C library and some things may not make sense. Please file a bug report if you use this library and find that a type does not cover enough values for cross-platform use.


Anything listed here is a question of whether it's required.

  • Do we need to hook into the Assert module? To raise an exception maybe?
  • Create event tagged type hierarchy, use Poll to convert the C events into these types.
  • Task safe event handling?
  • Split Image, TTF into separate GPR files.
  • Cross platform testing.
  • Optimisations to make the library as thin as possible:
    • Enable -gnatN for inlining.
    • Try to get as much pre-elaborated as possible.
  • Disable a shared library build, make it a static only build, this makes it easier to distribute. i.e. Link with this library and distribute SDL2 libs only.
  • Hide the RWops stuff maybe? Should really be using Ada streams and files.

See alire.toml

Versions tested against

Library Version
SDL 2.28.5
SDL_image 2.6.3
SDL_mixer 2.6.3
SDL_ttf 2.20.2


SDL Core

Init / Shutdown

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_Init y
SDL_InitSubSystem y
SDL_Quit y
SDL_QuitRequested n
SDL_QuitSubSystem y
SDL_SetMainReady n
SDL_WasInit y
SDL_WinRTRunApp n

Configuration Variables

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AddHintCallback n
SDL_ClearHints y
SDL_DelHintCallback n
SDL_GetHint y
SDL_GetHintBoolean n
SDL_ResetHint n 2.24.0
SDL_ResetHints n 2.26.0
SDL_SetHint y
SDL_SetHintWithPriority y

Error Handling

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_ClearError y
SDL_GetError y
SDL_GetErrorMsg y
SDL_SetError y

Log Handling

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_Log y
SDL_LogCritical y
SDL_LogDebug y
SDL_LogError y
SDL_LogGetOutputFunction n
SDL_LogGetPriority n
SDL_LogInfo y
SDL_LogMessage y
SDL_LogMessageV n
SDL_LogResetPriorities y
SDL_LogSetAllPriority y
SDL_LogSetOutputFunction n
SDL_LogSetPriority y
SDL_LogVerbose y
SDL_LogWarn y


Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_assert n
SDL_assert_paranoid n
SDL_assert_release n
SDL_GetAssertionHandler n
SDL_GetAssertionReport n
SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler n
SDL_ResetAssertionReport n
SDL_SetAssertionHandler n
SDL_TriggerBreakpoint n

Querying SDL Version

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetRevision y
SDL_GetRevisionNumber y
SDL_GetVersion y

Display and Window Management

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_CreateWindow y
SDL_CreateWindowFrom y
SDL_DestroyWindow y
SDL_DestroyWindowSurface n 2.28.0
SDL_DisableScreenSaver y
SDL_EnableScreenSaver y
SDL_FlashWindow n 2.0.16
SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode y
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode y
SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver y
SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode y
SDL_GetDisplayBounds y
SDL_GetDisplayDPI y 2.0.4
SDL_GetDisplayMode y
SDL_GetDisplayName y
SDL_GetDisplayOrientation y 2.0.9
SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds y 2.0.5
SDL_GetGrabbedWindow n 2.0.4
SDL_GetNumDisplayModes y
SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays y
SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers y
SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex y 2.24.0
SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex n 2.24.0
SDL_GetVideoDriver y
SDL_GetWindowBordersSize n 2.0.5
SDL_GetWindowBrightness y
SDL_GetWindowData y
SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex y
SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode y
SDL_GetWindowFlags y
SDL_GetWindowFromID y
SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp y
SDL_GetWindowGrab y
SDL_GetWindowICCProfile n 2.0.18
SDL_GetWindowID y
SDL_GetWindowKeyboardGrab n 2.0.16
SDL_GetWindowMaximumSize y
SDL_GetWindowMinimumSize y
SDL_GetWindowMouseGrab n 2.0.16
SDL_GetWindowMouseRect n 2.0.18
SDL_GetWindowOpacity n 2.0.5
SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat y
SDL_GetWindowPosition y
SDL_GetWindowSize y
SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels n 2.26.0
SDL_GetWindowSurface y
SDL_GetWindowTitle y
SDL_GL_CreateContext y
SDL_GL_DeleteContext y
SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported y
SDL_GL_GetAttribute y
SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext y
SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow n
SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize y
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress y
SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval y
SDL_GL_LoadLibrary y
SDL_GL_MakeCurrent y
SDL_GL_ResetAttributes y
SDL_GL_SetAttribute y
SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval y
SDL_GL_SwapWindow y
SDL_GL_UnloadLibrary y
SDL_HasWindowSurface n 2.28.0
SDL_HideWindow y
SDL_IsScreenSaverEnabled y
SDL_MaximizeWindow y
SDL_MinimizeWindow y
SDL_RaiseWindow y
SDL_RestoreWindow y
SDL_SetWindowAlwaysOnTop n 2.0.16
SDL_SetWindowBordered n
SDL_SetWindowBrightness y
SDL_SetWindowData y
SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode y
SDL_SetWindowFullscreen y
SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp y
SDL_SetWindowGrab y
SDL_SetWindowHitTest n
SDL_SetWindowIcon y
SDL_SetWindowInputFocus n 2.0.5
SDL_SetWindowKeyboardGrab n 2.0.16
SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize y
SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize y
SDL_SetWindowModalFor n 2.0.5
SDL_SetWindowMouseGrab n 2.0.16
SDL_SetWindowMouseRect n 2.0.18
SDL_SetWindowOpacity n 2.0.5
SDL_SetWindowPosition y
SDL_SetWindowResizable n 2.0.5
SDL_SetWindowSize y
SDL_SetWindowTitle y
SDL_ShowWindow y
SDL_UpdateWindowSurface n
SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects y
SDL_VideoInit y
SDL_VideoQuit y

2D Accelerated Rendering

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_CreateRenderer y
SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer y
SDL_CreateTexture y
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface y
SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer n
SDL_DestroyRenderer y
SDL_DestroyTexture y
SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers y
SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode y
SDL_GetRenderDrawColor y
SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo y
SDL_GetRenderer y
SDL_GetRendererInfo y
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize y
SDL_GetRenderTarget n
SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod y
SDL_GetTextureBlendMode y
SDL_GetTextureColorMod y
SDL_GetTextureScaleMode y 2.0.12
SDL_GetTextureUserData n 2.0.18
SDL_GL_BindTexture y
SDL_GL_UnbindTexture y
SDL_LockTexture y
SDL_LockTextureToSurface n 2.0.12
SDL_QueryTexture y
SDL_RenderClear y
SDL_RenderCopy y
SDL_RenderCopyEx y
SDL_RenderCopyExF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderCopyF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawLine y
SDL_RenderDrawLineF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawLines y
SDL_RenderDrawLinesF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawPoint y
SDL_RenderDrawPointF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawPoints y
SDL_RenderDrawPointsF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawRect y
SDL_RenderDrawRectF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderDrawRects y
SDL_RenderDrawRectsF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderFillRect y
SDL_RenderFillRectF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderFillRects y
SDL_RenderFillRectsF y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderFlush y 2.0.10
SDL_RenderGeometry y 2.0.18
SDL_RenderGeometryRAW n 2.0.18
SDL_RenderGetClipRect y
SDL_RenderGetIntegerScale y 2.0.5
SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize y
SDL_RenderGetMetalCommandEncoder n 2.0.8
SDL_RenderGetMetalLayer n 2.0.8
SDL_RenderGetScale y
SDL_RenderGetViewport y
SDL_RenderGetWindow y 2.0.22
SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled n
SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow y 2.0.18
SDL_RenderPresent y
SDL_RenderReadPixels n
SDL_RenderSetClipRect y
SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale y 2.0.5
SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize y
SDL_RenderSetScale y
SDL_RenderSetViewport y
SDL_RenderSetVSync n 2.0.18
SDL_RenderTargetSupported y
SDL_RenderWindowToLogical y 2.0.18
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode y
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor y
SDL_SetRenderTarget y
SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod y
SDL_SetTextureBlendMode y
SDL_SetTextureColorMod y
SDL_SetTextureScaleMode y 2.0.12
SDL_SetTextureUserData n 2.0.18
SDL_UnlockTexture y
SDL_UpdateNVTexture n 2.0.16
SDL_UpdateTexture n 2.0.0
SDL_UpdateYUVTexture n 2.0.1

Pixel Formats and Conversion Routines

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AllocFormat y
SDL_AllocPalette y
SDL_CalculateGammaRamp y
SDL_FreeFormat y
SDL_FreePalette y
SDL_GetPixelFormatName y
SDL_MasksToPixelFormatEnum y
SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks y
SDL_SetPaletteColors n
SDL_SetPixelFormatPalette n

Rectangle Functions

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_EncloseFPoints y 2.0.22
SDL_EnclosePoints y
SDL_FRectEmpty y ?
SDL_FRectEquals y 2.0.22
SDL_FRectEqualsEpsilon y 2.0.22
SDL_HasIntersection y
SDL_HasIntersectionF y 2.0.22
SDL_IntersectFRect y 2.0.22
SDL_IntersectFRectAndLine y 2.0.22
SDL_IntersectRect y
SDL_IntersectRectAndLine y
SDL_PointInFRect y ?
SDL_PointInRect y ?
SDL_RectEmpty y ?
SDL_RectEquals n ? *
SDL_UnionFRect y 2.0.22
SDL_UnionRect y

Surface Creation and Simple Drawing

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_BlitScaled y
SDL_BlitSurface y
SDL_ConvertPixels n 2.0.0
SDL_ConvertSurface y 2.0.0
SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat n 2.0.0
SDL_CreateRGBSurface y 2.0.0
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom n 2.0.0
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat n 2.0.5
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom n 2.0.5
SDL_FillRect y
SDL_FillRects y
SDL_FreeSurface y
SDL_GetClipRect y
SDL_GetColorKey y
SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod y
SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode y
SDL_GetSurfaceColorMod y
SDL_GetYUVConversionMode n 2.0.8
SDL_GetYUVConversionModeForResolution n 2.0.8
SDL_HasColorKey n 2.0.9
SDL_HasSurfaceRLE n 2.0.14
SDL_LockSurface y
SDL_LowerBlit y
SDL_LowerBlitScaled y
SDL_MUSTLOCK y TODO: Function expression.
SDL_PremultiplyAlpha n 2.0.18
SDL_SetClipRect y
SDL_SetColorKey y
SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod y
SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode y
SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod y
SDL_SetSurfacePalette n
SDL_SetSurfaceRLE y
SDL_SetYUVConversionMode n 2.0.8
SDL_SoftStretch n 2.0.0
SDL_SoftStretchLinear n 2.0.16
SDL_UnlockSurface y
SDL_UpperBlit n 2.0.0
SDL_UpperBlitScaled n 2.0.0

Platform-specific Window Management

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetWindowWMInfo y

Clipboard Handling

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetClipboardText y
SDL_GetPrimarySelectionText n 2.26.0
SDL_HasClipboardText y
SDL_HasPrimarySelectionText n 2.26.0
SDL_SetClipboardText y
SDL_SetPrimarySelectionText n 2.26.0

Vulkan Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface n 2.0.6
SDL_Vulkan_GetDrawableSize n 2.0.6
SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions n 2.0.6
SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions n 2.0.6
SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary n 2.0.6
SDL_Vulkan_UnloadLibrary n 2.0.6

Metal Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_Metal_CreateView n 2.0.12
SDL_Metal_DestroyView n 2.0.12
SDL_Metal_GetDrawableSize n 2.0.14
SDL_Metal_GetLayer n 2.0.14

Event Handling

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AddEventWatch n
SDL_DelEventWatch n
SDL_EventState n
SDL_FilterEvents n
SDL_FlushEvent n
SDL_FlushEvents n
SDL_GetEventFilter n
SDL_HasEvent n
SDL_HasEvents n
SDL_PeepEvents n
SDL_PollEvent y
SDL_PumpEvents n
SDL_PushEvent n
SDL_RegisterEvents n
SDL_SetEventFilter n
SDL_WaitEvent n
SDL_WaitEventTimeout n

Keyboard Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_ClearComposition y 2.0.22
SDL_GetKeyboardFocus y
SDL_GetKeyboardState y
SDL_GetKeyFromName y
SDL_GetKeyFromScancode y
SDL_GetKeyName y
SDL_GetModState y
SDL_GetScancodeFromKey y
SDL_GetScancodeFromName y
SDL_GetScancodeName y
SDL_HasScreenKeyboardSupport y
SDL_IsScreenKeyboardShown y
SDL_IsTextInputActive y
SDL_IsTextInputShown y 2.0.22
SDL_ResetKeyboard y 2.24.0
SDL_SetModState y
SDL_SetTextInputRect y
SDL_StartTextInput y
SDL_StopTextInput y

Mouse Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_CaptureMouse y
SDL_CreateColorCursor n
SDL_CreateCursor n
SDL_CreateSystemCursor y
SDL_FreeCursor y
SDL_GetCursor y
SDL_GetDefaultCursor n
SDL_GetGlobalMouseState y
SDL_GetMouseFocus n
SDL_GetMouseState y
SDL_GetRelativeMouseMode y
SDL_GetRelativeMouseState y
SDL_SetCursor y
SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode y
SDL_ShowCursor n
SDL_WarpMouseGlobal y
SDL_WarpMouseInWindow y

Joystick Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetJoystickGUIDInfo n 2.26.0
SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickAttachVirtualEx n 2.24.0
SDL_JoystickClose y
SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel n 2.0.4
SDL_JoystickDetachVirtual n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickEventState y
SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID n
SDL_JoystickFromPlayerIndex n 2.0.12
SDL_JoystickGetAttached y
SDL_JoystickGetAxis y
SDL_JoystickGetAxisInitialState n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetBall y
SDL_JoystickGetButton y
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceGUID y
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceInstanceID n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetDevicePlayerIndex n 2.0.9
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceProduct n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceProductVersion n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceType n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetDeviceVendor n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetFirmwareVersion n 2.24.0
SDL_JoystickGetGUID y
SDL_JoystickGetGUIDFromString y
SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString y
SDL_JoystickGetHat y
SDL_JoystickGetPlayerIndex n 2.0.9
SDL_JoystickGetProduct n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetProductVersion n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetSerial n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickGetType n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickGetVendor n 2.0.6
SDL_JoystickHasLED n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickHasRumble n 2.0.18
SDL_JoystickHasRumbleTriggers n 2.0.18
SDL_JoystickInstanceID y
SDL_JoystickIsVirtual n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickName y
SDL_JoystickNameForIndex y
SDL_JoystickNumAxes y
SDL_JoystickNumBalls y
SDL_JoystickNumButtons y
SDL_JoystickNumHats y
SDL_JoystickOpen y
SDL_JoystickPath n 2.24.0
SDL_JoystickPathForIndex n 2.24.0
SDL_JoystickRumble n 2.0.9
SDL_JoystickRumbleTriggers n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickSendEffect n 2.0.16
SDL_JoystickSetLED n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickSetPlayerIndex n 2.0.12
SDL_JoystickSetVirtualAxis n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickSetVirtualButton n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickSetVirtualHat n 2.0.14
SDL_JoystickUpdate y
SDL_LockJoysticks y 2.0.7
SDL_NumJoysticks y
SDL_UnlockJoysticks y 2.0.7

Game Controller Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GameControllerAddMapping y
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile y
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW n
SDL_GameControllerClose y
SDL_GameControllerEventState y
SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID n 2.0.4
SDL_GameControllerFromPlayerIndex n 2.0.12
SDL_GameControllerGetAppleSFSymbolsNameForAxis n 2.0.18
SDL_GameControllerGetAppleSFSymbolsNameForButton n 2.0.18
SDL_GameControllerGetAttached y
SDL_GameControllerGetAxis y
SDL_GameControllerGetAxisFromString y
SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis y
SDL_GameControllerGetBindForButton y
SDL_GameControllerGetButton y
SDL_GameControllerGetButtonFromString y
SDL_GameControllerGetFirmwareVersion n 2.24.0
SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick y
SDL_GameControllerGetNumTouchpadFingers n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerGetNumTouchpads n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerGetPlayerIndex n 2.0.9
SDL_GameControllerGetProduct n 2.0.6
SDL_GameControllerGetProductVersion n 2.0.6
SDL_GameControllerGetSensorData n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerGetSensorDataRate n 2.0.16
SDL_GameControllerGetSensorDataWithTimestamp n 2.26.0
SDL_GameControllerGetSerial n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerGetSteamHandle n 2.30.0
SDL_GameControllerGetStringForAxis y
SDL_GameControllerGetStringForButton y
SDL_GameControllerGetTouchpadFinger n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerGetType n 2.0.12
SDL_GameControllerGetVendor n 2.0.6
SDL_GameControllerHasAxis n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerHasButton n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerHasLED n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerHasRumble n 2.0.18
SDL_GameControllerHasRumbleTriggers n 2.0.18
SDL_GameControllerHasSensor n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerIsSensorEnabled n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerMapping y
SDL_GameControllerMappingForDeviceIndex n 2.0.9
SDL_GameControllerMappingForGUID y
SDL_GameControllerMappingForIndex n 2.0.6
SDL_GameControllerName y
SDL_GameControllerNameForIndex y
SDL_GameControllerNumMappings n 2.0.6
SDL_GameControllerOpen y
SDL_GameControllerPath n 2.24.0
SDL_GameControllerPathForIndex n 2.24.0
SDL_GameControllerRumble n 2.0.9
SDL_GameControllerRumbleTriggers n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerSendEffect n 2.0.16
SDL_GameControllerSetLED n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerSetPlayerIndex n 2.0.12
SDL_GameControllerSetSensorEnabled n 2.0.14
SDL_GameControllerTypeForIndex n 2.0.12
SDL_GameControllerUpdate y
SDL_IsGameController y

Touch & Gesture

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetNumTouchDevices n
SDL_GetNumTouchFingers n
SDL_GetTouchDevice n
SDL_GetTouchFinger n
SDL_LoadDollarTemplates n
SDL_RecordGesture n
SDL_SaveAllDollarTemplates n
SDL_SaveDollarTemplate n


Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_LockSensors n 2.0.14
SDL_NumSensors n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorClose n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorFromInstanceID n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetData n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetDataWithTimestamp n 2.26.0
SDL_SensorGetDeviceInstanceID n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetDeviceName n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetDeviceNonPortableType n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetDeviceType n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetInstanceID n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetName n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetNonPortableType n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorGetType n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorOpen n 2.0.9
SDL_SensorUpdate n 2.0.9

Force Feedback Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_HapticClose n
SDL_HapticDestroyEffect n
SDL_HapticEffectSupported n
SDL_HapticGetEffectStatus n
SDL_HapticIndex n
SDL_HapticName n
SDL_HapticNewEffect n
SDL_HapticNumAxes n
SDL_HapticNumEffects n
SDL_HapticNumEffectsPlaying n
SDL_HapticOpen n 2.0.0
SDL_HapticOpened n 2.0.0
SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick n
SDL_HapticOpenFromMouse n
SDL_HapticPause n
SDL_HapticQuery n
SDL_HapticRumbleInit n
SDL_HapticRumblePlay n
SDL_HapticRumbleStop n
SDL_HapticRumbleSupported n
SDL_HapticRunEffect n
SDL_HapticSetAutocenter n
SDL_HapticSetGain n
SDL_HapticStopAll n
SDL_HapticStopEffect n
SDL_HapticUnpause n
SDL_HapticUpdateEffect n
SDL_JoystickIsHaptic y
SDL_MouseIsHaptic n
SDL_NumHaptics n

Audio Device Management, Playing and Recording

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AudioInit y
SDL_AudioQuit y
SDL_AudioStreamAvailable n 2.0.7
SDL_AudioStreamClear n 2.0.7
SDL_AudioStreamFlush n 2.0.7
SDL_AudioStreamGet n 2.0.7
SDL_AudioStreamPut n 2.0.7
SDL_BuildAudioCVT n
SDL_ClearQueuedAudio y
SDL_CloseAudio n
SDL_CloseAudioDevice y
SDL_ConvertAudio n
SDL_DequeueAudio n
SDL_FreeAudioStream n 2.0.7
SDL_GetAudioDeviceName y
SDL_GetAudioDeviceSpec n 2.0.16
SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus y
SDL_GetAudioDriver y
SDL_GetAudioStatus n
SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver y
SDL_GetDefaultAudioInfo n 2.24.0
SDL_GetNumAudioDevices y
SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers y
SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize y
SDL_LockAudio n
SDL_LockAudioDevice n
SDL_MixAudio n
SDL_MixAudioFormat n
SDL_NewAudioStream n 2.0.7
SDL_OpenAudio n
SDL_OpenAudioDevice y
SDL_PauseAudio n
SDL_PauseAudioDevice y
SDL_QueueAudio n
SDL_UnlockAudio n
SDL_UnlockAudioDevice n

Thread Management

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_CreateThread n
SDL_CreateThreadWithStackSize n 2.0.9
SDL_DetachThread n
SDL_GetThreadID n
SDL_GetThreadName n
SDL_SetThreadPriority n
SDL_ThreadID n
SDL_TLSCleanup n 2.0.16
SDL_TLSCreate n
SDL_WaitThread n

Thread Synchronization Primitives

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_CondBroadcast n
SDL_CondSignal n
SDL_CondWait n
SDL_CondWaitTimeout n
SDL_CreateCond n
SDL_CreateMutex n
SDL_CreateSemaphore n
SDL_DestroyCond n
SDL_DestroyMutex n
SDL_DestroySemaphore n
SDL_LockMutex n
SDL_SemPost n
SDL_SemTryWait n
SDL_SemValue n
SDL_SemWait n
SDL_SemWaitTimeout n
SDL_TryLockMutex n
SDL_UnlockMutex n

Atomic Operations

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AtomicAdd n
SDL_AtomicCAS n
SDL_AtomicCASPtr n
SDL_AtomicDecRef n
SDL_AtomicGet n
SDL_AtomicGetPtr n
SDL_AtomicIncRef n
SDL_AtomicLock n
SDL_AtomicSet n
SDL_AtomicSetPtr n
SDL_AtomicTryLock n
SDL_AtomicUnlock n
SDL_CompilerBarrier n
SDL_MemoryBarrierReleaseFunction n 2.0.6

Timer Support

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AddTimer n
SDL_Delay y
SDL_GetPerformanceCounter y
SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency y
SDL_GetTicks y
SDL_GetTicks64 y 2.0.18
SDL_RemoveTimer n

Filesystem Paths

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetBasePath y
SDL_GetPrefPath y

File I/O Abstraction

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AllocRW n
SDL_FreeRW n * (implicitly called by RWclose)
SDL_RWFromConstMem n
SDL_RWFromFP n * (unix only)
SDL_RWFromFile y
SDL_RWFromMem n
SDL_RWclose y
SDL_RWread y
SDL_RWseek y
SDL_RWsize y
SDL_RWtell y
SDL_RWwrite y
SDL_ReadBE16 y
SDL_ReadBE32 y
SDL_ReadBE64 y
SDL_ReadLE16 y
SDL_ReadLE32 y
SDL_ReadLE64 y
SDL_ReadU8 y
SDL_WriteBE16 n
SDL_WriteBE32 n
SDL_WriteBE64 n
SDL_WriteLE16 n
SDL_WriteLE32 n
SDL_WriteLE64 n

Shared Object Loading and Function Lookup

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_LoadObject y
SDL_LoadFunction y
SDL_UnloadObject y

Platform Detection

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetPlatform n *

CPU Feature Detection

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetCPUCacheLineSize y
SDL_GetCPUCount y
SDL_GetSystemRAM n
SDL_Has3DNow y
SDL_HasARMSIMD n 2.0.12
SDL_HasAVX512F n 2.0.12
SDL_HasAltiVec y
SDL_HasLSX n 2.24.0
SDL_HasLASX n 2.24.0
SDL_HasNEON n 2.0.6
SDL_HasSSE41 y
SDL_HasSSE42 n
SDL_SIMDAlloc n 2.0.10
SDL_SIMDFree n 2.0.10
SDL_SIMDGetAlignment n 2.0.10
SDL_SIMDRealloc n 2.0.14

Byte Order and Byte Swapping

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_Swap16 n
SDL_Swap32 n
SDL_Swap64 n
SDL_SwapBE16 n
SDL_SwapBE32 n
SDL_SwapBE64 n
SDL_SwapFloat n
SDL_SwapFloatBE n
SDL_SwapFloatLE n
SDL_SwapLE16 n
SDL_SwapLE32 n
SDL_SwapLE64 n

Bit Manipulation

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_MostSignificantBitIndex32 n
SDL_HasExactlyOneBitSet32 n

Power Management Status

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_GetPowerInfo y

Message boxes

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_ShowMessageBox n
SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox n

Platform-specific Functionality

Name Bound Since Won't bind
SDL_AndroidBackButton n
SDL_AndroidGetActivity n
SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath n
SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState n
SDL_AndroidGetInternalStoragePath n
SDL_AndroidGetJNIEnv n
SDL_AndroidRequestPermission n
SDL_AndroidSendMessage n
SDL_AndroidShowToast n
SDL_Direct3D9GetAdapterIndex n
SDL_DXGIGetOutputInfo n
SDL_GDKGetDefaultUser n
SDL_GDKGetTaskQueue n
SDL_GetAndroidSDKVersion n
SDL_iPhoneSetAnimationCallback n
SDL_iPhoneSetEventPump n
SDL_IsAndroidTV n
SDL_IsChromebook n
SDL_IsDeXMode n
SDL_IsTablet n
SDL_LinuxSetThreadPriority n
SDL_LinuxSetThreadPriorityAndPolicy n
SDL_RenderGetD3D11Device n
SDL_RenderGetD3D12Device n
SDL_RenderGetD3D9Device n
SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook n
SDL_WinRTGetDeviceFamily n

Standard Library Functionality

Name Bound Since Won't bind
alloca n
SDL_acos n
SDL_stack_alloc n
SDL_stack_free n
SDL_malloc n
SDL_calloc n
SDL_realloc n
SDL_free n
SDL_GetOriginalMemoryFunctions n
SDL_SetMemoryFunctions n
SDL_GetNumAllocations n
SDL_getenv n
SDL_setenv n
SDL_CompareCallback n
SDL_qsort n
SDL_bsearch n
SDL_abs n
SDL_isalpha n
SDL_isalnum n
SDL_isblank n
SDL_iscntrl n
SDL_isdigit n
SDL_isxdigit n
SDL_ispunct n
SDL_isspace n
SDL_isupper n
SDL_islower n
SDL_isprint n
SDL_isgraph n
SDL_toupper n
SDL_tolower n
SDL_crc16 n
SDL_crc32 n
SDL_memset n
SDL_copyp n


Name Bound Since Won't bind
IMG_Linked_Version y
IMG_Init y
IMG_Quit y
IMG_Load y
IMG_Load_RW n
IMG_LoadTyped_RW y
IMG_LoadTexture n
IMG_LoadTexture_RW n
IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW n
IMG_ReadXPMFromArray n
IMG_isXV n
IMG_SetError n *
IMG_GetError n *


Name Bound Since Won't bind
TTF_Init y
TTF_WasInit n *
TTF_Quit y
TTF_GetError n *
TTF_SetError n *
TTF_OpenFont n *
TTF_OpenFontRW n *
TTF_OpenFontIndex n *
TTF_OpenFontIndexRW y
TTF_CloseFont y
TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE n
TTF_GetFontStyle y
TTF_SetFontStyle y
TTF_GetFontOutline y
TTF_SetFontOutline y
TTF_GetFontHinting y
TTF_SetFontHinting y
TTF_GetFontKerning y
TTF_SetFontKerning y
TTF_FontHeight y
TTF_FontAscent y
TTF_FontDescent y
TTF_FontLineSkip y
TTF_FontFaces y
TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth y
TTF_FontFaceFamilyName y
TTF_FontFaceStyleName y
TTF_GlyphIsProvided n
TTF_GlyphMetrics n
TTF_SizeText y
TTF_SizeUTF8 y
TTF_RenderText_Solid y
TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid y
TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid n
TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid n
TTF_RenderText_Shaded y
TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded y
TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded n
TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded n
TTF_RenderText_Blended y
TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended y
TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended n
TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended n
TTF_Linked_Version y