Command line util to optimize the Murphy E value by adjusting the skew value.
- msieve_poly.cpp -- code from msieve.
- skewopt.cpp -- main program for skewopt.
Have the gmp library already installed, plus g++.
g++ -c msieve_poly.cpp
g++ skewopt.cpp msieve_poly.o -lgmp -o skewopt
Gives the command line parameters required
2*x^6 + 1, x - 118571099379011784113736688648896417641748464297615937576404566024103044751294464
./skewopt -118571099379011784113736688648896417641748464297615937576404566024103044751294464 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Best Skew: 1.29779