- 🔴 When a new account is created or during login, if the token is valid, the email must be verified, or a resend option should be provided. If the token has expired, a new token should automatically be generated and sent to the email during the login process.
- 🔴 Need to setup a frontend form for password reset in email service.
- 🔴 when uploading a profile picture, if there is already one that exists, delete it and then update the path.
- 🔵 Get a new verification link if the old link expires.
- 🔵 Handle and throw email service errors.
- 🔵 Github secrets setup
⚠️ Email verification has to be turned on from the user's controller signup method.
🟢 Implement singleton in DI Container
🟢 Remove arrow wrappers from the routes and implement bind in controllers to keep the context
🟢 Implement a search user functionality by firstname, lastname, username, or email.
🟢 Fix DOB format in the user model.
🟢 Implement express validator.
🟢 Generate verification token.
🟢 Send verification email.
🟢 Create a test email or use a less secure email to test the verification links.
🟢 Check user exists function implemented as API.
🟢 Verify email.
🟢 Profile picture upload and location storage implemented.
🟢 Check for token expiry during validation of token.
🟢 Implemented logger.
🟢 Test environment setup
🟢 Refactor email service and import from config file
🟢 Implement index in the user model for faster search query.
🟢 Password Reset:
- 🟩 1. Password change via reset link.
- 🟩 2. Password change via account settings.
🟢 remove unsatized email from user.validator and user.service
- 🔴 Do you want the signup email to be used for contact email, or do you want an option for a different email?
- 🔴 Do you want more than one contact email?
- ⏩ Signup route: /api/users/signup
- Signup with valid data.
- Signup with existing username/email.
- Signup with invalid email format.
- Signup with missing required fields.