Make working on different projects easy again!
Workspaces lets you configure and quickly launch all you need to work on a project. It can open in a second different instances of code, a specific website and a directory.
I normally work on different projects throught the day, and some of them require a lot of apps to have open, they have different urls etc.
With Workspaces I'm able with a click to open all the stuff I need for a project. I can also check links for github, isues etc for the projects.
I used to use the Workspaces app for mac and I made it very similar.
This app is available on the elementary OS AppCenter.
You can of course download and install this app from source.
Ensure you have these dependencies installed
- granite
- gtk+-3.0
- json-glib-1.0
- libgee-0.8
- meson
- vala
- ninja
# install elementary-sdk, meson and ninja
sudo apt install elementary-sdk meson ninja
# clone repository
git clone workspaces
# cd to dir
cd workspaces
# run meson
meson build --prefix=/usr
# cd to build, build and test
cd build
sudo ninja install && com.github.devalien.workspaces
# after setting up meson build
cd build
# generates pot file
sudo ninja com.github.devalien.workspaces-pot
# to regenerate and propagate changes to every po file
sudo ninja com.github.devalien.workspaces-update-po
- Workspaces Where I got the idea.
- Tuner This app by Lousi Brauer inspired me to build an app myself.
- Clipped I took inspiration for the Quick Launch from this app.
- AppEditor Copied the edit part of the app, I will iterate over it in the next releases.