To run any excercise, go the folder and run the following, Additional details added in the excercise folder:
go mod init
go mod tidy
go run .
- Implement a simple connection pool using Bounded Blocking Queue
- Implement Database Sharding and Routing (from API server)
- Setup Read-replica from a MySQL locally
- Implement fair multi-threaded program
- Implement server-sent events
- Implement server-sent events using Message Broker
- Implement server-sent events on React Components on a web-page.
- Setup RabbitMQ and Kafka locally.Write producer and consumer for them.
- Implement real-time chat using socket IO: Slack-Realtime Text Chat Reference
- Mock EC2 creation & implement Short Polling and Long Polling
- Implement Airline Check-in System
- Deadlock simulation
- Implement a toy KV store on top of MySQL
- Implement simple sharding with a hash or range based routing strategy in above KV store
- Implement flag driven consistent reads.
- Implement Distributed Transactions using 2PC.
- Ingest data in Neo4j and try paginating it.
- Ingest data in MongDB and write aggregation pipeline.
- Implement Message Broadcast across servers using Star Topology leveraging Redis PubSub.
- Implement a load-balancer
- Implement a simple blogging application where you shard by user id; and try to provide a unique ID to each blog. The idea is to understand the need to ID generation when database is sharded.
- Build a simple atomically incrementing integer ID
- Implement the "Amazon's Way" of central ID generation service
- Implement ths sturcutre of MongoDB Object ID
- Benchmark the impact of UUID on relati 5DCF onal database as Primary Key
- Benchmark MySQL's UPSERT using
- Implement Flickr's Odd-Even based ID generation
- Implement Snowflake on
- API, and
- Database as stored procedure
- Benchmark Pagination approaches.
- Implement Zomato Ordering Service using Distributed Transactions using 2PC
- Implement a Toy CDN
- Mimick CDN Failover - on Toy CDN
- Implement pre-signed URL based upload on S3
- Configure CDN to serve Popular Searches JSON response
- Implement JWT based auhthentication
- Build GitHub like OG image and server it via CDN
- Key learning: generating images in backend server and putting it behind a CDN
- Measure the impact of denormalization
- Define a user collection in MongoDB with blogs as its attribute
- Store blogs object in the user document demonting all blogs that a person wrote.
- Store the entire object intead of reference.
- Now benchmark and find out how slow the response times gets as we increase the number of elements in the blogs array
- Implement Lazy Loading of images on frontend
- Implement 5 approaches to count post per hashtag & STOP THE WORLD
- Populate on_msg_event while using websocket.
- Try to identify when the connection breaks and use that opportunity to write event to Kafka
- Configure Redis in cluster mode and figure out how data is distrubuted
- Implement newly unread message indicator on database
- Compute on the fly
- Creates messages table with 1 million rows
- Add one indexes for each column part of the where clause that is queried and measure the time taken
- Compute with mentioned composite indexes, and measure the performance
- Re-arrange the columns and mesure the performance impact
- Implement Consistent Hashing
- Implement consistent hashing as a load balancer algorithm
- Solve skewness problem in consistent hashing with Virtual Nodes
- Implement a simple in-memory single-node cache like Redis as discussed in the session
- Implement the word dictionary on local machine
- using CSV format
- using Bitcask format
- Partial data write problem by writing 100mb file and killing the process in between
- Implement Checksum based WAL or bitcast
- Implement Checksum with DB recovery, as discussed in session.
- Implement Bitcask
- Basic KV operations
- Merge and compaction
- Benchmark sequential IO vs random IO
- Implement B+ Trees
- LSM Tree Based Key-Value Store.
- Implement Bloom Filters and measure: FPR vs Size Vs Num of Hash Func
- Implement Deletable Bloom Filters
- Setup HLS Streaming following Akamai’s Documentation
- Video HLS Streaming Server in Go
- Implement a TCP server that accepts 1GB file
- Transfer the file via one POST request
- Stream the file from client to server from scratch
- Implement GFS
- Implement recent search as discussed during the session
- Capture search logs and make them queryable
- From an HTTP request, extract all possible meta info
- Ingest them in ES
- Plot different graphs, segmenations, and gain insights using Kibana
- Implement Full Text Search on your phone contacts
- implement fuzzy searching
- implement spell correction
- implement synonymic query expansion
- add support for phonetic search
- Cache API responses on Akamai for very short duration
- Option 1: Set TTL on Akamai Console
- Option 2: Drive TTL using response headers from the origin
- Stream some dummy logs from local machine to S3
- Query them using Athena
- Implement Task Scheduler as discussed in the session
- Fixed Time Execution and Cron Schedule
- Implement Job Puller
- Make Jobs Puller Fault Tolerant
- For your machine, compute Unit Tech Economics for Job Puller
- Define a format that allows user to specify any task
- Build capability to run it - Docker Images a simple solution but overskill for simple tasks
- Induce failures in your scheduler and set up alerts if you breach SLA
- Implement Team Relabance feature in Task scheduler
- Do it for Fault Tolerance
- Do it if you want to auto scale
- Implement Brokers in all 3 flavours
- SQS like broker using MySQL as backend
- Kafka like broker using MySQL as backend
- SQS like broker using Bitcask as backend
- Create an account on Razorpay and build simple payment system using their API
- use their “Test Mode”
- use Webhooks to receive Payment Notifications
- Implement GeoHash
- Implement Zoom-in and Zoom-out using Trie based approach
- Evaluate the difference between EVAL and EVAL_RO command
- Fire EVAL command on Replica and observe the output
- Fire EVAL command on Replica using Redis SDK and observe
- Write Lua script and mimic matching algorithm
- use factors like - vehicle type, rating, etc.
- Implement cursor based pagination on MySQL
- Benchmark ingestion throughput when using
- Auto-inc as Primary key
- UUID as primary key