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/*! | |
* jQuery Tiny Pub/Sub - v0.6 - 1/10/2011 | |
* http://benalman.com/ | |
* | |
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman | |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. | |
* http://benalman.com/about/license/ | |
*/ | |
(function($){ | |
// Create a "dummy" jQuery object on which to bind, unbind and trigger event | |
// handlers. Note that $({}) works in jQuery 1.4.3+, but because .unbind on | |
// a "plain object" throws errors in older versions of jQuery, an element is | |
// used here. | |
var o = $('<b/>'); | |
// Subscribe to a topic. Works just like bind, except the passed handler | |
// is wrapped in a function so that the event object can be stripped out. | |
// Even though the event object might be useful, it is unnecessary and | |
// will only complicate things in the future should the user decide to move | |
// to a non-$.event-based pub/sub implementation. | |
$.subscribe = function( topic, fn ) { | |
// Call fn, stripping out the 1st argument (the event object). | |
function wrapper() { | |
return fn.apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ); | |
} | |
// Add .guid property to function to allow it to be easily unbound. Note | |
// that $.guid is new in jQuery 1.4+, and $.event.guid was used before. | |
wrapper.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || ( $.guid ? $.guid++ : $.event.guid++ ); | |
// Bind the handler. | |
o.bind( topic, wrapper ); | |
}; | |
// Unsubscribe from a topic. Works exactly like unbind. | |
$.unsubscribe = function() { | |
o.unbind.apply( o, arguments ); | |
}; | |
// Publish a topic. Works exactly like trigger. | |
$.publish = function 10000 () { | |
o.trigger.apply( o, arguments ); | |
}; | |
})(jQuery); |
/* | |
* jQuery Tiny Pub/Sub - v0.6 - 1/10/2011 | |
* http://benalman.com/ | |
* | |
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman | |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. | |
* http://benalman.com/about/license/ | |
*/ | |
(function($){var a=$("<b/>");$.subscribe=function(b,c){function d(){return c.apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1))}d.guid=c.guid=c.guid||($.guid?$.guid++:$.event.guid++);a.bind(b,d)};$.unsubscribe=function(){a.unbind.apply(a,arguments)};$.publish=function(){a.trigger.apply(a,arguments)}})(jQuery); |
A handy little plugin, thanks Ben! And even littler thanks to a-laughlin, nice work! :)
JSFiddled here: http://jsfiddle.net/HvAJf/46/
a-laughlin's is 132 characters in case anyone else is wondering!
@cowboy the minified version is wrong. it uses ,
instead of ;
between the different functions
@mahemoff note that @a-laughlin's code, once wrapped in an IIFE (152 bytes minified), is 138 bytes gzipped, while mine (185 bytes minified) is 121 bytes gzipped.
@cowboy I figured after commenting that what really broke the plugin was the missing ;
at then end, which caused issues when concatenating files together
Your concatenating utility could join JavaScript source files on ";"
instead of ""
God help me how do I stop getting notifications on this thing?
works in IE9+, or with Modernizr 2.5 or standalone Function.prototype.bind
(function($) {
var o = $({});
$.subscribe = o.on.bind(o);
$.unsubscribe = o.off.bind(o);
$.publish = o.trigger.bind(o);
Does anyone have any thoughts on using this pattern with Zepto? I've found that Zepto doesn't like $({})
, though it's fine with $('<b/>')
. Is this a significant performance hit to use $('<b/>')
, or is there a better way to port this plugin to Zepto?
@eschwartz $({})
is just an empty jQuery object, substitute it for whatever is the equivalent in Zepto
@rwldrn Thanks, but my issue is that I haven't been able to figure out how to create an empty element in Zepto. I suppose I should pose that issue on a Zepto forum, but I thought someone might have a workaround here.
Zepto only makes use of the DOM-based event system so there's no way to get a real empty element to work as the global pub/sub object. We might as well use ("").
I wrapped this into AMD module to use it with require.js
define(function () {
"use strict";
* Events. Pub/Sub system for Loosely Coupled logic.
* Based on Peter Higgins' port from Dojo to jQuery
* https://github.com/phiggins42/bloody-jquery-plugins/blob/master/pubsub.js
* Re-adapted to vanilla Javascript
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* And then wrapped to AMD Module by Dragan Bajcic @kodisha
* @class Events
return {
cache : {},
* Events.publish
* e.g.: Events.publish("/Article/added", [article], this);
* @class Events
* @method publish
* @param topic {String}
* @param args {Array}
* @param scope {Object=} Optional
publish : function (topic, args, /** {Object=} */ scope) {
console.log('publish',topic, args);
if (this.cache[topic]) {
var thisTopic = this.cache[topic],
i = thisTopic.length - 1;
for (i ; i >= 0 ; i -= 1) {
thisTopic[i].apply(scope || this, args || []);
* Events.subscribe
* e.g.: Events.subscribe("/Article/added", Articles.validate)
* @class Events
* @method subscribe
* @param topic {String}
* @param callback {Function}
* @return Event handler {Array}
subscribe : function (topic, callback) {
console.log('subscribe', topic, callback);
if (!this.cache[topic]) {
this.cache[topic] = [];
return [topic, callback];
* Events.unsubscribe
* e.g.: var handle = Events.subscribe("/Article/added", Articles.validate);
* Events.unsubscribe(handle);
* @class Events
* @method unsubscribe
* @param handle {Array}
* @param completly {Boolean}
* @return {type description }
unsubscribe : function (handle, completly) {
var t = handle[0],
i = this.cache[t].length - 1;
if (this.cache[t]) {
for (i ; i >= 0 ; i -= 1) {
if (this.cache[t][i] === handle[1]) {
this.cache[t].splice(this.cache[t][i], 1);
if (completly) {
delete this.cache[t];
I have only one concern/suggestion to this relatively simple PubSub - it doesn't take into account published events that have already happened (in the past). Why is this important? Assume for a second that I want to subscribe to an event that had already happened, or I dont know that it happened, but still want my new subscriber to be triggered with the last-published values? My suggestion is to add something like this:
(function($) {
var o = $({}), pastEvents = {};
$.subscribe = function() {
var type = arguments.slice(0, 1)[0],
handler = arguments.slice(-1)[0];
//Fire your subscribe handler if event has already happened
if(type in pastEvents) {
pastEvents[type].done(function() {
handler.apply(o, arguments);
//Subscribe to future events as well
o.on.apply(o, arguments);
$.unsubscribe = function() {
o.off.apply(o, arguments);
$.publish = function() {
var type = arguments.slice(0, 1)[0],
data = arguments.slice(1)[0];
//Preserve data for future subscribers to this event
pastEvents[type] = $.Deferred().resolve(data).promise();
o.trigger.apply(o, arguments);
Even smaller just for sillyness
var o=$({}),s='subscribe';
If we're talking about relative sizes, why use "publish/subscribe" nomenclature? Just stick with "on/off/trigger" (or my preferred "on/off/do").
UPDATE I just found out why the "pros" stick to trigger
instead of do
(boo <IE9).
Example: https://gist.github.com/zaus/4756518
/* jQuery Tinier Pub/Sub - v0.9b - "on/off/do version" - 2013-02-11
* original by http://benalman.com/ 10/27/2011
* Original Copyright (c) 2011 "Cowboy" Ben Alman; Licensed MIT, GPL */
(function($) {
// "topic" holder
var o = $({});
// attach each alias method
$.each({on:0,off:0,"go":'trigger'}, function(alias,method) {
$[alias] = function(topic, callbackOrArgs) {
o[method || alias].apply(o, arguments);
@connected - what's the default event you're trying to prevent? isn't this limited to the arbitrary hidden topic var o
? just curious.
@kodi thanks for the requirejs module implementation!
How would you add support for wildcards in the topic name? Does it even make sense as jQuery doesn't support wildcards for event names? Or is using a standalone pub/sub library the better approach?
I know some javascript and little of jQuery (been playing with Ember, just for fun). I understand the on
methods, but I do not understand what var o = $({});
does. Can anyone please explain?
As always, google doesn't consider these braces and the $ in its search results.
@gmanish var o = $({})
simply creates a jQuery collection with an empty object {}
that becomes the recipient of all the event triggers. As other comments show, the recipient could be anything like $('<b />')
I am telling you this is working really good.
Made a Typescript version of this here: https://gist.github.com/ahmed-musallam/d12a71b8a3ec8cebf52c12f81f3da154
@cowboy this gist is getting spammed
At Pest Control Ann Arbor, we provide top-quality pest control solutions to protect homes and businesses from unwanted pests. Our experienced team offers safe and effective treatments for cockroaches, rodents, termites, mosquitoes, and more. We use eco-friendly methods to ensure long-term pest prevention. Customer satisfaction and a pest-free environment are our top priorities. Trust Pest Control Ann Arbor for reliable, professional, and affordable pest control services.
@PestControlNumpa2 wow that sounds like a great deal. Thank you for this information. Does your pest control work on GitHub repo comments?
Man why do I even bother with open source
At Zap It Pest Control, we provide top-quality solutions to keep homes and businesses free from unwanted pests. Our experienced team offers safe and effective treatments for cockroaches, rodents, termites, mosquitoes, and more. Using eco-friendly methods, we ensure long-term pest prevention. Customer satisfaction and a pest-free environment are our top priorities. Trust Pest Control Melbourne for reliable, professional, and affordable pest control services.
Nice, Ben. Very elegant. Here's the same with a tiny bit more shaved off.
var o=$({}); $.each( {on:'subscribe',off:'unsubscribe',trigger:'publish'} ,function(k,v){ $[v]=function(){o[k].apply(o,arguments)}; });